What does pol think of this guy?
Is he right?
Alex Jones
Kike shill since 96
Overdosed on red pills
Of course not, but dammit if i don't love him anyway
His voice makes him sound like he should own a railroad.
Con artist exploiting the mentally ill of society. I approve of him.
Controlled opposition.
A bloviating hippo stirring up the great unwashed.
He believes what he says but he is wrong on some issues.
A true Redpilled sage. You should really buy his Alexapureâ„¢ water filters
hijacked by psyops and a mole
Brilliant entrepreneur who single-handedly carved out and cornered a million-dollar niche
Paid to make you look like a crazy idiot for believing in the existence of a "conspiracy"
I laughed at him when he was talking about spidergoats but them bbc.com
He's not wrong about a lot of things, but as many people who tend to make truth seeking/presenting their profession and primary occupation and way of making a buck (Cooper, Watt, Mark Passio, Jan Irvin)
he tends to oversimplify a lot to fit his narrative to get the really stupid people to get what he is saying, and as a result, now EVERYTHING fits the narrative, at which point he starts beleiving it himself.
>Hollywood isn't run by Jews! Jews are great! Israel is great! Actually, I know for a fact that Hollywood is run by oil rich Arabs, not Jews! You anti-semites! My producer is a Jew! Jews are great! There's no Jewish conspiracy, you Nazis!
If you didn't supremely drop is fat ass after that, seek professional help.
Whether he's serious or just playing a character to shill his products I just don't understand why he acts like this sometimes;
What's the point of this?
He's based af, but i take anything he says with a grain of salt, but i wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be right.
Suspiciously, he never say anything about jews.
t. globalist shills
Making his psychotic audience believe they're fighting a supreme Manichean evil the likes of which the world has never seen
He has to get them into Jonestown and make them reject all other voices
hurr everyone in the thread is a globalist shill but canada who, for some reason, has a relevant opinion about the host of a show that is centered on american politics and up til recently been completely anti-thatshit and govt conspiracy / cover-up
now somehow suddenly hes sucking govt dick
yeah, me and george soros are just chilling here laughing at all of you
fuckin stupid ass leaf
A few of the things he says more so what he has said in the past was a little over the top , so they spread that he is a butter conspiracy theorist. He is actually spot on with a lot of shit from Muslim refugees, George soros, blm, southern border issues, and so on.
He has to not only run network advertising but plug his own products as well. There simply isn't any time to break anything down I he wanted to. 3 minutes of show per 10 minutes of ads. A little ridiculous.
He has called out the Jew multiple times in the past couple months, but all of you tards that believe everything that goes on is all caused by a jew, when they are only a small part of the globalist effort to destroy us.
i saw one video of him in some random talk show and he was acting like totally insane.
After that i dont take anything he says seriously.
Grazy people might be right about something, but sinse theyre insane, you cant trust their judgement and facts.
>he never says anything about Jews
He actually does, just not every minute of every show like Sup Forums expects. Could you imagine how gas they would turn the spin machine to discredit him and take him of every affiliate?
He's not entirely wrong about some of his stuff. But he still thinks all races are exactly equal, which is his biggest downfall.
cmon man you are exaggerating just a bit. Im not trying to sell anything either way here but I can say his long winded ass show vs the commercial / marketing portion of it arent out of whack at all.
You cant honestly be mad that hes trying to sell stuff to people can you? He sells all sorts of shit. Huge supplies of fuckin SHTF foods and supplements. I honestly think the dude has good intentions with all that stuff and you kinda have to make money or you cant do what he does anywhere near as often as he does. Its called business.
I hate being a canadian because of you bluepilled faggots
MSM vs Alex Jones
shouldnt you be watching CNN right now or something?
good goy
>only person in the media that actually talks about the real issues
>but he doesn't talk about the Jews enough so he isn't real
>he sells products, so he is bad
>he is controlled opposition cause he's covering for this group because he didnt spend 4 hours a day to say every problem is their fault
85% right, 15% wrong or batshit crazy. Which makes him far better than CNN.
>wears a wig
>sells "power" pills
>can't say Jew to any power group
>employs token Uncle Toms for SJW approval
>Claims he's a feminist
>thinks Putin is more democratic than Obama
>19 year old degenerate daughter dates a Black Guy (the bull who's a reporter on his show)
>Thinks UN is a military power
>Employs a flaming British faggot who claims Moon Landings didn't occur
Literally the worst fake redpiller since Glenn Beck.
Im not sure what you are trying to say or why you are saying it to me.
