Who does Sup Forums hate beards?
Who does Sup Forums hate beards?
What is English so hard?
Because Santa doesn't exist and everyone hates Muslims
A beard is facial hair. You might maintain it, but it wasn't part of your identity anymore than your haircut.
Now there are beard contests and beard websites and fuck off with your beards, beardos.
i don't think Sup Forums is against beards.
Never seen a Sup Forumsl about it though. I prefer clean shaven though, because i like traps.
Because only degenerates Historically grew beards (See Germanics,Turkics,Mudslims,Commies)
Also the most advanced people (Romans,Greeks,Chinese,Japs) avoided growing beards, or at least the ugly ones you see Muslims with
>tfw I was growing a big beard for almost a year
>some Indian at Tesco randomly asks if I'm a Muslim
>shave it the next day
It was fun while it lasted
kill yourself furry cunt
Gee I wonder
>Who does Sup Forums hate beards?
How high are you?
The kind of Semite-looking S.European type I'd purge from Europe
beards are nu male
beards among young men are a pseudo masculine thing. its like a mask to convey the message that theyre men. anybody i know with a beard is spineless
They are like vaping or tattoos. Not degenerate by any means on itself by the majority of people who have them are degenerates.
With my beard I look like Tormund Giantsbane, chicks love it. Couldn't care less about what Sup Forums thinks.
used to be manly but now it's worn by the biggest cucks
t. low test
Only fucking degenerates have beards
shaving is a meme that got out of hand
i think you have to be pretty insecure/jealous to get riled up over something as simple as facial hair
would not be surprised if the people who do get mad are the ones that can only grow a couple of pubes on their chin
Because it represent Marxism, Lenonism, Liberalism, Progressiveness, Beatknickism, Anarchism, anti-normie-ism, Hipsterism etc.. etc..
This bullshit thread again. WTF are you on about faggot?
Implying that the beards of old philosophers from 2000+ years ago, are the same as the beards of Achmad, or 25 year-old, Commiefag Sven
Also in Classical times (arguably the greatest civilization of man) Having a beard was associated with wisdom and experience, so only old people had beards, and busts of Emperors also had Beards to portray their wisdom... In reality all well respected people from soldiers and free men to Governors and Emperors were shaved clean, because having a beard was (rightfully) associated with barbarity and filth in everyday life (also being fat was perceived as being evil)
I want to drink some rakija with you slav bro!
muslims and hipsters
Does my beard make me look like a nu-male? help me out Sup Forums
Don't forget commies you amerifat!
Most of the anti-beard "males" can't grow one.
No, it shows your Spaniard Semitic ancestry!
Don't fall for the meme bro all these idiots who are hating on beards are just jealous because they can't grow one. A well trimmed beard will always make a man look better.
cheers m8
A real man like Julius Ceasar or Charles Martel doesn't need a beard! You fucking kebab