Why is it that the Alt-Right is so econ illiterate? Don't get me wrong, the alt-left is worse, but all the Alt-right ever focuses on is social issues, with little to no knowledge on how Macro or Micro economics work. Probably because most of them are autists, but that's just my guess.
Why is it that the Alt-Right is so econ illiterate? Don't get me wrong, the alt-left is worse...
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Why have real discussions when you can say things like GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW instead?
Because they think the social issues are causing the economic issues?
Isn't it possible that SJWs culture and mass immigration is what is creating economic problems like unemployment? Culture influences behavior that influences economy.
The more workers in an economy the larger it can grow. Immigration stimulates the economy it doesn't inhibit it.
the alt right are autists sitting in an echo chamber. economics doesn't matter here. we're meming for a race war in case you hadn't noticed
Its hard to tell who is memeing and who is being serious.
>calling anyone else autistic
The only economy is the wealth and well being of the people and production for the citizens.
>this is what libertarian autists ACTUALLY believe
>I just sat through my first economics lesson and now i'm an expert: The Thread
Mods if you banned the salsa faggot ban this cunt too, this thread is worthless bait; no argument.
Economics should never have been politicized to begin with. It's a problem for economists to solve. Highly abstract and technical, and very counter-intuitive to most people. It's a good thing the alt-right doesn't touch it. It should stay that way. Mostly a Jewish distraction anyway.
>yes, goy, worry about property taxes and not the genocide of your race hehehe
hourly reminder that libertarianism has been scientifically proven to be the most pure, distilled type of autism on earth
of course it should be politicized
immigrants and non whites are destroying the fucking economy
Did you just finish your first week of summer classes?
Because alt-right is just a reactionnary movement to the alt-left which was created to demolish legit economic discussion to speak only about identity.
Do you remember of Occupy Wall Street in 2011 ? That was the result of 3 years of financial scandals and discussion about reforming the system.
Then, suddenly all this "Social Justice" bullshit appeared and divided the crowd.
Example: youtube.com
The thing was planified by globalists Soros who grew worried about the possibility of seeing their power decentralized so they threw and funded these freaks in the movement to rot the whole thing from the inside.
There a no coincidences.
I'm not a libertarian.
Nice meaningless statistics
Its not bait. The Alt-Right has no concept of Fiscal vs Monetary policy and doesn't seem to know that monetary policy will always affect the economy more than fiscal policy. And the propose retarded trade and immigration reform which inhibits growth.
Libertarians are autismos who think you can let in 70-IQ fruit pickers from the third world, and their descendants will magically love liberty just as much as they do. Fucking autismos.
>I'm not a libertarian.
you clearly are a libertarian or at least a neoliberal globalist (which is basically the same thing)
>meaningless statistics
>wage stagnation is meaningless
classic libertarian autism
>older people are making more money
Well no fucking shit they are, they've been in the workforce longer.
I'm not a fucking libertarian.
I studied econ at the university.
Youre obv a newfag as ron paul is our economic savior
I'm a moderate Keynesian lol.
I'm a Keynesian
Politics is the basis of economy. Central bank, trade laws, taxes, every cornerstone of an economy is born from state. If we did not have the politics of today we could still be in a feudalist economy.
> Alt-right
He only ones that posed a threat to Hitler was the right. It was them who tried to assesinate him.
> Alt-right
I don't think there is much of that in /pol
What the fuck is this?
Monetary policy affects the economy more than fiscal policy ever will (unless in extreme circumstances)
>older people are making more money
Holy fuck can you not even read a basic chart? Older people making more money isn't the point, dipshit
>I'm a Keynesian
Fuck you faggot I'm a real Keynesian and Keynes was probably the most pro protectionist economist on earth at least since List
I'm a New-Keynesian you fucking autist.
more jewish labels so people stick to a side and never question their masters.
Then you're not keynesian?
Don't stick to a word because you like how it sounds when you don't know shit about what it means
>Monetary policy affects the economy more than fiscal policy ever will
That might be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. They are both important in acting counter cyclically to the economy.
