Who hype? I've scheduled Friday off. Tonight I'll stock up on the beer. Thw final Defender is about to arrive. Hope Netflix's servers can handle it.
24 hours baby
I will ONLY watch this if it has a cameo by Chloe Bennet or Dichen Lachmen.
I cared more about Buddy Thunderstruck than this.
You gonna get YELLOWED
>(from April 2016) Every day for the last month, I start my day with about two and a half hours of martial arts — which is kung fu and wushu mixed with a bit of tai chi, and other stuff as well. In the afternoon I’ll do weight training with a trainer to bulk me up and get my physically right for the part. And in evenings I’ve been doing meditation classes and learning buddhist philosophies
I still need to finish Luke Cage.
Being an actor is so cool. Imagine being PAID to do that !
>finishing Luke Cage.
Best of luck with that.
No shit. It's hard to find the location to workout my own. I wish I had his trainers. I'm stiff as a board. Pic related is supposed to top the Daredevil Season 1 Hallway fight. Expect a lot of over the top theatrics in the style of a Bruce Lee joint.
I might have been hyped if the protagonist looked like Danny in the comics instead of a skinny hipster bitch. This is as bad as DC casting Gadot as Wonder Woman.
Marvel can fuck off with this nu-male garbage.
I don't like your cartoon's artwork. Marvel's aim was to the give Iron Fist a nimble physique you'd see on a ninja like Bruce Lee. Even though Finn Jones towers over Mr. Lee I think they got the proper results. What was most important was of course getting the Kung Fu drilled into the lead actor. I think at 6 feet tall nimble Finn Jones will be a fun contrast to the stout boxer everyone knows as Daredevil.
It actually does not. Agents of shield is an embarrassing show.
lel the last episode of AoS was 10/10, you're out of touch
>an accident gave me super powers and here are some obvious gangster villains
>an accident gave me super powers while killing my whole family and a mental mindfucker is out to get me unless I get him first
>an experiment gave me super powers, I just want to lay low but my friends, family and community need my help
>I was missing presumed dead in a plane crash that killed my parents. I trained as a martial artist and got my super power. I comeback to western civilization with no documents to prove my identity and have to get my fathers company back from new owners who may secretly be in league with my ancient enemy.
I'm expecting some enjoyable fights but I'm not surprised that the first half is slow enough to get shit reviews with what they have to get done. I do hope the second half picks up but if it doesn't then oh well, better luck with season 2.
AoS is good now you pleb
you took the day off so you can watch super hero shit? how much of a man child are you? you sure will they be able to fill your shift at KFC?
What an insult to Bruce to compare him to this dyel hipster.
*blocks your review*
I'll probably tune in for, but I'm just so frustrated how all the Marvel Netflix shows are half shit. How hard is it to write a good and coherent story? It's just 13 episodes and all of the shows have shit the bed in some way or another.
But I'm still fairly optimistic and open for this series. Personally I don't care about the controversy around the show. I just wish that this show would do something surprising and new, and had a good story overall and great characters.
I hope there's cameos.
>Daredevil was shit
>Jessica Jones was unwatchable
>obviously didn't watch Luke Cage
Little hype for this certified turd tbqh
No you don't, he goes back to prison and takes out his stepbrother, watch Iron first instead
>over the top theatrics like Bruce Lee
Huh? Have you ever seen a bruce Lee film?
>he goes back to prison and takes out his stepbrother
Reverse those, but Luke Cage is worth watching
Why didn't they just buy reviews like they do all the time?
only works when the hero isn't white and appropriating culture
And? sjws matter because?
What is appropriating culture ? is it like the cis privilege of 2017
No it isnt, if you like comics its worth a watch for shit like the escape, other then that def the worst out of these four
damn i entered this thread hoping it was posted 24hrs ago
You make as little sense as the pre-reviews
That's honestly not impressive at all. I've seen 15 year old kids that don't work out with the same physique. The beard also ruins it, I don't get why he has it. They could have cast another actor to be honest.
This really, only one out of like ten capeshit movies are decnt and so far no tv capeshit has been good at all
>b-but legion
>b-but gotham
Both shit
Sounds kinda like the monologue from Patrick Bateman about his daily routine
Legion.is kino.u pleb.
