why is everyone here hating us? we literally did nothing wrong is it becouse most of us are in Israel or USA now?
The hate on Jews
You destroyed Kek's homeland.
the Germans destroyed my homeland too than the Soviets kicked out half of my family to Israel
Oh fuck checked
spierdalaj z polski jebany mydłoludzie
>twintails glasses goodness
>undoes hair and takes glasses off before even the first fuck.
that was so disappointing
It's not just here, it's everywhere.
Because you destroy nations. Everywhere you come in, instead of acting like guests, you start subverting the host country and its politics.
A bit like a brain parasite than would turn the host's immune system off.
I like Jews but that is probably because we worship the same God.
Poland had 3 mln Jews until ww2 we literally build this nation and faught for it ...
> we literally did nothing wrong
Everything that's wrong in this world now is because of your kind, what the fuck are you talking about?
>jews bad cuz smart
>jews bad cuz rich
>jews bad cuz powerful
>jews bad cuz close-knit
They hate us cuz they anus.
Thanks, you spared me the time I'd waste to find the source
is living in peace a bad thing?
Whats the sauce on that manga? Reverse search isnt pulling it up.
i won't spoon feed you dumb merican find it yourself on go on /r/
>I thought poles were based
>is talking to a jew
but when Germany tries to economically take yall over you whine and complain.
I dont think you praise kek at all.
No, but shillin for more refugees and more support for Israel doesn't help things now does it?
It's because /pol generalizes. If there are bad Muslims, then all Muslims are bad. If there are bad Jews, then all Jews are bad.
Prophet of kek? don't be so fucking arrogan-
Spend an hour in /cfg/ and you'll hate Jews. Fuck George Soros.
i am krakowian Jew my family lives here for like 300 years i dont care much about Israel but you should support it
Fucking limey cunts are taking over the worship of kek
According to the Stormfront shills that plague Sup Forums, you Jews are all one person and all the evils in this world should be attributed to you.
In my opinion, I prefer the White and Nationalist Israel rather than supporting a global moorish caliphate.
(yes, most of jews are just self-hating whites in denial)
But you know, nazis are dumb and hate both because they believe you can have your cake and eat it too.
because we control the media, made up the holohoax etc...
They're jealous that you are the superior group of Whites.
it all becouse the ,,American Jews'' which arent Jews anyway i guess
I like poland desu, but you have a very strange language
>that comic
D-damn it man, I wanted to forget about the feels.
Whats wrong in buying medias if u have money for it? Yes ! lets better sponsor niggers in africa so they breed like shit
> but you should support it
Nah lad.
tell me what that's from
here lad
whats better caliphate or a Jewish bastion?
>we literally did nothing wrong
>did nothing wrong
>nothing wrong
because then we can support individuals just like shillary and basically brainwash people to vote for her.
BTW: all Jews outside of Israel are lib cucks and should gas themeselves
it was saudi arabia that did it
oh she's going to get buttfucked as well i don't think i want to know
>why do you hate jews?
Because you hate us and are actively trying to wipe us out.
She die or only baby ?
I don't get it.
more like all Israelis are faggots which forgot that Poland protected us for a huge ammount of time
plus i am to lazy to get citzienship
You're the reason that this 'caliphate' exists in the first place, you dumb faggot. You're the ones encouraging all this "diversity" to begin with
she gets fucked by everyone and in the last chapter her kid asks her why she is sad
u r racist
also do you blame germans for nazi?
its all the American Jews fault not our
They killed my great grandparents so kinda yes
i did not imply Poland are cucks, but i said that most kikes outside of Israel are cucks.
don't straw-man me
Again, it mainly is for all the shitty nazi literature the Stormfags read.
Jews are not a hive mind, and there are several groups among them, every person with half a brain should arrive to this conclusion promptly after examination. Just like Western societies have Left vs Right or whatever else there are globalist Jews, nationalist Jews and apolitical Jews too. Posting happy merchants and all that memery can be kinda fun but one must be really stupid to let the memes become a serious part of his own worldview.
