So which one is a better franchise overall?

Freddy or Jason?

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Both are trash. But the self aware kind of trash and therefore awesome.

Some of the later Friday the 13th's are trash but entertaining. Most of the Elm Street sequels are awful.

That being said, New Nightmare is the best film in any of the series including the originals.

Exactly but I feel like Friday the 13th tried to keep its seriousness even with Jason at New York

my BIGGEST complaint about Nightmare on Elm Street is part 4 and 5 are SHIT, Robert Englund was so majestic as Freddy and wow I liked how he played with his victims, unlike Jason who is basically an OP silent machine

Nightmare is better overall.
There are trash movies in both series.

Nightmare 1, 3 and New Nightmare are better than the best of F13th movies. However the worst F13th movie is still better than the worst Nightmare movie.

Part 2 literally made Mark Patton leave acting

I personally prefer the over the top insanity and trippy visuals of Nightmare, which kept it entertaining and visually interesting even when the movies went to shit. Regardless of quality, those Nightmare were consistently creative. (Which is a big factor in the remake being such a shitty waste of potential)

However, that's not to say Jason didn't have his charms. Friday the 13th is the quintessential generic 80's slasher series, and reveled inbit for maximum fun.

A reminder that the only place left to go with Jason is to make the series completely ridiculous in a grindhouse way, Jason Vs Terminator when

agreed i feel the same about the nightmare scenarios. They where just so surreal to watch as a kid. the bus scene always stuck with me

The kid in that movie nearly ruins it for me every time I watch it. He's so fucking terrible.

They should make a movie based on the comic where Ash Williams comes out of nowhere and fights against Freddy and Jason

Watch this

and this

F13th had all the fun cut out, NoES didn't.

They had their moments.

Sexy teenage girls getting horribly killed is always good

>so which one is a better franchise overall?
>Freddy or Jason?

Mmh. Meh.
Freddy calling some bitch a bitch is funnier than that.

Better "movie", sure. John Carpenter's Halloween is better than anything else to come out of either franchise, with only the first Nightmare on Elm Street film even being slightly, remotely debatable to the contrary.

But as a franchise? Nah.

Halloween has like... One and a half good movies total, especially if you're not counting the third like I do. And the bad movies don't do schlock nearly as well as Friday the 13th does.


Freddy's Dead and Jason Goes to Hell is a great double feature.

First two movies were good in terms of cinematography indeed.
But unfortunately, they tried to proceed with the "seriousness" and it didn't work.

>Halloween has like... One and a half good movies total, especially if you're not counting the third like I do
Yes, but i count Rob Zombie's Halloween movies.

Even if you count them, that still doesn't change the fact that the Halloween franchise has like one and a half good movies.

it's makes the Halloween franchise has 3 and a half good movies.

A bad Nightmare is better than the average Friday the 13th

Freddy is more entertaining. Whereas Jason is a silent killer that isn't that entertaining on his own.

The first Nightmare on Elm Street film and New Nightmare are the only legitimately good film of the bunch.

The rest are pretty fun popcorn joints though. I enjoy both franchises about equally, even though Freddy at his best is pretty much objectively better.

4 hours of awesome

I prefer Ft13th's 1-4 over all of the Nightmare franchise.

However, the NoES franchise is the most inventive Horror franchise because they have the dream aspect. So, I'll give it that. And the first one has a really eerie tone.

Nightmare has the better franchise overall. It has more movies in it that are good, and its best movies are better than 13th's best movies. Its worst movies are still better than 13th's worst movies.

do you like trippy weird horror movies that are visually cool but confusing or slasher movies that show off all the unique ways to kill someone if you had superhuman strength

Freddy had more unique and interesting kills though, on average.

Is the crossover kino?

The original Nightmare on Elm Street is the best film of both franchises.

Freddy vs. Jason is very entertaining. Jason's fear of water didn't work though.

This is awesome
This is boring

The Carrie vs Jason segment of part 7 is the high point of the series.
Shame the rest of the movie sucked ass due to all the censorship.

Jason Lives is far better than Jason vs that psychic chick.