Happy National Day to my fellow countrymen

>annual reminder that Spain discovered America just 525 years ago and your country did not

Britbongs, frogs, nazis, scandifaggians and rest of protestant scum forever in our shadow

inb4 buttblasted snowniggers >muuhhh vikings. Your barbarian ""civilization"" was a joke and never contributed anything to mankind, only countries chosen by God can achieve such magnificent deeds. Fucking deal with it.

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Take a look at what our colonies became, take a look at what your colonies became, then kill yourself

viva España!!!

>Take a look at what our colonies became, take a look at what your colonies became, then kill yourself

do your african colonies count?

>letting your colonies outperform you in every single aspect

the absolute state of Britbongistan

I thought shitalians discovered that cursed continent?

should have kept it a secret

devuelvan el loro

Remember that when we conquered panchitolandia they were extracting organs from living people to please the gods. And that the direct descendants of the conquistadors are the people that today live in America. Not us spaniards.


Pretty sure my people (Germanics) discovered America

I think that some asians did millenia before. But we conquered it for the european civilisation first.

Columbus was Italian

Italians are genetically spanish.

>Remember that when we conquered panchitolandia they were extracting organs from living people to please the gods.

was it really that bad of a practice?

It kept their population numbers down and now they blame yurope for all their problems.

>when begging germany and france for euros is the only thing which keeps your own economy "outpreforming" your colonies

he was polish nobility

Republishits are now crying at seeing this.

Daily reminder that America takes its name from a Shitalian

latin is not polish you numb skull mongol

Italy : world renown cuisine
Spen : designated britbong shitting street

While Spaniards were squandering their money, living in obscurantism and unhygienic conditions, burning books and "witches" at the stake or in process of doing so. You never had a reinassance.

You were animals worse than the natives, so you should not set yourselves aside.

Que alguien ponga imágenes del desfile que no puedo verlo.


Puking street.

As cute as ever.

Spen must get rid of them to gain back their honor

>Congolombian calling anyone animals

>While Spaniards were squandering their money, living in obscurantism and unhygienic conditions, burning books and "witches" at the stake or in process of doing so. You never had a reinassance.
Are you talking about Spain or about any protestant country?

I love you spai

Air parade starting soon

>burning books and "witches"

those were the wh*Toids, catholic church didn't believe in witches







Hostia, es esta la primer vez que aparece los putos Tercios de Flandes?

Si, 450 aniversario del camino español

Necesitamos un webm de los tercios

>being patriotic unironically

a callar, podemita perroflauta indepe.

happy days to you! viva spen

pero veis el desfile y todo eso en serio o solo es aqui por ser contrarios?


Sí, y mi cuarto en Alemania lo tengo lleno de banderas, incluyendo la de los Tercios.

Para mí es la primera vez que lo veo en directo.

I wish the Legion's goat biting and chewing Puigdemont's hair

De ver tantas cruces de Borgoña tengo el pene erecto a nivel imperial.

My ancestor :)

>a plane crashes
For fuck's sake.

Sí señor, con dos cojones.

Feliz día a todos los españoles y a nuestras antiguas colonias :)

my ancestor :)

devolved el oro, cojones!

Quintessentially spanish.

no, italians are romans meanwhile spaniards are arabs

Modern italians are spanish rapebabies therefore genetically arabo-hispanic.

Feliz Día de la Raza

il sacco di Roma

Lo he encontrado:


Fugg, minuto 1:09:26

spanish guys are bro tier but your women are such gold diggers

America sucks

Spain has not achieved anything in the last 500 years other than robbing and raping indios. it is closer to north africa than to central europe


Better than being a wh*te subhuman who hasn't won a single war in history.

>it's a German thinks he's superior to Africans or Southern Europeans episode

>i created a continent of brown drug addicted manlets who will colonise my country eventually

Hoy es el día de la Resistencia Indígena, no de los genocidas conquistadores

Esto no es LOS ESTADOS JUDIOS, amiguete

the roman empire is long gone and was dominated and BTFO by germanic """barbarians"""

Deja de asumir mi género, basura cisnormativa


>was dominated
in his final stage

Te he pillado. Me identifico sexualmente con una bolsa de basura, sexista de mierda.

The GERMan Empire is long gone and dominated by TÜRKS

Mostly a change of ruling elites who ended up adopting the preexisting roman catholic culture.

(Until getting ARABED, of course)


It was a shame you were taken by the sub human americans.

Except Norway/Denmark discovered it about 500 years earlier. Not to mention the aboriginals of the continent who discovered it many thousands years prior.


>Britbongs, frogs, nazis, scandifaggians and rest of protestant scum forever in our shadow

Let's celebrate nice Spanish things instead of picking on our fellows in USA suzerainty, ok?


they just jumped from island to island spreading their niggerism and were defeated by stone age midgets

>Except Norway/Denmark discovered it about 500 years earlier

They discovered it and then they proceeded to do nothing of value with it. Good job, Bjorn.

España necesita a esta señora como ministra de Educación ya.


Spain is Irish

How do I learn this retarded language

I swear to god I hate it so fucking much but I'm stuck here speaking half-assed Spanish


Pídeselo a los rusos.


The other way around, my sweet potato



Why did Vikings have 'Allah' embroidered into funeral clothes?

>Sweden talking about civilization

>Celebrating creating sudacas and other kind of garbage
Spain's national day should be the 2 of January

>Singapore busting on anyone.

It's cute actually, more. :)


What good has come out of your Cunt besides Shakira?


>Sweden talking trash

Uh not so fast.

>italians are romans

So... Africans?

>esa imagen
Puto shitposter muerete te vas a cargar mi segundo board favorito.

"""Discovered""". Where are the documents across europe telling about this new land the vikings found?