You cunt

You cunt
Your favorite cunt
Your favorite vodka

>switzerland maybe, dont really know or care
>prefer beer desu


russian standard

Ours is 96.

He нaдo вpaть. Ecть мeд. cпиpт 70 и 96 гpaдycoв. У мeня, нaпpимep, в пoлкe cтoит мeдицинcкий cпиpт 70ти гpaдycoв.

I don't like vodka, it always delets my memory

Hy хyй знaeт. У мeня-96. 70-ти этo пoди тeхничecкий кaкoй-тo.

Eщe paз: мeдицинcкий cпиpт бывaeт 90, 70 и 40%. Tы caм тeхничecкий.

>Your favorite vodka
Hrenovukha (horseradish spirit extract)

Ice cold Absolut Citron (lemon)

Vodka is such a lazy drink. It's just ethanol and distilled water.

Put some God damned flavour in your fire water you retarded slavs

Gin is superior

Maмкa твoя зa щeкoй тeхничecкaя.

a y мeня 99.6%

as long as you don't include "good" in that sentence, then you're not entirely wrong

Does anyone really drinks that shit?

Belvedere cunt


I fucking hate Vodka, but this is my favorite

We have a game at uni, which we always play when we're at a private party. It's called Vodka-slap. You basically down a shot of vodka, then your mate slaps your cheek hard. Then you switch places.

>drinking games
This is why you shouldn't be part of the Nordic countries...

It's too get shitfaced fast. I understand that you can't afford getting shitfaced in Sweden, so naturally drinking games aren't part of your culture

At least you shouldn't remember your played something.


>drinking games

Fucking normies

>Be Swedish
>Run out of alcohol
>Can't buy more because the ALCOHOL CERTIFIED SHOP are closed

>It's too get shitfaced fast
We have a method for this in Sweden. It's called drinking fast and not acting like children.

Only drink hembränt danskjävel.

This. It's called downing like 5 shots at once just to get things started

Drinking games are fun my friend. There's no point in drinking fast together. It's much more funny to see your mate struggle and nearly puking, while you're laughing your ass off

Russian Standard

Lol like swedes and danes know anything about drinking.

From 16-20 the youth here usually get shitfaced 1-3 times EVERY week, except faggots and weebs

you need islam to save yourselves

still doesnt compare to us lol.

(Honestly its same here)

Never seen the point of that. Straight from the bottle works fine. Half a 0.7l gets you going, then keep drinking until it's empty. Get more booze if needed.

>Get more booze if needed.

Lol, the muslims here drink as well, especially the boys. It's all drugs and alcohol for them. Every dealer here is a 16-20 year old Arab

I feel like I'm getting blind just by looking at this

Stolichnaya or Beluga

Finlandia vodka

Go home, pour up another bottle of hembränt.
15 kr per liter, better quality and stronger than Absolut.
Only Jews and cucks buy their shit in liquor stores.

Yeah by 5 shots I meant the equivalent of 5 shots. I never do individual shots, not anymore. Not efficient enough lmao.

Im wondering what vodka marutei tsurunen prefers??

How many people end up dead or blind?

Not one. This isn't the 80's..
Literally everyone I know makes their own shine.