Nigger is calling for more violence.
>Shaun King hid at home
>Deray went to Baton Rouge
>Shaun King Bravely stayed hiding in his house
>Deray arrested for the cause
>Shaun King gonna sit there nice and comfy and type about it
Nigger is calling for more violence.
>Shaun King hid at home
>Deray went to Baton Rouge
>Shaun King Bravely stayed hiding in his house
>Deray arrested for the cause
>Shaun King gonna sit there nice and comfy and type about it
Other urls found in this thread:
ps pls clicks my latest article for New York daily news (TM)
he's not even a nigger, he's white as snow
Shaun WE WUZ KYANGZ N SHEEEIIIIIT just can't win.
Anyone got a picture of his white parents and siblings?
He dead nao #ripderay
I thought he was forced out of blm for stealing money?
Fucking nostril boy
I think you misspelled "white roleplayer"
>13 million out of 320 million people, notorious for not working, plan to not work in order to shut down the country
Be funny if he actually died but because of everyone fucking about pretending he died no one actually believes it and the chimpout never happens
He's an enemy of the state. Pic related.
>country shut down because of strong, empowered niggers
Wew lad
Oh that was an issue.
>le racism dogwhistle
>le leftists all back the fuck off cause oh nooo
>Shaun King continues to take money
>CHECK OUT HIS NEW ARTICLE "fucking white people" in the NYDN!!!
This motherfucker did more for the racial divide than we could have hoped for.
He recently wrote a piece (Fuck I hate that term) apologising to all in BLM AND asked they bury the hatchet.
He's a disgusting piece of trash.
He's a ginger with a buzzcut, Tim.
>there is literally no one in America who can pick him off with a .308 from 200+ yards
They'll take him back and it will happen again.
Not if he is given bitch work to do as the poor little wite boi that he is
He's a transnigger, you racist piece of shit.
I'm 1/64 Mongolian, that makes me more of a minority than Shaun King. He better check his fucking privilege.
The fuck does this even mean? Like black people are the cogs that keep the fucking country moving or something? Oh no, they won't show up to jobs they don't have!
Or does he mean they'll hang out in freeways and get shot in the face by more chemicals?
>why do the killing when the nigger keeps giving himself enough rope and then jumping off a ledge and hanging himself with it
He'll off himself soon enough when his wife leaves him for a real black man.
>Mr. King, your free rc robot has arrived
full of shit, as usual. literally nobody knows the middle name of charles s. whitman, just the initial. he couldn't name it. i'm sure there's others.
Every Italian American is more black than Shaun King
He's at least mixed? Look at his flared nostrils and hair
LITERALLY a housenigger.
I want to believe
white boy with a buzz cut and a fat nose.
Let me guess. Typing in the extra five characters means you can't tweet that tweet?
He probably flares his nostrils deliberately whenever he's in front of a camera.
Dude is a white kid cosplaying the lightest skinned nigga on the planet. How has he not been laughed out of his job yet?
The left and the niggers have lost the moral highground, never interrupt the enemy when they are making a mistake.
He states he's 3/4 white, but just look at his brothers though. Looks like some curly ass Irish fuckers.
I've been on vacation for the past week and have been avoiding this shit.
What the fuck is going on here.
A black man shoots a bunch of cops, and social media's takeaway is "Cops are bad black lives matter?"
Like, am I insane? The nigger is clearly at fault here.
Do black people call him out on being white? Or do they just blindly fucking accept he's black because it fits their agenda?
LOTS of niggers on twitter give him shit for being white, but he never acknowledges.
dude is cuck of the universe.
I guess he isn't woke
I was reading the newspaper here and they wrote a big article about it.
In went as such:
>5 cops killed by a black sniper
>Here's why he killed them
>Some stats about black deaths to cops in the US
>He did something wrong, but look at how justified it was to kill the cops!
I'm still waiting for Breivik's manifesto to be discussed seriously.
This is what they're trying to do.
However, they've lost the moral high ground and the majority of Americans.
Right now is them being like "N-Noooooo b-but we wuz legitimate!"
