Thank fucking god

thank fucking god

Amen. Just looking at the very faces of that squinty-eyed cunt and Shaggy makes me infuriated.

I've never seen a show fall off so hard and so fast. The first season was great and then it instantly transformed into an embarrassment.

Inb4 2025 adult swim reboot because that's all tv is now

Fucking hell I actually watched the first few seasons as it was airing, and I remember enjoying it. But I guess it was one of those things where it just got bigger and bigger so they pushed the characters into more outrageous situations relying on more grossout gags and catchphrases and shit like that. I don't know, I stopped watching around season 3.

>likes 208

>The first season was great and then it instantly transformed into an embarrassment
It went to shit after the first episode

does that faggot with the long hair actually wear that style outside the show?

I have a friend who loves the show to death and I make fun of him for desperately trying to get me into it. The best part is, the episode he chose to show me was just one long Costco commercial and he was too dense to understand that's all the episode was the first watch.

>I stopped watching around season 3.
season 3 was shit, but they got it back after it
don't know why the show is despised, it's stupid entertainment but always lighthearted, just a bunch of stupid bros being bros no matter what.