Bravo on being legit retarded.
>I'm a neoclassical kike shill pretending to be a Keynesian
yes that's obvious
Both Monetarists and any non retarded Keynesian agree, monetary policy affects the economy more than fiscal policy. They are both important, just monetary policy more so.
To anyone wondering Neo Keynesians are probably the worst people on the planet btw
They're the ones you can thank for the government giving trillions to wall street.
>neoclassical and neoliberal shills jerk each other off over how wrong they are about everything
I'm so glad your autistic, libertarian ideologies are dying.
>Hurr durr da wallstret r da bad guis
oh god I hope this is b8
>And the propose retarded trade and immigration reform which inhibits growth.
Protectionism is necessary and free trade is evil. Economic prosperity is determined by your relative power to other countries. There is no absolute prosperity, and it's a zero-sum game in the end.
If you're OK mortgaging your future to China for marginally cheaper goods, then fine, but it's going to destroy your country.
This is where libertarians and first year econ students argue about comparative advantages, but it's all bullshit because it presupposes that trade with other countries has no political ramifications.
t. kike shill
yeah I'm sure soaking the economy in private debt while letting in millions of Mexicans in so they can take out sub prime mortgages is "great" for the economy. 2008 crash? huh? What's that?
oy vey free trade is great
my jewish professor told me so
>higher housing costs while wages stagnate is a great combo trust me
>now quick ship more jobs overseas
So, your problem is that the Chinese are giving away goods for worthless stacks of paper?
This. China is exchanging real goods for assets aka paper. Why is this bad for America?
>gold bugs are this deluded
no, idiot, value does not inherently come from your magic shiny rocks
You idiot. Wages have stagnated because housing prices have increased. Don't forget they are "real wages".
>why are low employment and low wages bad for the economy
wow Greece idk, I guess you're the expert on being unemployed
no, dumbass
wages have stagnated because of outsourcing and mass immigration flooding the country with cheap labor
Housing prices go up regardless of wages because cheap credit allows Tyrone and Pedro to take out home loans even when they don't have jobs
How is a trade deficit causing low wages and unemployment? It's actually the opposite.
Higher deficit = consumption is higher than production
Rather than calling me names and trying to win the discussion by acting more retarded than you actually are, explain the rational of the Chinese toiling so that they can give away goods to burgers in exchange for paper which loses it's purchasing power because of an ever increasing amount of paper entering circulation.
The debt is irrelevant. The USA can default on that at any time and still survive as a nation. The issue is the shift that this massive trade deficit reflects.
The trade deficit with China represents an INCREASING RELIANCE on Chinese goods. With industry moving overseas and more Americans moving into worthless service sector jobs, the United States is tearing down the very foundations of its economy.
When you rely on foreign imports for all of your consumer goods, you are not a self-reliant nation. It is impossible to wage war against an enemy who produces everything your people consume.
If China stopped selling goods to the USA tomorrow, what happens? Who comes out on top?
China owns more of your country with every passing year.
by decreasing demand for labor
how are you this dense?
>consumption is higher
yeah and that money goes to other countries far more than it goes into your economy
Ever wonder why Germany is obsessed with having a trade surplus? It's not because they're nice guys who want to "help" the rest of the EU.
The Mercantilist argument is sound and true. Sovereignity demands autarky.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Wages follow productivity according to producer prices not consumer prices. If you deflate wages using producer prices, you see them steadily increasing and following productivity up until the year 2000. From that point on, they are slightly lagging it. That you can argue is the effect of outsourcing and mass immigration. Still, it's too small to justify so much outrage over it.
The biggest product category that distinguishes these two indices are house prices, which are really following land prices. Besides, the global trend of increasing inequality is associated with the housing market. The US is worse because all the multinationals are based there.
How would being autistic impair you from understanding economics?