I bet blacks think Shaun is a pathetic, weak white boi.
it's 13% so ~40 million. they might be surprised that they get nowhere near that many of their brothers and sisters out with them to SHUT IT DOWN but only an increasingly dwindling number of easily scared off college kids.
Bullshit, you faggot. His mom cheated on his "dad" with some sort of nigger and created him. He isn't white.
Shaun King is a shitposting autist, I honestly would be surprised if anyone outside of the Sup Forums/reddit/tumblr sphere actually paid attention to him.
Hi shaun
salty whiteboi
>His mom cheated on his "dad" with some sort of nigger and created him. He isn't white.
lolno, he said that to save face. You know you're the ultimate fucked-up wigger queer freak when you have to make up a cuck fantasy of your mom getting BBC while your dad watches in the corner.
I didnt know it was racist to not type out the scum fucks full name. Cant make this shit up.
You ain't missing much.
>shaun king
holy shit leftists are fucking retarded
Who? Him?
>shaun king
he might act like one, but he ain't no darky, no matter how much he wants to be one
also, pic related
he's a literal cuck
>surprised that Shaun Kingstein hid behind the scenes
He probably blocked me because of this.
>pic related
Bravo, Aussies getting blocked for their shitposting ways.
I salute you.
100% Aryan Shaun King infiltrates black community, fans the flames of racewar
does anyone have those old kkking memes? like the ones with his face and the quotes are fucking ace
>Shaun King
Choose one but only one
Cause of death found.
>white man got job writing on black issues
>uses platform to rile up blacks
>calls for shut down
>incites race war
>eggs blacks on after Dallas
Hail Victory "Shaun"!!
>lived as he died, on his knees
He choked on a dick?
Why not, it's topical.
True, I was reacting emotionally after years of watching these fucking niggers acting as if they are something to be contended with. I just want them all dead.
Our people are the slowest faggots to get the memo that they're in trouble and it makes me just want to force them to live like we do.
Hopefully Whites will begin to act fucking free and happy instead of scared and contained.
Guys, I'm seriously scared. What if he successfully gets all the Blacks to quit working and go on strike? Then we would get nothing done.
The only thing affected would be your local shitty fast food joint and you would have to bag your own groceries. I think we'll survive. All the actual hard working blacks (Police, Firemen, Construction Workers, ect) don't buy into this stupidity.
>all the niggers stop killing each other over drugs and turf, and actually work to make something happen
it would almost bring a tear to my eye
too bad those lazy ass welfare queens will never do anything. they will bitch and "have this conversation we need to have" till your ear falls off, but actually doing anything? fuckkk that sheeeeeeeeeeet.
>All niggers go on strike
>People notice pretty much nothing is affected
>Deport niggers to Africa
Our cotton would go unpicked!!!
Talk about dad body. Jesus.
He stayed home because he's white and they would have fucked him up
fuck off sean
First thing that came to mind.
Bet his job at the NY Daily News pays more than most of us make.
He's not black you fucking mong, where have you been?
requesting 23andme
Will reimburse if legit mulatto
>>Shaun King
I still believe he is one of us and trolling them all.
Sam Hyde doesn't care if his target is locked up or not.
Don't the african americans realize that because they commit so much crime, when the police is called they are far more likely to encounter black assailants than pretty much everyone else, even in neighbourghoods where they are not so concentrated. This is also why police are more suspicous of blacks in general because they commit so much crime.. basic logic, would be same with insert whatever ethnicity that constantly commits massive amounts of crime and which you as a police officer thusly encounter a lot in your work.
And with that in mind aswell as blacks apparent penchant for after comitting a crime or acting suspicious resisting arrest and these things so that the situation escalates.. I'm surprised that accidents or bad events doesn't happen more.. it actually shows restraint on the side of police that more blacks doesn't end up getting hurt whilst being arrested.
It's amazing that they don't grasp the concept of don't commit any crime and the police won't even be there..