No, I buy a lot of the products myself, and I've been more than satisfied with them, but it just gets old hearing the ads over and over. I guess the point is if you listen or not, you know what he sells. I think he would be better off just telling people they need to be prepared. I believe in being prepared for anything especially with the way this country is headed. I just don't see the need in beating a dead horse.
Im not a real faithful follower of AJS so Im probably the reason hes beating the dead horse. Doesn't really feel like a dead horse to me.
I understand what you are saying though.
>loves Obama, Putin is the devil because he wont give in to globalist demands.
It all makes sense
See FBIAnon's take.
Not an agent, just an idiot who is sincere in his idiocy. Sometimes happens to be right.
Of course Hitler repealed the Weimar gun laws. But AJ doesn't like to discuss that!
Alex "it's anyone, but the Jews" Jones
cause calling out the Jews isnt suicide politically, right? fuck relevance just scream and cuss about the dirty kykes and how bad you want to gas them!
They are jews if you say they are or you just stfu about it.
His idiocy is inversely proportional to the amount of real news there is. When there is nothing to talk about he just makes shit up.
I think his heart is in the right place, but at the end of the day he will make sure to make a buck.
It is the sort of thing that makes the difference between someone who has a show and someone who watches shows.
At least it is not stuff anyone believes. If I say my neighbor Fred tortures rabbits, someone might believe me and it might damage Fred's reputation, but if I say he is a Lizard, nobody would believe me and his reputation is unscathed.
Ghost is better
suicide financially when all your sponsors are jews
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. ...
Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation." "Praktischer Idealismus
At least naming Kalergi and his plan for ethnic displacement and Jewish supremacy. Not even conspiracy, but rather openly stated plan.
ok, yeah, Im not trying to say that the Jew plot is a hidden thing. Its been floating around in the open since you mfers kicked the Jews out and the book the protocols of the learned elders of zion with them. Its just that a few things have happened since then. They have made it taboo to name the jew. Its not going to get a great reception to call any race of people out. Its just perceived as stupid and racist and to a degree it is. The "jew" youre referring to doesn't give a fuck about all jews. Just certain jews.
Its easier to just name names and leave race out of it. It makes more sense.
He's a literal strawman
bro, Im not this deep in the alex jones world.
youll have to elaborate.
He tells small amounts of truth wrapped it bullshit. I'm pretty sure some of his staff lurks Sup Forums.
he's great.
Anyone who thinks he isn't great hasn't listened to him enough.
He's right about everything that he reports, he redpills people on a ton of shit
inb4 doesn't talk about israel
He just said this last week that the FBI director couldn't talk about Hillary's emails being hacked because it was Israel who was doing the hacking, and we aren't allowed to talk about israel in a negative way.
I think that he's great because you can't just take a libertarian and make them 14/88 race war gas the kikes immediately. They have a TON of alex jones time between then and 14/88. Plus, all of the comments on all of his videos and news casts ALL have the Jew named (they don't delete the comments)
I suspect he's a good goyim. Any suggestions that he's a CIA or Mossad shill don't carry weight with me.
I think there is a small conspiracy to discredit him, because he speaks inconvenient truths.
Don't miss his latest full show.
I don't know, I think his act is important. If not, people would be numb to that type of shit.
this is true too. But what could he do to not be a strawman?
I've seen a ton of people with his Hillary for Prison shirts lately, and I am in the San Francisco bay area of California.
nah the vast amount of the broadcast is the truth. It's just not all about jews.
yea, he always takes the side of white people too.
And he points out how the news is anti white all the time
oh and one more thing
the globalist is a better way to explain it than the jew, anyway. People can more easily digest "globalist conspiracy" than "jewish conspiracy" and all they have to do is look up the globalists and realize mos to them are jews
people who don't like him are retarded because they don't understand that he wouldn't even HAVE an audience if he was constantly yelling about jews.
Often times he likens them to vampires. hahahaha
does not the word "globalist" pretty much mean "jews" ??
Im not sure what the "he doesnt ever say its the jews" shit is all about
people here are so butthurt about it, but like I've said, he wouldn't have millions of viewers if he constantly named the jew.
yea I was saying that earlier.
you cant just run around screaming about gassing the kykes n shit. I mean, if that were effective we wouldnt be having this discussion right now
He's just extremity passionate in what he's doing
you're right amigo
we should just not vote huh?
yea, plus like some people have already said
>there was already dividend banking before the jews
>dividend banking and central banks would be a problem without jews
>it would probably be mormons, but some group would replace them
what can we learn from this? We can learn to shitpost about it?
or are we ACTUALLY going to learn that we are the only group that has zero unifiers, and unifiers are what we need?