It's pretty fucking obvious if you didn't have your head up your ass
Millions of jobs going over to China means we are bleeding our domestic economy dry causing unemployment and low wages
This is a legit concern but it has to do with politics not economics. It's up to the polititians and voters to decide if those concerns are more important than enjoying cheap consumer goods and higher consumption.
*I should really say property prices instead of house prices as commercial buildings also play a role in all this.
I hope this is bait. Otherwise we're in a lot of trouble
Why do you think that the entire German society profits from the trade surplus?
Do you think that Greece or any of the Southern European countries can possibly pay them back?
Working your ass of so that you can give away valuable goods so that you can run a shitty empire seems like a pretty rough deal for a society as a whole. Some segments might profit, like always.
A little protectionism is nice but free trade is not evil, where did you learn that?
>Wages follow productivity
Good good I'm not even sure how many levels of globalist delusion we're at now, but it's astounding.
No wages are no longer following productivity because we outsource jobs to East Asia where regardless of productivity you get paid like shit.
>Greece or any of the Southern European countries can possibly pay them back?
No but Germany seems dead set on ensuring they will keep Southern Europe enslaved into perpetuity for....whatever reason it is Germany is so evil.
>by decreasing demand for labor
It does not dexrease demand for labour. It might decrease demand for labour in tradeable sectos that compete with imported goods but those factors of production get reallocated to other sectors. You could make a more sophisticated argument that a country must have a strong productive manufacturing sector that invests and innovates but you are unable to do so
>yeah and that money goes to other countries
No it does not current account balance = capital account balance (google that). Open an economics textbook. Reading zero hedge doesn't make you an expert
NAFTA flooding Mexico with cheap goods in the 90s fucked over Mexico's economy even more.
And the US gets fucked by companies going south of the border so they can pay Mexicans low wages in factories.
>"You are not a self-reliant nation".
There is no such thing as a self-reliant anything, leafanon. Seriously, who taught you economics?
Stop posting that debunked cherrypicked graph. Goods producing workers are less than 10% of all workers.
>It does not dexrease demand for labour.
I empirically does.
>get reallocated to other sectors
Yes instead of going to labor it goes to the financial system
Bravo, Greece, idiots like you are the reason your country is such a shithole.
>No it does not
Yes it does, idiot
>Goods producing workers are less than 10% of all workers
they are now thanks to faggots like you
*It empirically does.
>hurr wages aren't stagnant
>muh globalism totally works goys
I didn't know there are mercantilists out there still.
You did not read my post. The orange line was deflated using producer prices. The red line was deflated using consumer prices. If you deflate both series using the same deflator, that supposed stagnation would disappear. The sets of goods in these two indices are different because what people produce is different from what people consume. And guess what? Housing is the main difference.
Stop falling for memes.
Economics, like all social sciences, is composed of half truths that are designed to push agendas.
Comparative advantages and competition benefits everyone in the long run.
how are you this retarded?
The entire reasons wages are lower is "because" employees don't produce what they buy anymore the money goes to Chinese companies manufacturing your Iphones paying workers 5 cents a week.
>what people produce is different from what people consume
Because retards like you outsourced the jobs in the first place you enormous faggot
>Housing is the main difference
It's irrelevant beyond the cheap credit and mass immigration (that I assume you support anyway since you're clearly an autistic libertarian)
>lower wages and unemployment benefit everyone
ok Mexico keep believing that.
free trade idiots need to be strung up from lamp posts tb-h
>*Puts on tinfoil hat*
Please, tell me more.
Alt-Right doesn't really discuss economics but this seems like a good thread to. I think the economic views of Otto Strasser are pretty good. The rich want open borders to create a simple minded, worker class to buy their goods and feed into their Capitalism. That seems to be their end goal. Otto Strasser's view of opposing globalist capitalism is brilliant.
>hurr i made a linear graph look it got x and p this is how the economy works promise!
I wonder ((( who ))) benefits from "free trade"? Between states that stand on equal footing, with similar agendas, I have no problem with free trade. USA, UK, Canada, Australia/NZ are excellent countries to trade with freely.