They're acting like
"oh no i robbed a liquor store to get me some of that malt, but i'm the victim here cause the police came and arrested me for it, it was cuz i is black! WHITE MAN SO EVIL "dude that guy is latino" "oh but the OTHER guy, dude that guy is asian" "yeah yeah they working for the white man it's white supremacy"
"but you robbed a liquor store dude" "yeah white man holding me down i can't afford my liquor.."
"maybe you're holding yourself down you drunk criminal sob"
"b.but white man holding me down? whitemanholdingmedown???"
Blmfags confirmed for nobantz
Its better if they are. Then they can't run
It's amazing how such a small percentage of the population thinks that EVERYTHING has to be about them and about catering to them and their needs. And if you don't then "dats raycist".
Why don't they just go live in majority black africa they can have all the attention they want at all times, practically next to no minorities there from other nations.. or do they like to be like the special little kid that people try to help fit in but just rage if he doesn't get what he wants.
YOU KNOW WHAT I'M STARTING TO REALIZE..They want to be ones that act out but that you want to help fit in and tolerate their bad behaviour that you would not tolerate from anyone else..
They WANT to be treated better than everyone else, and the thought of being treated exactly the same as everyone else which is according to how you behave and act, and showing no specific special kind of tolerance or anything of that kind towards them. Scares the shit out of them.. That's why they wouldn't move to africa that is so black that they would have to be lucky to meet a non black person.
No special treatment means that they're just like everyone else.. no longer special.. no longer special tolerance no longer more lax requirements.. And they're afraid as fuck about that.. so this whole bullshit is just attention seeking to become the special kids again now that a lot of immigration from other nations are now being catered to instead of them (this is obviously also a mistake).
It's kind of hilarious when you start to realize this, they can't be that stupid to think that police is actually mass murdering them, and just ignore the massive crime in their neighbourghoods and the killing of blacks and the black males leaving a single mother and all that shit..
They really can't be that stupid, it's one big attention seeking guilt trip to become the special kid again.. and scared of being treated like everyone else.
>Niggers want to play the victim
Took you this long to figure it out?
Because if that happens they would have to be accountable for their own actions. Instead of blaming bad shit they do on someone or something else. Because if that was the case nobody would listen to the bullshit they were saying when they want to make excuses for fucking up in some way.
And quite frankly i think that scares the shit out of a lot of them. It's kind of like they've made scapegoating a lifestyle and part of the subculture developed in their communities. So many of them seems to not think they should take any responsibility for their own actions, but just blame it on white people whenever something goes bad for them or when they fuck something up..
>took you this long to figure out.
Well no but the WHY took me a while. because at first i thought they were overly dramatically sorry for themselves because of things in the past that is also way blown out of proportion aswell as the lack of realization that slavery was common place all over the world and whites were the first ones to end it in mass, and it split the country in fucking half in the US trying to free the slaves..
But took me a while to realize that they do it on purpose knowing they really shouldn't do it because it's unecessary. But since they figured out they can guilt trip or cry racism for special priveledges.. they've been riding that gravy train hard..
>whites were the first ones to end it in mass
Whites are the only race who don't still practice it today.
Whites should really get a grip and drive the fact home that whites have historically and even in modern times been the most anti-slavery, anti-racist, pro-equality race. Drive home the positive sides of white colonialism and such. Or alternatively, stop being those things. So fucking annoyed that whites are the most cucked race, yet the narrative is that whites are the most evilest race. Goddamnit.
Hypothetically, if someone had evidence Shaun King was an actual KKK infiltrator, say by leaking his name in a KKK mailing list for that Klan in Cali or Georgia...what would happen? Hypothetically?
Pleasssse post source
>cause the police came and arrested me for it
They generally dont care about crime, it is getting in trouble for the crime. You NEVER hear them complain about crime in their communities but you constantly her them talk about unfair policing and arrest statistics.
I hate Shaun King so much. Every single headline of his just makes me cringe. He has a real knack for saying EXACTLY the wrong thing. I can't think of another "journalist" who's so pen and transparent about trying to stir up hate and division, and avoid real discussion of solutions.