>Officials determined that Johnson used an SKS semi-automatic rifle with a fixed, non-detachable 10-round magazine
I was considering buying an SKS before the shooting happened.
What is your weaponfu Sup Forums?
>Officials determined that Johnson used an SKS semi-automatic rifle with a fixed, non-detachable 10-round magazine
I was considering buying an SKS before the shooting happened.
What is your weaponfu Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why in the world would you stop considering it?
Doesnt want to bruise her shoulders
I'm informing PM Trudeau that you're looking at weapons. Enjoy jail, white male
I still am. Low price is one of the deciding factors. Other rifles I was considering are Kel-Tec SU-16 or VZ. 58 They're all "unrestricted" in Canada so you can buy one with the lowest tier gun license.
SKS is the only semi auto rifle I have
They wouldn't ban a Cali legal gun, would they?
Also, link? Rev Jackson was just on Faux news earlier crying about 'muh military style salt wepons'
I wonder if he was running around with a bunch if clips.
Do you even have to ask?
Looks like it comes from space
Do any of you gun fags recommend a Lee Enfield rifle for home defense? I live in San Francisco, in a second floor apartment that overlooks a two lane street lined with shops, with two large trees providing cover. There are two points of entry, each requiring the breach of two doors, so I'd hear someone coming and have some time to prepare a defense. I live about a half mile from the nearest housing projects, I've seen dindus on bikes and hoverboards (r2-dindus).
>the new EU gun law will ban any semi-automatic rifle with a total length of less than 60 cm, or with a stock that can be folded, adjusted in length, or removed quickly (how quickly is up to debate, I guess if it isn't permanently fixed it's not good enough), and that can takes magazines of more than 10 rounds (we don't know yet if that means they'll ban magazines with more than 10 rounds or if they'll ban any weapon that has the ability to accept a magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds, which would limit us to fixed magazine weapons
So basically, the only weapons we would be able to own are the SKS, M1 Garand and similar designs, and now that it has been used in a shooting, they'll probably find a way to ban those as well. Just nuke us already.
This is one of those dream weapons. When the Hughes Amendment gets killed it's going to be the first thing I purchase.
Saiga AK-74 semiauto, not SKS
Sks can go off for like no reason at all. Great weapon but a little unsafe.
>fixed, non-detachable
How do you reload it?
My Gramps has one, you'd probably shoot through the entire building if you missed your target. Other than that and the slow reload I guess it would be better than nothing.
MP-5 K?
>bolt action
No. And yhis is coming from a no4 owner. Get a semi auto rifle or a pump/semi shotgun.
If you simply want to remove nignog get yourself the right arm of the free world AKA the FN FAL.
If you're short on cash, I think you should rather go for a $200 Mossberg and be done with it.
From the top either by hand or with stripper clip like any old rifle, you Mong.
Feed in cartridges through a top port.
>fixed mag
What a loser
Yep. I had the privilege to shoot one owned by a local sheriff's department and I fell in love.
Higher KDR than you in COD
>all these nogunz
I thought you faggots were redpilled
>Bolt action
>.303 British
>Full power rifle round in an apartment
Just buy a shotgat.
Does it have the same cycle rate as the (full-size) MP-5 or faster?
This is a conspiracy.
They claim it was an SKS so the noguns libshits wont be corrected on the clips for this happening.
/k/ btfo
bought a beautiful 1955 Tula last week. The wood on it looks fucking sweet and the gun is in excellent condition. They are great guns.
Does Canada really limit the SKS magazine capacity to 5?
>bolt action inside apartment
Just get a cheap revolver
Was this him?
They'll probably still say it uses a high capacity magazine.
Exactly what I was thinking
They literally chose the meme gun that's borderlining the threshold between "assault rifle" and bolt action
It'd be too obvious if they chose a nugget so they chose the otherside of the variety.
This is way too easy, even for the lizards
First the .22 now the sks
I own a piece of shit $200 shotgun. It only cycles 1 type of ammo from 1 manufacturer. Everything else jams up in it. Every time.
Wouldn't suggest going too cheap. It may cost you big time.
That being said, if its dindus, anything should do for an initial attack. The first time they hear a shot, they'll scurry for the door.
Anything higher than a level 1 dindu, though, and you are fucked. You gain instant xp if you get a semi auto with a 10 or more capacity.
>not playing insurgency
I've left mine loaded by my bed for a while, and dropped it a few times
"Following the shooting, police confronted Johnson at a parking garage, and a standoff ensued. In the early hours of July 8, police killed Johnson with a bomb attached to a remote control bomb disposal robot."
"Some experts believe it was the first time in U.S. history a robot was used by police to deliver lethal force."
Where did I say im being anti-gun
What a load of autism
Why not still buy one? My Raifu is a PTR91 endowed with ancient kraut space magik. My handgunfu is a Sig P320
i don't want to be an autist and post a thread on /k/, but I need some advice. going to buy my first handgun and i've been looking at some 1911s. am I retarded?
>rails on the dustcover
well it can slamfire because it has a free floating firepin
>recommend a Lee Enfield rifle for home defense?
Maybe if it's legal to shoot intruders while they are still a half mile from you house.
