Can we agree that protestantism was a mistake?
Can we agree that protestantism was a mistake?
The only mistake was letting the Ottomans conquer Constantinopel.
What does Sup Forums dislike about protestantism, exactly?
It was instituted at a time when the church was in dire need of reform: firstly, to root out corruption and do away with catholic money-grabbing policy; secondly, to steer scientific and humanitarian progress from stagnating.
Does Sup Forums hate it just because they let women become priests?
Protestantism was the birth of liberalism and moral relativism.
So yes, it was a massive, culture-shattering mistake.
agreed, the church should've just reformed.
Protestantism is intrinsically anti-traditional and represents mass embrace of cognitive dissonance by pushing the revisionism of patristics.
TLDR: Protestantism used to be based but has been corrupted like the thing it was made to split from
No, it was never based. Luther was the original special snowflake.
thats the moor blood in you talkin
ottoman and protestans both helped each other, its not mistake, it lets europe have revolution. you need to pray for us because literally europes revolution happen because of ottoman.
otherwise you were a stupid imbesils who controlled by church instead of corporations
The Pope should have listened to Luther
>papal dogs pretending they're any better
And let's not forget 1204 you wog filth.
Yeah, the mistake of anti-reformist Papists.
does it matter?
both of you are nothing but bloodbags waiting to be spilled.
you are both weak. and you will die along with the athiests.
Name a protestant country that isn't cucked.
You can't.
It's only anti-traditional in the sense that it doesn't adhere to the conservative catholic beliefs, eg. translated bibles and the elitism of the clergy.
And how can you claim that revisionism wasn't necessary after the catholic church clearly falsified several passages within the bible to suit their ends?
Lol no.
The Pope should have acted before, but the Church thought Luther was just a drunk.
They could've burned him when they had the chance.
Oh please, stop posting this photo. Protestants are helping muslims since the ottomans
>Wanting an out of control Vatican
yeah fuck you, just be happy we got Lutheranism and not Calvinism
Can we agree that preventing people from reading the Bible was a mistake?
There was a country ball chart with related warhammer persona. Do you have it?
The person arbitrarily appointed as head of your religion is a Sweden-tier cuck. By extension, all of you are cucks.
Also, Afrikaners, the whites who continued pro-white racial policies when the rest of us started cucking ourselves, are protestant.
Fuck off papal dog.
It's a myth, most people didnt know how to read anyways
Italy is the least cucked country in western Europe and the Catholic parts of Germany are less cucked than the rest.
>Unironically using the word cuck.
You sounds childish.
no. but now i want it
Notice that we're against but still get flooded by niggers somehow
Britain is objectively the least cucked country in western Europe.You know, they actually did something.
Italy is, as always, all talk and no action. You're still getting flooded like everyone else. Then again, given your track record, I can understand why you're afraid of doing something - it usually ends badly.
I remember only my country ball's.
I'm okay with that
Their flag is literary a nog penetrating your flag
>your religion is a Sweden-tier cuck
Lot of Catholic countries still traditional, look at Poland or Hungary. And the pope will be gone someday.
Meanwhile your religion is cucked forever.
>implying Rome isn't solely to blame for the existence of Turkey
remove tortellini from premises
You know that there was a shitton of shtiskins who voted for "leave" because they didn't want other Europeans from EU countries competing for them? Something like 35-40% of all non-EU shitskins voted for leave.
Christianity is a process, not a conclusion.
>Name a protestant country that isn't cucked.
The United States of America.
Protestantism was the best outcome for christianity and the western world.
Catholic doctrine was only concerned with keeping the rulers in power and stealing money from everyone, as proved by the fact that they falsified the bible to suit their own needs, how they made it illegal to translate it or to quote it in a language that wasn't latin.
How anybody could defend such a system is mindboggling and the fact that catholicism wasn't wiped out because of stubborn monarchs is sad. Believing in a religion where you have to pay money to go to heaven is possible only in a system that produces mentally defective people and it should be considered as a prime example of a severe case of cuck logic that anyone defended this shit after the catholic church was exposed.
>The United States of America.
Catholic colony
Is he wins I will retract
Also the enlightenment.
Also the myth of the dark ages.
Goddamnit I hate protestant fags.
It is a meme perpetuated by muh deus vult based orthodox memeboys.
I think the majority of people calling themselves Christians here used to be atheists and they arrived at Christianity because they finally understood its importance in keeping society intact, preventing poz, keeping sexuality in check. Therefore they are looking for the type of Christianity that places the biggest importance on tradition and arrive at orthodoxy and catholicism, especially because of their association with crusades and removing kebab. Then they adopt all the memes about heretics, and all the arguments against Protestantism if which there are obviously enough 500 years after reformation.
>Catholic - 25%
>other christian = 50%
>Catholic country
As an ex-Jesuit-educated Catholic, I would concur. If you're going to believe in Jesus, you get the purest grade faith, not some offshoot.
It's becoming a catholic country m8.
Still better than Europe desu
> to suit their ends?
what ends? Maintaining the moral fabric of the west? You'd fucking hate that wouldn't you, you commie faggot.
Remember to use AddBlock to block all shill images.
The catholic church has only degraded the moral fabric of the west sine it's inception and it was even worse before the reformation.
Popes living like degenerates
Tricking people into giving all their money and lands to the church in exchange for a ticket to heaven
Saying that it's OK to break the 10 commandments when it's convenient.
you're full of shit as there is no data available which shows the breakdown of votes by ethnicity, which means it's my anecdotes against yours and since i live here that means mine are more reliable.
no, our shitskins saw the "leave" camp as overwhelmingly racist, so voted for remain. don't try to over-complicate things, our non-whites are just as stupid as yours, they don't think things through to the extent you seem to think they do.