What does pol think about this?

What does pol think about this?


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He'll enjoy being transgender at his 40s.

How well do transgenders age? It seems like one fuck up on their hormone regimen could completely ruin their "transformation".

He'll be dead by 20.

i think it's gay desu



He can suck me off.

No homo.

>tfw I share a last name with this fag



Implying it won't kill itself before it hits 20.

I'm glad for every piece of darwinism.

Terribly. Their suicide rate skyrockets with age.

Enjoy committing suicide before you die of AIDS, faggot. This picture is the reason hate crimes exist.

Do his classmates know his little secret? Because they do now.

expected no less from a Serb.

Does "it" still a penis?

Why would a cute girl like that have trouble fitting in? Fuck millennials and their snowflake foibles.

what have we become

I wonder why people get so massively triggered by transgenders.

Do they actually hurt you in any way? Are you still such sheople that you let the jew tell you to terminate them?

I mean i usually find them repulsive too, but who the fuck cares. While you guys go into hatred about some guys wearing dresses, you should rather focus on getting rid of the niggers and sandniggers in your countries.

He'll kill himself with hair starts spurting on his neck and his body starts to fight him.

Too pretty to be a girl.

Degeneracy is a multi-pronged offensive.

Oh look, Kek wills it.

He can't help being that way but the Mom is just enabling it by having him dress like that. That's why he was mocked and he will be mocked. The Mom should have focused on getting him help to enjoy the body he has instead of just slapping a dress on and saying he's normal.

Kek has spoken.

>stating facts means you're triggered.

It's just life. Birds gotta fly, trans gotta die.

They die hillariously early. Progressives still haven't found reason why. We should encourage the transgenderism everywhere, surgical transitioning is extremely painful, and it means more dead faggots.

tears, in the rain...

>I have social problems
>So I'll become a girl
Thank you media

Kids have no idea what is going on around them and definitely have no idea what is going on with them and their bodies.

The chances this kid will be trans even as an adult after going through puberty and adolescence are so small compared to this being just a phase, that giving hormones to kid is straight up child abuse.

>those facial expressions changing with every note

Feel sorry for him/her. I was a completely different person with a completely different mindset when I was 14. Hopefully he/she will grow out of it sooner rather than later
Also, notice how there was no mention of a father on any of those cards?

Kek believes it to be true

5032 likes to 1308 dislikes

how did we get here

Imagine the child-tranny when it starts dating and everyone at school learns about then laughs at his hormone deficient baby dinky

I went to a majority Filipino school and I was bullied for being white. Minority fags are jealous because they'll never be master race.White girls get the same shit because they are usually better looking than the rest of the girls, and that makes them targets. What pissed me off was that they'd never get in trouble. It didn't matter if I stood up for myself. For some reason they'd get away for their shit even when they were better of financially than me.

Sup Forums i'm glad you're here. you make me comfy.

You can't bully on sexual identity so xe is protected. But weeaboos are still fair game.

This shit happens because we live without worries and real problems. People have to find these things to be able to get a purpose in their lives.

It's nothing more than attention whoring.

>dedicating your life to pleasing other men's dicks

There's this really nasty 50 year old one who comes to the movie theater I work at and he has a crush on me so I always leave him to my coworkers

That's mother fucking Zoloft and other anti depressive medicine that they are pumping him with.

The kid is still not happy.

>these comments


>mfw every guy on Sup Forums would fuck the shit out of this little hottie
>mfw literally no one here would assume tranny

For me it's because they are trying to force me to accept them

I went to check his instagram page and was very disappointed.

Emma Ellingsen is vastly superior.

1)Teenagers always have a problem fitting in
2)This sign thing is fucking stupid. Just fucking speak.

is this just AGP? or is this a case of something else? all her papers were appealing to emotion, not talking about the science of brain structure or something????

where's the smart person who was in the threads with pink hair?

>be 14 or something boy
>walk around like a whore
>everyone else is the problem not me

>jewish media never shows the 99.9% other ugly a fuck trannies.


IRL Bridget?

I'd date him/her.

You have to be gay not to date that.

>literally no one here would assume tranny
That's because he's too young.
That's like dressing up a 12 year old boy in female clothes. Unless he's hilariously ugly, it's not hard for young children to change their appearance easily.

Say that again when he's 20+

is that a public bathroom? i guess he's already found where he belongs.

>its okay because he's hot
come on guys, it's only been 2 days since this:



Actually, this is the first time ever a male has trapped me. Even a boy.
Usually there's always a cue. But THIS kid actually pulls off "girl".

Boner material for sure.

>Why the fuck would you watch some dweeb playing videogames.