Countries that are ideologically opposed to our nations or filled with uneducated populations are not countries worth trading with. Ideally these countries would be conquered and exploited and the economic gains overwhelmingly taxed by the State and distributed to the people. You do not trade with inferior countries: you take what you want. Sadly, imperialism isn't in vogue any more.
>tfw you'll never stand guard inside a shitskin factory with orders to shoot any of the malnourished laborers who miss their quota
"Free trade" with these countries devalues the labor of our workers and transfers the gains to trans-national corporations. That's beyond disgusting.
You give me a hard time deciding if you are pretending to be smarter than you actually are or if you are rather pretending to be dumber than you actually are.
Getting free stuff is great. Aside from the issue of autarky and sovereinity, as pointed out here Greater purchasing power due to the Chinese giving away free stuff boosts employment, since low-income earners getting more purchasing power, making low-income jobs more attractive.
People who already are productive can always finds job (aside from union workers who are extorting society), but higher purchasing power also increases the purchasing power of low-income earners, making marginal jobs more lucrative.
As a real special snowflake, I like to call myself a Carlylean Austro-Mercantilist.
The Greek government can always declare bankruptcy, leave the EU and the Euro, but for some reason, they refuse. For some reason they act stupid on purpose.
The economy shifted; you got comparative advantages on agriculture, we got them on manufacture.
Jewish economics have mostly been debunked by real life experience
Check the data before spouting the non-sense you find on the Internet.
Nice ad hominem. Good scholar.
>"Keep believing that".
Literally, almost all economists "believe" (support) these claims. "In the long run" is a key factor.
From where did you learn economics?
>Getting free stuff is great
>muh US dollar is worthless
would you fuck off already?
>giving away free stuff
for fuck's sake
>f boosts employment, since low-income earners getting more purchasing power
unemployment and low wages don't help you buy things it makes you dependent on the government.
The people who really save money (corporations) on cheap labor aren't using the money to reinvest in the US economy, they're putting it in the parasitic financial sector or using it to outsource even more jobs.
yeah the economy shifted
half your country moved to the US
All the evidence is on my side
You globalists are like Chemical Ali in Iraq talking about how wonderful outsourcing is while the world economy stagnates around
you do realize all our neoclassical economists supported the 2008 housing bubble right? And they think nothing was wrong with the wall street bailout where the banks that ruined the economy got trillions of dollars of free shit.
You'd have to be retarded to believe them.
>Literally, most economists would need to be "strung up from lamp posts tb-h".
You are so bitter, calm down, burgeranon. Show me from where did you get the data to make claims like this.
We know economics. Safety net is ok, but it's for SAFETY NETS, not to live on as a career.
>dude why are you so bitter just because the productive economy has been destroyed lmao
Maybe because real people are getting fucked in the ass while retarded free trade "experts" like you defend the globalist elite.
Even the best models are too simplistic to truly capture to workings of that which they claim to describe. The "best" are those which best allow economists to push their agendas.
You have completely failed to address any of my points. Now I am certain that you are pretending to be smarter than you actually are.
Your understanding of Economics is entirely reactionary. Go back to the drawing board rather than further embarrassing yourself.
Okay mr economist, explain why trading indeces is better than buying blue chip stocks
>if you even know what any of that means.
>the idiot that believes outsourcing is good thinks I'm retarded
I'm perfectly fine with this.
you know things are bad when even the IMF realizes the world economy is fucked
but nevermind carry on outsourcing and paying shit wages
Everyone here hates that illegal loving, trickle down piece of shit.
from the way this thread is going not enough
Carter/Reagan ruined the nationalist pro domestic economy that had existed literally since Alexander Hamilton
Reaganomics is the most well known name, I'm not familiar with whatever it was that Carter did but the bulk of trickle-down implementation happened during Reagan and Clinton's era, as far as I am aware.
well there are a lot of articles out there that show globalism/neoliberlaism began in the late 70s with Carter after the energy crisis.
Reagan was more popular though