This is why I am in the process of creating a religion with other Sup Forumsiticians. Nothing else is going to be able to get our people to override the media, to have a place to congregate, to have unifying goals that undercut all others, keep us from interbreeding, a channel for voluntary eugenics
>inb4 what about all these other religions, why don't you try those?
those aren't working. And they aren't designed for the betterment of white people over multiple generations.
jewish shill, look at his debate with Dr. Duke
>vast amounts of his broadcasts are true
No. I've been watching him off and on since 08. He is wrong so much. Now he just screams and yells and tries to convince people to buy garbage from the infowars store.
>Macatits helped breakup his marriage.
Prove me wrong.
name something.
am I incorrect?
Name something that would work better than a religion. Religions are given protectionist laws, religions are allowed to congregate and choose who it is that is congregating, religions are allowed to hire people based on religious principles.
Literally all laws that are effectively anti-white could be cancelled out for the people in a religion we created.
Not to mention incentivizing higher birth rates, incentivizing eugenics based breeding, nepotism that could be practiced because of it, etc. All we would need is good lawyers. (The christians here have horrible lawyers)
Nothing would be able to compete
>It's an 'Alex Jones doe a british accent' moment
Always cringy
so you are doing all the things you are bitching about other people doing?
I just want to shrink the govt down to the point we can stick a flag in the ground and call it our own and if anybody we dont want comes around we can just shoot them dead and use their bones to make fishing hooks and other tools
I dont want your made up religion.
i hate the click bait titles but he knows what he's talking about
my only question is does he know the jewwish redpill or what
you have no understanding of the nature of power if you think that what, a book you write? an ideology? is going to take hold and somehow result in the government giving up it's own power.
I just want you to know that you sound exactly like a communist when you say "All I want is everyone to have the same ideology as me"
That doesn't work, with anything other than something that has the mental strength of a religion/ spiritual doctrine. That's why communists are basically a religion of their own.
Humanity is wired to have a religion. Right now it is leftism. You think that somehow, with whites decreasing daily, that you are going to change that mental religion to libertarianism.
he knows it, but he doesn't say it often, he just sneaks it in there
The other day he said that Hillary was selling state secrets to Israel and that is why the FBI wouldn't indict her, because Israel is protected in the government and they have that power over the government because there is a super powerful jewish mafia in government who are foreign nationals/ dual citizenship.
strawpoll DOT me SLASH 10713853
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strawpoll DOT me SLASH 10713853
You're right and I've been telling Sup Forums that for awhile. You can't actually say Jews after Hitler so now everyone has to use the globalist label. Which is coincidentally mostly Jewish and almost identical to the Jews in every way.
You'll find the people that use the term globalist have some strange fantasy where they run all the globalist out of power and the world magically fixes itself. What they don't understand or just refuse to acknowledge is that the "globalist" will never just accept defeat. They will always return. They will always try to cause destruction and chaos. It's the way of the Jew. The logical conclusion us genocide.
Hitler really was right but it's political suicide to even think about admitting that.
you fucking dildo idgaf about you.
you are the one talking about make believing some religion to unify people
Im saying all people are retarded trash and I would prefer if you all just fucked off while I lived out in the woods somewhere and if you decided not to fuck off I should be able to just shoot you and collect your bones.
and fuck paying taxes for land that Ive staked claim to.
Is Pope Francis the jew's puppet? This year he won that Kalergi prize that the EU gives to the shabos goys who promote multiculturalism. Merkel won it in 2008.
I don't get how people miss this, it's like they just watched 5 minutes, heard no mentions of Jews and switched off. I've only been watching since Wednesday and I've heard at least 3 direct mentions.
Plus, the emphasis he always puts on the word makes me think he's really saying (((globalists))).
>no canada
His face alone offends me. I don't know why he thinks it's ok to say hate speech.
canada is on there dude.
hahaha yea
everything he describes about globalists is so completely true for the jews.
"they want a world of their own. They want to disgenics us. They think normal white americans are nothing. They have a global financial conspiracy. They don't think the laws applies to them."
I mean, it's the same thing.
no israel?
holy shit youre right!
>no NZ
come on m8, everyone hates worst Australia
>american reading
top fucking kek, you guys are so lucky you have some clever ones otherwise americans would be universally mocked on Sup Forums, and sometimes still are
too bad you cant say the same for yourself, canada.
What are the best episodes? I've watched everything since last Tuesday plus all the Brexit ones, I'm going to watch the Boston Bombing investigations after.
He's okay, but he needs to calm down at some points.
It's like he cares, but he goes to the next lever or some shit.
He's that like crazy uncle we all have.
He gives me the heebie jeebies.