As an Aboriginal Australian, will I have a high risk of getting shot by the police if I go to America for a holiday? Or is it only African American's who get shot?
As an Aboriginal Australian, will I have a high risk of getting shot by the police if I go to America for a holiday...
They'll just think you're an abnormally ugly African American and shoot you anyway when they can't understand what you're saying.
Die Anibus scum.
>be american
You'll just be run over by a truck and die because you're too stupid to understand traffic lights.
Don't buy into the media. People are getting shot by cops because they are engaged in criminal behavior and/or try to pull a gun on a cop.
If you don't have a gun and keep your hands on the wheel you should be fine. You do however have a higher risk of being shot by other black men.
You will find out that in america they didnt change the components of fuel and sniff it until youre silly. Then some cop finds you swimming in your own waste and when you dont comply to him since you are too busy being high he will tazer you and you will die from a heartattack.
Just don't sleep on the road or steal petrol and you'll be fine.
put enutha shrimp on the bix nood
No they'll shoot you got trying to drink gasoline directly from the pump
cunt you will have a high chance of being swept up by the zoo
>not having a gun and keeping your hands visible means cops won't kill you
wrong - cops kill black people for nothing all the time, even when they are clearly unarmed and not a threat. OP, if you come to america, just kill some white folk while you are here.
would you reach for your wallet when a police officer yells "DON'T MOVE"?
Dark skin girls with nice features get my cock hard. Too rare.
I hate the fact that Danes know what aboriginals even are, let alone their past times.
If you look like a nigger and act like a nigger you'll be shot like a nigger.
How "Aboriginal are you? Are you one of those fuckwits that claim to be abo but actually 1/512th or are you a proper full blooded petrol sniffing shitstain?
He can use a computer, what do you think?
>As an Aboriginal Australian
Don't come to the USA. Our police are extremely racist. In fact, it is a requirement that you be racist to join the police. Most states have dead nigger quotas and cops kill tens of thousands of black people every year.
don't come, abanon. You will definitely get shot.
abos travel? i've always been under the impression that abos wouldnt even understand the concept of traveling. like they seem like they have no desire to go anywhere or do anything.
They'll throw you in the damn zoo to replace harambe
I hate that too man.
Cops shooting blacks is rare enough that it still makes the news here. It's other black people you need to worry about, they kill each other every day and no one cares.
Listen to this user. Hundreds of innocent black men are shot by police every day simply for being black.
Don't come to the USA.
>Does not know Media is controlled by Jews to push political agenda
>Believes this "race war" bullshit spewed by them
Leave faggot. No 70 IQ's on this board nigger.
In fact, you'll be LESS likely to get shot if your skin color is dark.
It has been proven that cops are now more apprehensive about pulling the trigger on a black.
Unfortunately, blacks present themselves in situations where they are an immediate danger to the safety of nearby law-abiding people.
You're more safe than a white if you're not breaking any laws.