
Sup Forums memes are so cringe

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The fuck you talking bout? Bioware is shit is literally their only good meme.

>implying Bioware won't go out of business within 5 years

It's just the EA cycle, user. CD Project has surpassed them in every way, anyway.

>hahahah a bad game is bad! So funneh

I bet you like dane cook,you stupid tard

Sup Forums memes are italian scatmovies ala salo
>so funnai XDXDXDXD

No one ever talks about salo and we actually have discussion here every once and while.

Sup Forums is a board where no one likes games and everyone has the sense of humor of a 16yo from the early 2000s and they try to force their unfunny memes.There is nothing redeeming about it at all.

Do you have a learning disability or something? Who said it was funny? It's good because it's true. And if it's going to go endless circlejerk like everything on this reddit of a site it might as well be.

your a big alien
dude wheat lmao

how new are you?

crashing with no 4us