What did he mean by this?
Real black
Basking Robbins but he is dyslexic
Demanded icecream as part of negotiations
Red Bull
>illuminati confirmed
His name was Robert baulson
His name was Robert baulson
Robot's bitch
Refugees btfo
"Retarded Burger"
Robert Brown obviously. After that nog that got killed in Ferguson.
Reckage brother
Roll Bluntz
real black minus the hours
>regulus Black
He was a fan of Harry Potter
Robot Bomb
that was michael brown tho
He was hungry.
Really Big-guy
R. B. - This is ebonics for "Arby's"
This whole thing was just a huge misunderstanding. All he wanted was a cheddar & beef with some curly fries.
"robot bomb? Really bruh?"
It was funnier the first time, fag
Raisin Boy
Riana, Beyoncé
Both his fave artists
Ramses (wuz) Black
Rhonda Bruisey
Who knows, niggers don't know how to write.
He was going to write R. B. Spencer for Robert Spencer
Rising Brotherhood
Raback Bobama
Racists BTFO
Code for cheese pizza
Why would the police chief even mention his if he werent trying to stoke racial tensions himself?
"RIP Britain"
He was very upset about Brexit. That's why he did the shooting. There's no evidence it was a racial attack. The shooter's motives are hard to unpack.
Rob banks
>tfw my initials are RB
Rogan Board
Roman belic
He was sad that he wont make it for the bowling
Rager Boner?
If i had to guess, i would say rekia boyd. She was a dindu that got shot in the head in Chicago.
Rothschild, bitches.
Rate Boner
Reanut Butter
Das jus racisiss
Ribs Brotha!
He thought he was ordering at Chili's.
Revenge for Bernie.
Ronly Bonly
Rage Boner
Don't steal mine you kangaroo.