This is what going on in my country right now

This is what going on in my country right now.

"I don't like the society as it is right now"
Well, go live with the fucking sandniggers then.

Stupid women.
Feminism destroyed the world.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is that Slutwalk or Femen? Soros pulled his donations from Femen when they announced they were opening a chapter in Israel after all.

It's something called "The slut walk".

It's basically a bunch of women say that they should walk however they want, even if they are naked. And that we shouldn't teach them how not to get raped, but we should teach the rapist not to rape.

This is right. I shouldn't lock my door at night. Why should I? teach the burglar not to steal.

but the jews created it

why couldn't you just fuck off and let germany be german?

Yea but this wasn't part of the world domination plan.

You can thank George Soros for that

>Weapon backfire


>It's backfiring on them

How is that even related tho? i dont like the Jewish community for a host of reasons, but claiming every Jewish billionaire is responsible for an unrelated social movement kinda makes us look like nutjobs.

This is what happens when you're meddling with forces you don't fully understand. Now we are indeed doomed.

It started in my country in 2011. It was the first thing to make me realize the retardedness of the left.


Dont blame us, schlomo, theres more Jewish feminists than Christian feminists.

Tell me Schlomo, why do Jewish women have an predisposition to be ultra feminists? What is it in Jewish culture, which makes your women hate men?

You reap what you sow, Moshe.

hahahahahah taste of their own medicine

Taste of your own medicine, enjoy it.

Poisoner mostly ends up poisoned.

Judaism is matriarchal.

well there was soros supporting femmen financially... so it works for me.

We the normal Israeli jews never liked this shit. One jew fucked us all.

It's always funny how the "far-left" in Israel is less about taking Israeli/Zionism leftism and pushing it to the extreme, and more about importing foreign Western theories and practices into the system. They don't even deserve to be called "left", since their views come from outside the Israeli political spectrum altogether.
Israeli politics are very unique and cannot be viewed through standard Western political lenses. You can't treat it like some generic European country, things like military spending aren't fringe issues on which you can take a stance for the sake of ideological alignment with the American Democratic Party.

Same can also be said about some liberal circles in the Likud, too. Israel's experience with liberal economics has been incredibly bitter. Forcing these (neo?)liberal ideals onto a society that overwhelmingly opposes them, as shown by poll after poll (and back in the 1970's - in election after election).

Such ugly skanks

Normal Germans weren't Nazis either. Such is life.

No stupid cunt, he banned it to actually come up alive in Israel, he didn't want Femen in Israel.

Wear a nazi uniform in a jewish area.
"My body my rights."
see how far you get before you get punched.

It won't upset us as much as you think lol

quit butchering Palestinians

dont call me stupid, toothpaste with something on it.
i knew he cut support when they decided to open a Israel chapter, what part of my post made you think otherwise?

>soros "was supprting"


it's always been curious to me that people will say you're "fully jewish" if only the mom is jewish.

seems like there are enough of these nasty sandburning jewesses around that you might want to revise that rule.


Inverted ambulance, we both know you're bosnian, don't make yourself bigger.

feminism had a lot of help

Serves you right since it was the jews that started feminism in America

>"I don't like the society as it is right now"

10/10 thread OP.
Oh wait, you were serious?
All you conservatives do is moan and bitch that society has changed and everything is terrible.
At least the people in your pic are smiling unlike your miserable attitude.
Cry moar.

y u mad my friend

dont be mad my friend

The targets aren't men, they're white men.

get cucked faggot

(and white women, because we we're both much better off before feminism).

If the Jewish community is matriachal, wouldnt that give Jewish women less reasons to rock the boat?

Jews getting a taste of their own medicine? It looks like we're taking you with us after all.

"Oy vey! Feminism is for the goyim."

lol, degenerate kikes getting high on their own supply.

>Thinking women will ever be satisfied with their life situation.

You new?

>YFW Jews get fucked over by the liberal bullshit they unleashed on the rest of us
Your dirty tricks won't save you now, schlomo.

I like you leaf.

Really? Because honestly I imagine you would quickly be surrounded by guys in black suits and funny hats falling over each other crying oy vey at the top of their lungs.


Learn the difference between 'conservative' and 'reactionary'.

At least your not dealing with the apes rising up

Femen was fouded in 2008, Soros has nothing to do with the early radical feminist movement which has become a cancer on the world, he merely supports it now because he knows the value of social currency and today, supporting a radical leftist group gives you a good rep,with the liberals who pretty much dominate the mainstream.

Your diaspora scum brought this upon us, at least you can suffer alongside everyone

But public nudity is illegal in some parts of the world...

>oy vey

I think I just got an awesome idea for a late summer holliday.

Attention all Libertarians. Gary Johnson has SOLD OUT to Soros and company. Don't waste your vote, VOTE TRUMP 2016!
Watch short video with proof.

How did all this sjw shit (feminism, blm, etc..) which is all pushed by the Jews effect Israel?

Any Israel poster can tell some stories?

Yeah, i wanna hear some stories, Israelikeks.

You have a wall? Put them on the other side of it. Problem solved. Let them find out first hand how the savages live.

You're a white male. You should be punched just for that.

>"feminism destroyed the world"
>kikes created feminism
>not seeing the irony

You deserve it kike

>Tel Aviv
>Muh Country
You're very confused, the fact we share a flag doesn't mean we are even remotely of the same state

post more pics

Lol good, die with us you filthy parasite

Is lolocaust denial a crime in the promised land? Honest question.

End them

Reminds me of all the stupid white chicks at these black lives matter rallys. They are all fatties and no man wants them. So instead of fixing themselves they take the lazy way out and demand that people consider them perfect without going to the trouble of diet and exercise.

I want a time machine where women were beautiful and feminine.

>go live with the fucking sandniggers
They are, any way this happen every place there is kikes.

So you are saying people like Barbara Spectre and George Soros are like the Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy Catholics? (as in Catholic in name only but doing everything destructive to the church).

This shit is all backfiring on them now.
Kikes just fucked themselves over.

>Jew complaining about feminism.

This is what happens when you don;t control your Jews. Send a letter of thanks to Soros.

>Jewish tricks backfiring

How's life in Zimbabwe today? I heard from a friend who's mother lives there that she can't even get her money from the bank.

>'a jewish war on women'
You reap what you sow. Still these 'slutwalks' just prove how retarded women can be, and how they never want to take responsibility for their own actions and blame someone else, like infantile children. This is what feminism has wrought upon the world and even Israel isn't immune to this cancer.

Yeah rapists only rape because they don't know it's bad to do.

>when the degeneracy backfires on the merchants

Hearty keks