Rest of capeshit.series are bad including gotham and memedevil
>Legion.is kino.u pleb
Why did I laugh.
When i first read it i thought that's what he was doing. Glad i wasn't the only one.
>muh visuals
Holy shit, just because a show has good visuals doesn't mean its kino. No wonder people praise Snyder. Bunch of shallow shits.
Bruce Lee intentionally bulked up his weight when he went into movies for the look onscreen, that wasn't his natural fighting physique before then.
In a world of equality, compassion and understanding, every stereotype apply to their given race only and having a character doing something typically foreign to their race is racist
Why do people care about his look so much he's not a UFC fighter, isn't he supposed to be more like a monk?
Monks aren't heavy and overly muscular.
And off camera he was at least tone. Iron Fist literally who says he weight trains to bulk up- I call bullshit.
I don't want Chris Evans levels of bulk but Christ, at least don't lie about working out.
>kung fu is about big muscley dudes!
AoS is garbo. Watch The S1-S2 Flash to truly know how bad you marvel cucks have it on TV.
That said flash s3 is fucking awful
>Who hype?
No one.
I am
AoS > Flash
i watch both
>AoS > Flash
is this supposed to be badass or something?
lol, ok I stopped when umm, ah ford was black goo thing monster from the otherside, it still sucked, come on what exactly got better about it?
nah, its triggered autists trying to shit on this thing before it comes out because of sjws, been going all week
Can't wait, it's going to be great. As great as Luke Cage
you know she's basically terminator yea? a cyborg, no you didn't, huh
Wait, this is not dc, who glues pubes to people's faces in marvel universe?
>mfw I've just watched Daredevil season 1
Where did everything go so, so wrong?
>10 shill credits have been deposited
>isn't he supposed to be more like a monk?
No, this is Iron Fist supposed to look like.
nah thats dumb
How could they fuck it up so bad? Jessica Jones and Luke Cage were absolute trash and no one was hyped for this after those trainwrecks, but they should have pretended to give a fuck at least
what r u stupid? what about this pic is so great? have you ever read an ironfist, nah any comic? ever?
Seems like that these recent iron fists threads are all shillings. Are people really excited to watch another capeshit show?
Take it up with capeshit artists.
nah people are desperate to agree with sjw shills before anyones seen it, its almost like, like a raid or something, weird
lol, next time pls read what your trying desperately to shit on, sjw cuck
I'm going to watch this show because I'm a huge Iron Fist fan and I love martial arts and kung fu shit but.... why the fuck didn't they make him get fit for the role?
Grant Gustin has a fucking six pack in The Flash and that character doesn't even need it.
he prob does, that is literally the worst photo he could've picked that was the point
>DCEU casts lead dudes
>casts hunks
>MCU casts lead dudes
>casts hunks bar RDJ
>Netflix casts lead dudes
>casts scrawny uncharismatic fucbois
>made me look it up
ward, w/e when he comes back as the black goo monster
Daredevil and Luke Cage look fine physique wise.
>fgt frantically shitposts
This, it's more of a MCU thing. Besides DeKnight is a Snyder fan so automatically /ourguy/
morons actually believe this
you honestly don't think theirs shills here or a 'put a nigger in everything' mentality in hollywood? seriously?
again worst possible promo shot possible, or are you just meming? yea u meming
Can't you read? I said Luke Cage and Daredevil look fine, which means that you can't call it a trend for Netflix to cast scrawny leads when it only happened 1 out of 3 times so far.
no actual discussion to be had ITTs, just weird faux-sjw memes, jannies should just delete till the show comes out.
The 'not x-men/mutant' phase was the best it got. Shield are still an insufferable bunch of hypocritical shitters. Magic only started to really show up this season. The constant need to name drops characters but have them show up has long since out stayed it's welcome.
They can't afford to anymore since Doctor Quips and Civil Turd lost so much money.
That acting is terrible. I thought you could do better netflix.
thought so, it didn't seem like it would ever improve much
>that shill is terrible I thought u could do better sjws
maybe they shouldn't have casted some skinny ugly fuck
lol, fgt
>Finn Jones blames Trump's the reason his show is getting trashed
Asyiqin was right all along.
>Jones recently quit Twitter (he has since returned) after being accused of hypocrisy after comments he made about the importance of diversity on television.