Middle 3rd Quarter
Middle 3rd Quarter
this game is JUST
>Tarkenton 2.0
This fucking game..
Is GB getting shutout tonight?
Just play actual Alice in Chains, they're huge NFL fans. The new lineup played the 2014 NFCCG halftime show too iirc
>1st for getting another shutout at home and a second wake up call for this coaching staff
which one's the real thread
>look I'm a numale incapable of wrapping a present xD
>1st and goal
>3 runs
I'm hoping so.
this one
I don't like GB
>this Verizon commercial
i fucking hate this soyboy
I wish a girl wanted to have sex with me
So, do your coaches need to go because they have been exposed? Or is it just all the other crap players?
the one that isn't a shitpost
No no no no no no NO NO NO NO NO NO
>13-0 vikings
>at packers home field
Anyone in green bay killing themselves tonight?
I never get this fucking commercial. Why is it so personal? Do Lexus and Kia have a rivalry? Just, what the fuck?
Meant this for.
A hooker wants to have sex with you, if you pay her.
as soon as rodgers went down I knew the season was over. I just hope that it's enough to get this FO and capers out but I know it won't be
having a gf is fucking gay dude they just want all of your attention and they get jealous when you don't spend time with them and guilt you into going to retarded stuff that you don't want to do
choose your fighter
Eagles will btfo vikings in the playoffs even with foles 41-13 cap this
>tfw no snowbowls for Christmas
>missed throw
If this is the state of football in 2017, fucking shoot me.
Fuck off
Can they seriously not put a fucking heater in the commentator booth?
>a catch b-
>oh no its a drop
>the game is so boring that they're talking about a game 50 years ago and the Green Bay traffic
>that guy getting assassinated like JFK
Better Accuracy than Hundley
>Courtney Barnett
The NBC production guys have patrician taste.
I didn't notice all the breath coming out of the player's mouths until now, looks hilarious
All that shit raining down where he's running trying to hit him.
no because it wouldn't be "Lambaeu Field" then
Midwest fans are so cringeworthy
More like lame o field
thats a rude thing to say user
Do you think the ref was the real target?
I'm drunk and it took me like 2 minutes to think of who that was even though I listen to all sorts of way more obscure shit and browse Sup Forums every day.
>getting heemed by a snowball
It's mocking Lincoln and Matt McConaughey
Epic btfo xD
if the MVP award was actually which player was the most valuable to their team, Rodgers should win it every year until he retires holy fucking shit the packers without him suck ass
Green Bay more like green and gay
More like LamBLOW
>t. 16 year-old
Are they using the QB-view camera thing still?
Haven't seen it in this game yet
>Transiberian Orchestra
The most Reddit large scale musical production to scar the Earth.
Lots of cute blonde girls in that crowd
>Take it off, take it all off
Holy shit perv commentator staff.
So if you had Brady, Rodgers, and Wentz on the same team, they would never win the MVP even if one of them had the best season of all-time.
>take it all off
Those were chunks of ice. Philly doesn't fuck around
Why is green bay so bad
>ywn distract the kicker with a snowball
Actually laughed. Thanks, user.
These offenses suck
>this is still only a 2 score game
did you huff point before making this post or something?
Unless they ran the Princeton 3 QB set
Wilson should unironically win it this year, he's been 100% of Seattle's offense
who teams are those Giants and Redskins?
>Shutouts are the same as 2 score games
Did you retard?
>Rogers out
>Capers is shit
>Hundley is shit
There's your realistic answers.
Still finding a way to blame Philly
She's sorta lo-key despite her music often being used for commercials. Reminds me of the girl from "Sleigh Bells" .
Also was that
>Cut my life into pieces?
just imagine how many of those players are fucking retarded and forgot about that game or even the whole decade lmao
What? It most certainly is a two score game.
Giants and Chargers
god, i hope the vikes aren't going to play like this in the playoffs.
>Packers have only made it to FG distance once then threw an int
Can't catch up if you can't score.
If they have to play outside of their dome, they will.
>half the team ded
>rodgers is among the ded
>nobody really cares because the season's over in a week
>coaching staff is ass
Should I even finish this game?
Google the band Savatage.
Those are the guys who formed TSO.
You're discounting the defensive side. If they had a non-retarded DC and about 5 of their starters int they'd be more competitive. They could contend for a playoff spot no doubt.
>playing sports video games
>playing on a console
Are NFL fans the dumbest people on earth?
I don't really care about the rest of your post. It's literally a two score game, quit being purposefully retarded.
If you're Hundley, no.
what's going on with his face here?
I play Madden on PS3 but I get it used for like $10, and I'm always a couple years behind.
Clark is too skinny to be a TE
>Kill Fuck Marry
The Toyota Milf
The Ford Manic Pixie
The Chevy nu-male
These retards fighting
Holy fuck what a catch
dang nice catch
stay late enough to see if it'll be a shutout
>The Ford Manic Pixie
kill gender and racially ambiguous apple child
marry chevy numale
fuck toyota milf
Top drop
>packers WRs
Chevy MILF
How do you not catch that LMAOOOOOOOOO