>tfw no gf
Tfw no gf
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>1457836752082-feels guy.png
yeesh...were you even around when >tfw was coined?
heehehehe hhhawtwhawhawhawhawhawhawhawhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
i just got dumped too
come here user
>tfw no gf
>fap to jenny 2 times today
>tfw no bf
>tfw no gf
i dreamt about her again tonight. she rejected me in my dream
>tfw have 2 gfs
Not OP but i literally used to post with wojak on the same board during the time he coined this meme
its because you are fat.
loss weight and giggle at shit.
I would happily have a bf if it would end my suffering
Gf won't help the feels. Good feels come from within. And Xanax bars. But the withdrawal is a bitch.
>tfw manlet so lifting wont ever help me get gf
hello bernd, wie gehts dir
>tfw don't care about getting a gf anymore
Literally just a waste of money and time. Only reason to ever want a serious relationship is kids
How do i get gf
If you're 20 and still not had one do not bother
just be yourself, bro
I don't even care anymore, bros.
Just do what makes you happy at this point. Maybe better yourselves if you're up to the challenge. Do it 4u and maybe things will happen. There is hope.
Tfw just made a cummie
>broke up with gf a week ago
>she said she didn't feel "it"
>says it started about the time I got denied the job I had been working tirelessly to get
>I was her only friend in the city
>told her if we break up I'm not planning on being friends with her afterwards
>she keeps texting me stuff like we're still together
>memes and cute animals
>asking me if I want to know how the bachelor ended
>asks me if I want to go to the zoo
>the same place we went on our Valentine's date
>I just look at the messages and never respond
Feels pretty fucking bad man
having a gf doesn't make you happy (You) idiots
well, it does, but for like 2 weeks, then you're back to depressed. sex kicks ass though
Had a dream a loli kidnapped me, blinded me, and kept me as her slave.
was it good?
dont listen to him you idiot
Never talk to her again, she's doing that shit on purpose
She's a malicious cunt
look at the newfag who just got a gf and wants to tell all of Sup Forums about his newfound knowledge!
(you) btw
Nigga my gf cheated on me and never spoke to me again and you think you feel bad?
>tfw this qt muslima gave me her number and barely knows anybody around
Fuck , what do I do now?
How do i get a gf who lets me call her mommy and also does mommy stuff like cooking and cleaning
call DHS
be alert, not alarmed.
no u
>tfw no gf and its too late to care
Date older women
>tfw to dumb to talk to girls
>She dumped me a week ago today
Why is it too late?
Feel when too intelligent for gf
How about if you're 25?
>have a fiancé
You have a girlfriend? Congratulations! I hope you're ready to spend nearly every free moment texting her, listening to her talk about her day and about people you will never meet. I hope you're ready to spend a lot of your discretionary income on her. Oh sure occasionally she'll throw you a bone and pay for drinks at the bar one night, but the vast majority of the entertaining will be out of your pocket. I hope you're ready to never ever think about other girls again. God forbid you end up meeting a nice girl and are friendly with her. Nothing can ever ever happen because you are tied down. And I hope you're ready for trust issues. Every girl has them, it's just a matter of how serious they are. At best she'll snatch your phone out of your hand to see what you're doing on it and at worst she'll call your friends in the middle of the night to make sure you're actually with them. And I hope you are ready for obligations and commitments. Like say if she lives in the city but her lease is up, she will ask you what she should do and you better damn well have an answer that is satisfying. And last but not least, I hope you are ready for that one week per month where you can do NOTHING to satisfy her and NOTHING to calm her down. "But user I could just be neutral, right?" Wrong! She will do everything she can to bait you into an argument, to bring you to her level. PMS is a bitch and women want you to feel as bad as they do.
If you can deal with all this, then you can enjoy the rewards of having a girlfriend which are... uh... let me think....
I used to have a problem talking with women
I'd get intimidated cause dey had bewbs
But then I realized something, girls are gross
And I don't mean this in a gay way
You're actually doing pretty well, never ever respond.
>tfw grill like you and you like her but too afraid to do anything
kino for this feel?
actually not too sure if she likes me.
pasta right?
Don't give up if you don't believe I a better tomorrow what's the point in living today?
still wouldn't
just get fit, stay clean and trimmed, and dont be a pussy and talk to girls when it comes up in social situations
Sadly, no. I ended my fourth relationship in 12 months this weekend.
>tfw no gf
is a good feel lads
I just think she's lonely and stupid/selfish.
I don't get how she can enjoy her time with me so much that she needs me in her life, but then say she doesn't love me.
Just ask her
idk but it made me kek so hard
Damn, my man, that is rough.
How did you find out?
how about if im 29 ?
I've never tried to show interest in girls I like since I know I'd be rejected anyway, basically I don't care
we work together so it's a little awkward but she keeps touching me and taking pictures with me. she's very cold over text though. idk what this means, I have autism
Look I've grown up with 4 women, grandma, mom, and 2 sisters
They never just do those type of things without realizing how it looks
Don't give up, and maybe work out a little and work on your confidence
Ask her, it'll only be as awkward as you make it
nigga, never fucking listen to women, that includes whatever they write
observe what they do instead
>she keeps touching me
you're good
She had been acting like a distant cunt the last few weeks of our relationship so I brought it up and we had a fight. We never spoke again after that. A couple days later I see on her Facebook she's pregnant but guess what? I can't have kids
>tfw no gf
other way round for me, my brotha
>but guess what? I can't have kids
That's probably why she cheated
Yeah a minute or two after you nut you're back to wishing you had a woman who loved you
You're supposed to realize that golden moment after you nut is the purest form of your being, the endorphins of your orgasm reveal to you the truth about the desire for females, and that is, you don't have any beyond the will to nut in them.
You guys dont feel better after jacking it?
Damn, I mean I'm 20 and never has a GF but after I Jack it I'm good for the day
it's more like
"women are such a fucking hassle, i'd really rather just jerk off than deal with dating if that's the price of pussy"
"holy shit i'm lonely"
Not anymore
That's why. Wait until your paternal instinct kicks in, and you're in for even more suffering.
Nope, always get a huge wave of sadness as I sit there hunched over, waiting to catch the last dregs of smeg in my tissue. Doesn't last long though
Damn you must really be lonely
If you're wanting female company beyond just wanting to fuck them then you're entering middle age too early. Go to a club and just make some female friends to hang out with - doesn't have to be sexual.
>tfw never had any female friend let alone gf
wtf I love degeneracy now
How old are you?
yes it does, otherwise it's a waste of time
i only befriend women because i want to emotionally and physically connect with them
you can't do that with guys, they don't give a fuck about your feelings, they just wanna shitpost irl all the time
that can be fun but it's not enough, i need the intimate company of a woman to feel balanced
they're like male friends except they're a fucking nightmare to organize meeting up with and usually become very fragile and quiet when you're alone together
you shouldn't be ejaculating smeg my friend, see a doctor
yes I know but it rhymed nicely
I'm a poet, you see
I've had tons of female friends but I've never thought about asking them out
The only girl I actually crushed on hard ans wanted to date was a girl in knew in HS and I was a complete retard who was intimidated by girls
shit, wish me luck brothers, we work together tomorrow.
That's shitty OP, but seeing one of those waifu simulator webms makes it like 10x worse.
i get nervous when i talk to a girl
i'm okay talking to male friends though
lol wtf
i'd rather the gf
If you're older than 20 and still doing this shit please stop.
>dregs of smeg
Do you speak english
Good luck
If as you said, she's has no problem touching you, it should go well
Nah dude all I think about is ex gfs and how I'm so alone
Main reason why I hardly fap anymore