Reminder that Sup Forums is a Kekist board

Reminder that Sup Forums is a Kekist board.

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump will win

top kek


Right back at you, good sir.


Czech Republicd

Fuck kek that bitch

You blasphemer you only get singles for criticising our lord kek(pbuh)


If repaeting digits again, Hillary R. Clinton will be charged and possibly indicted.

The Illuminati have started removing all references to KEK from the internet, they fear this small cult and what it could become, just like ancient Rome and the christfags. Kek willing his people will take the eternal city and spread kekism to the world in a new global empire. the world will know peace and order for a thousand years under the diciples of kek. Praise kek lord of chaos, prince of the outerdarkness, harbinger of chaos and bringer of the new dawn.

Reminder that Keklam is a religion of piss

This is now a dubbs kek thread



Trump will drop out with bribes.





Shut up, pagan. We are Keekists. Devoted to Keek.

>conveniently also spelled kuk
>not practicing chaos magic/anti cosmic satanism instead

disdain for plebs.tiff

It's almost like QEK wills it or something

Thats KEEK you fucking autist.

Classic Kek.

It's Kuk, actually. And it's an hermaphrodite god, Kuket being it's female form.

I pray only to the moon


Good afternoon, we follow the teachings Oliver, the first prophet of Keek

Well, we don't actually know how it was vocalized. Kek is just as valid as Kuk.
And Kauket/Keket/Kuket is more often said to be his sister/wife, not the same entity.


GET if hillary

if trump wins

He will be sacrificed to absolve all of Sup Forumss sins


I'm kinda worried that this will spread to other boards, then possibly off Sup Forums to reddit, and soon they'll be masses of bluepills that unironically follow kek because they think it's trendy and le funny. Like, I remember when pastafarianism was created it was a really dope, and people put a lot of effort into the satire... but nowadays, you've got legitimate churches of pastafarians, and tons of unaware idiots who just equivocate the concept to a spaghetti and meatballs meme without getting why it was created in the first place.

That said you can't stop the tides, kek is god and prosperity; keek is shit rolls and autism

Mortal, you shall be punished by having your heart eaten in the underworld.

It won't, our Religon focuses on white supremacy, read the holy book.

Stupid fuck it should be "Kekonomicon". The 'r' is part of the root "necro", and obviously not part of "kek".

Fucking retarded brits. You don't even know how to speak. Go fix your teeth or something.

My point is the teachings will be thrown aside by normies, and only the meme will remain.


it is in Kek's (memes be upon him) will. Repeating digits don't lie.

It's a meme no long.

Lord KEK the master of all creation shall rule the universe.

Now, if you are not with us step out of my sight.

Praise Keek and his holy prophet Oliver who no man is allowed to depict under penalty of singles.

Renounce your false gods!
There is but one god, and his name is Keek


God DAMN now I'm comfy

Are we witnessing the birth of a 5th "true" religion?

Or is Kek a man-made false idol like those Hindu hellfire worshippers?

Kek is real.
He shall be a Relgion.


No one controls or can talk to kek. It is a chaos god. The entropy. However through observation there can be indications on what kek may provide in future or hopes for.

Kek's will may divert from Sup Forums's desires because true chaos would be without any order but there is enough correlation mostly because currently Sup Forums wants the same thing kek does. Kek may become dangerous in future due to its unpredictability and enjoyment from lunacy.

>Lord of chaos
>The world will know peace and order
That doesn't make sense.

Was it written by the Mad American Ben Garrison?

No it was written by me.

Verily, thou hast all seen Kek's work! Rejoice!

You are a false prophet and a newfag and you will never be listed to. You are a pretender, KEK does as he will and he needs no weeb faggot to speak for him. Kys my man

Your false witness will have you name banned.

Kek is the meme version of an egyptian diety, heket; while functioning in a similar way to a true Egregore of heket, praising kek as a male, and as a "chaos god" is kinda rude m8, and kind of implies the wrong type of thinking.

Thoth is a useful one too :-)

Someone needs to find the designs for those capstones soon.


>mfw Sup Forums is accelerating chaos through use of meme magick but this shit is getting too real too fast

I did however witness; the other day. the holy trips in the name of kek; to which i must give credence



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