Just because there are a few thousand globalist Jews one should not generalize among all of them. There are lots of Jews that I've read about that I admire and others that I utterly despise. Rothbard for example fought all his life for liberty whereas you also had all these Soviet Jews and the monstrosities they did in Russia. Jews are a very very diverse people and no judgement can be made on all of them. It's like judging people for being blond or blue eyed.
>in the last chapter her kid asks her why she is sad
Huh? I remember the girl calling her "boyfriend" and the guy saying it's his fuckbuddy calling.
Filthy little fucking merchant
> it's just American Jews
Now that's just legitimate bullshit, a good look at people like Barbra Spectre proves it. And how coincidental is it that these people promote diversity for places like the US and Australia but condemn such an idea for Israel?
So happy end for me.
its all the American faggots
i linked it just watch the last 5 pages ...
You really don't want to know
kek if you say so schlomo
good u understand me brother
it's way worse man
btw hows the situation on the islam faggs that try to stab soldiers?
>mfw the bait is so fucking terrible there are only kikes in this thread
At least you hook-nosed inbred sickly faggots tried.
thats your fault for not cooperating with the romans
Romans were shit anyway they couldnt even beat uga bugas in France kek
Thanks for reminding me about that doujin kurwa y pierdole
yeah it's honestly just jealousy desu
The only thing worse than a Jew is a weeb Jew, off yourself.
we can wipe-out their existence in 1 hour, but the world will criticize us if we will. so smugglers are now stabbing people in the streets and doing some mess.
You using google? Try using the mouse to scroll down next time before asking, dumbass.
Also just looked it up myself, how depressing.
I read that before it became a Sup Forums meme
you should really just wipe them out UN wont do anything anyway
Saddest porn ever
kek, but the kikes in the US will, and they are kinda in control in there.
no we arent, get out of your mom's basement
Obama is a muslim so ya know if glorious Hillary will win you are free to go
ShindoL is actually white. It surprised me to learn that fact.
why should you care about the race of the artist? the artist will die but the work will last forever
but Trump said he will 100% support Israel no matter what. I highly prefer him to win the elections
Trump is probably a cathocuck or muslim too no way hes a Jew
his daughter married with one and he said himself the same words
everyday you learn something new ! Trump for president
Are you really a kike? I've never meet any, even i am from Greater Poland?
Also eye color, hair and nose?
>1 Jew =/= all Jews
Would you hate all white Christians because of Killary?
Blue,shitty blonde,normal i guess
one of those buildings had their fire start by the impact of a 20 story segment from a larger building that collapsed?
I personally dislike Jews because they are stupid.
>article and pic very related
damn, how is that even possible? You look more arianic than half of this nation. I thought jews hadn't been breeding with us.
Do you like Poland?
Have you ever experienced any antisemitism, obviously except calling you greedy bastard?
Ugh. This is why people hate you.
I bet you went on a"birth right" trip too. You did, didn't you? Silly jew
Doesn't Sup Forums mean 'Zionist" when they say Jew?
when i go home with my jarmułka on some faggs sometime will say that i should be gassed (nationalists) nothing more
Your average kike IQ is hovering in the low 90's, which is Albania tier.
Albanians are pretty fucking stupid.
No. He is "foreigner" by Jap standards. He was born in the US to Jap parents. In Japan if you leave homeland for longer than a vacation or student exchange you're a foreigner. Japs raised abroad? Foreign non-Nipponese scum. Japs that emigrated and moved back? FOREIGNERS. Half-Japs born and raised in Japan? DIRTY HARUFU GOU HOUMU. If you miss out on the collective experiences and memory of the nation it's as bad as not having 100% Sun God certified bloodline.
That said, Shindo L is god.
i've lived here my whole life i can get the israeli citzenship in like 1 month if i wanted it anyway
good goy