More offensive then the tranny horseshit.

w8... I know that bulge

If you wouldn't fuck his boipucci you're a faggot and that is a FACT.


It's the facial expressions.

>Daddy, can we watch Frozen together?

Lets face it, bros, few of us will have a daughter who looks this cute.

>pre-puberty transitioning

why is this allowed?

This kid is gonna feel his benis wenus in a few years and figure out he wanna fuck qt's, but realizes his whole life has been a lie and kys

adorable and cute, only a degenerate would have something against a smiling child.

It's obvious that he is a male because even though he is supposed to be 14, he still looks like a little child, while the 14 years old girls around him all look like fully grown women.
Didn't watch more than a few seconds, he'll kill himself in a few years any way, like all trannies do, not a single one of them lives past 30. I also hate that kind of silent video with the words written on several pieces of paper.

Have a fun parody of that cancer.


because it's easier I guess

They probably age terribly bad, but it doesn't matter because they kill themselves before that stage after realizing that they are brainwashed freaks.

>14 years old girls around him all look like fully grown women

Easy, ahmed.

I fucking hate this whole "holding up cards to say words instead of just fucking saying the words" thing. Where did it start? Just fucking say the words with your damn mouth

>implying he'll live to his 40s

That's not a daughter or a son. That's an it. And a fucking sick one.

Holly fuck. Someone tell faggot, that he should kill himself, what a cruelty.
Is that so unusual in your schools, amerifats? I mean, I've been fighting thru all middle school and I'm straight male, literally everyone insults each other at some point. Come on, it's a school.

It's child abuse.

It's probably so you don't tab out and just listen to the narration while checking other websites.

He's going to kill himself because his parents are sick pieces of shit who exploited their unsuspecting child to feel morally superior and progressive.

>promote transgenderism
>they kill themselves anyway

Is this true? I mean I get they need a fuckload of hormones and shit to not look horrific, but do they really tend to off themselves?

Problem sorts itself I guess, depression about gender identity just never goes away for them

>I never had any friends
>I ended up being a tranny
Amazing, I bet he had an awesome personality and all the boys wanted to be friends with him

yes russia, because being mean and disallowing others to fulfill their wishes works so well in your country. thats some A+ slave mentality.

>I've never seen an athletic teenage girl

She said she plays on the girls soccer team you fucking retard.

Look at the body of most female athletes. They're super lean and fit. Pic related is 15.

i hope this is just a phase and he'll return being sane soon

Wait 10 years and she will look terrible if not dead by drug overdose

40% attempt rate last time I checked.

>never had friends
>didn't fit in with girls
>boys made fun of me
>changed my gender
>make fucking video with paper captions that takes up more time than just saying wtf i want to say.

someone, please into trans logic?

because by this bullshit def all outcast should be fucking lady bois and dykes.

these kids are lonely and so are the others, i fucking get that, so why not try to understand WHY and attempt to address it?

I bet his is Jewish like that circus freak Jazz

He's an introvert with a single mom.
Don't blame him, he's being used as a political device.

dumb wannabegirl doesn't know all they gotta do is suck dicks to fit in as a girl

>your daughter's face when you tell her she's a freak, before she goes upstairs and self-harms because her dad doesn't show her the love she needs to get through her difficult teen years

>I felt like a girl
>girls didn't see me as girl
>boys bullied me because faggot

Idk user, seems like he got to the root of the problem imo. Bet some of those boys would love a piece of dat ass now.

Slave? Seriously? Your country was our bitch thru all modern history. Now you are USA's bitch (only for 30 years) and completely brainwashed already. It's not a compassion and tolerance, that makes USA your new masters. It's might and bribery, as it always were.

Fucking gross, I hope it over doses on weed.

fucking reevies, they need to get the fuck off this board.


>your daughter's face when she buries her face in your chest, her eyes still wet from crying because of the bullying at school, after you've just told her that she is the most perfect thing in the world and you wouldn't change her in anyway

Kill yourself you creepy faggot neckbeard go back to Sup Forums

Never encourage anyone to change. That will help.

I don't really care about adult trannies -- whatever.

But, kids? Nope. It reeks of manipulation.

>she will never have children
>should make another. The normal one.

It's really sad that some people feel like the opposite sex. Must be a suffer. I like being a European man, the best sex and race you can be born with.

>reverse lefty degeneracy

found my new fetish.

any more like this?

and the makeup and hair.

>someone who believed the tumblr opinion changed her mind

holy shit, this is amazing.

Fuck i need to get close with this trap so as soon as hes 18, i can bend him over and obliterate his boi pucci.