I can't answer that because I've never fired a full size one, the K is the only one I've had the chance to shoot. One of the officers present when we were firing it said it cycles slower slightly but more consistently and doesn't run as hot. But I've heard the exact opposite from other people, so I won't know until I can fire them at the same time and test it.
>Seperate three round burst on the change lever
For what purpose...
Soft primered American ammo can cause slamfires. Had it happen with my Chinese sks once. Its the free floating firing pin. Russian ammo doesn't have that problem though
Only if you leave it gunked up with cosmoline, from what I've read anyway
They have a free floating pin, slam fires are pretty common in them.
>For home defence
Sounds like you bought a shit gun tbqhfambalam. Nothing wrong with the Mav/norinco/savage shotgats. You having problems with ejection? Try polishing the chamber,heard that helps.
> Sks can go off for like no reason at all
Gun violence is real?
>anti-gun = nogunz
You're a fucking idiot
just get a 9mm glock brand glock or wannabe glock, not a collector gun
ar15 hands down. no other gun is as buildable modular and easy to modify
Yes, an automatic MP5k can give you 900 shots per minute while the full sized military version get 800 rounds per minute.
I really dont know what you mean
that is not a stretch. they have consistently been calling it a sniper rifle
it's as much a sniper as a shotgun with slugs is
Your post here is way more autistic than a post on /k/ would be
>honestly your honor my gun shot the coons, it's racist not me
>SKS is the only semi auto rifle I have
>They wouldn't ban a Cali legal gun, would they?
I'm in the same boat and kinda wondering the same thing. fortunately it didn't happen here in cali and they aren't propagandizing the weapons he used, so i think we're gonna be ok for now. full semi auto ban in this state is probably in the works eventually though
Clean the cosmo out of the bolt and firing pin area. Cosmo will jam the firing pin and cause it to go slam fire until empty after the first shot.
There's more to LEs than SMLE my fren
FN FAL are heavy as fuck
The SKS doesn't even kick hard at all.
or if it's just dirty, from what i hear atleast. it's never happened to me but I still never chamber it unless im about to shoot it
Never had a problem with a Mav 88.
Obviously an AR is a better choice, it also costs more.
Let them come. My license got approved recently.
>They wouldn't ban a Cali legal gun, would they?
>I'm in the same boat and kinda wondering the same thing.
Guess what? They have always wanted to get rid of all of them. ALL OF THEM. They have tried multiple times for outright bans, and it failed miserably. The strategy that has been in place for the last several decades is to chip away at the 2nd Amendment piecemeal.
Whatever they ban is merely a step towards banning something else. They will come for your milsurp eventually
Depends on what you want it for .As a carry gun people tend to recommend smaller striker fired guns. If you want to go shooting a lot you might consider something in .22 or 9mm to keep ammo cost down. If you just like 1911s then go ahead and get it. Personally when I plan to buy one I'm going to get something pretty expensive. Find a range near you that rents guns and try out a few things to see what you like
>not FN SCAR
So does the AR-15. Clean that shit.
>Legal in all states
>can only load 10 round capacity to 5
that's retarded.
>Cosmo will jam the firing pin and cause it to go slam fire until empty after the first shot.
It'll empty as soon as you drop the bolt nigga.
>t. guy who may or may not have intentionally gunked up his firing pin channel to see if it works.
Don't try it at home. Unsafe as fuck. Only stops shooting when the magazine empties.
Still my favorite gun. Just keep it clean. Took ages to get all that glue out of there.
They won't ban anything
Not really. They're all of a similar design even if they've got a different name i.e. fuckheug and overpowered.
What are you some kind of fanny?
>meme gun
one of the few instances where 'clip' is the correct terminology
My dreamfu would be a Chinese 16 inch barrel SKS-M paratrooper model with a straight stock and a vertical grip attached.
If I were king I'd commission the design of a Type-81 rifle that allows stock interchangeability and takes standard AK mags and make that the standard rifle of the military.
>apartment in Saan Fran...
>using .308s
>with a gun thats banned in cali
He doesnt want to kill half his city block then land in prison for life.
Buy the FAL, then hide it somewhere innawoods for the uprising. not for home defense, because of laws and population density.
Use a 9mm with hollow points. a glock or something.
A semiauto shotgun would work too.
The last bastion of European freedom.
The right-hand of the free world.
It gets the job done right the first time. Fantastic fucking rifle and accurate as fuck.
Bubba pls leave
Glock gen 3. Best pistols I have ever used. go with a 19 for home defense and for me I use a 43 for cc. My stepdad is a police head firearms instructor/armorer for his department and its what he carrys and got me hooked on. Beretta and Sig are pretty dang good though. It mainly falls upon what is comfy in your hand and what you like. But god I love the glock platform.
>meme gun
There is no alternative to the FAL when removing nignog.
>not L
There is no point in buying an SKS at current price points, you might as well spend $100 more and get a WASR
I've owned two SKSes and find them pretty overrated. heavy as hell, fixed mag, firing pin problems. just get a WASR
>implying H is the only one
Why is it so ugly and long
FAL is the sword of europe and shield, swords and shields are heavy from time to time
How about something shorter than an 18 year old
It's a Battle Rifle.
A rifle for real men :')
It's true
I own 3 of these wonderful rifles ,53,53,54,
All out of Tula
>a gun made by jews
>.308 round