What's Sup Forums opinion about gentrification?
What's Sup Forums opinion about gentrification?
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Doesn't solve the problem, just relocates them.
Although it's kind of doing good in Atlanta. White people are about to outnumber blacks and the Millenials are pushing them well south of the city, where there is nothing other than the airport.
Sucks if you're south of the perimeter but, hey, fuck you.
Good as long as it keeps the shitskins out.
Its an improvement
Could be the answer to our city dindu question.
Ops, i forgot the link.
How does gentrification and white flight not cancel each other out? Also why are both examples of black oppression?
Obama's hires at HUD are going to force Section 8 housing on the most white areas to punish white flight so there will be no area too gentrified and scum free.
It's great.
go be poor somewhere else, literally
This. Millenial hipsters are making Atlanta tolerable.
The poor should be put to work on a reserv and the slums they hold hostage should be developed.
They don't have to cancel each other out. Using Atlanta for example, I don't give a fuck if the blacks move to counties 10-15 miles away from the city. There is no industry or economy there. Let them wallow in their own filth. But if they can fuck out of Atlanta and we can bring back business to the areas they ruined? Good.
Can we push them all the way to detroit? Blacks can have detroit.
Brooklyn is like this almost every where, the housing projects near where i live are now totally surrounded by multi million dollar home. ( refurbished brown stones) The nig nogs are contained in that area and have even calmed down a lot over the last 15 years, must be something in the water.
Funny thing about all this is that the Hipsters and trust fund babies moving in are the same whites that are some time pushing the BLM bullshit... gonna come back and bite them in the ass one day.
>Get BLM to declare Detroit indeendent
>All the niggers that consume their bullshit flock there as if it was going to be an Utopia
>Trump wins elections
>Niggers discover what a mistake it was
>Border's closed suckers
A symptom of Leftist disease spreading through our system and the slow extermination of the working class
>and the slow extermination of the working class
robots will be everywhere in 10 years anyway
Say what you will about hipsters, but I'd much rather deal with them and their fixed-gear bikes than crackheads.
The robots are already here; just look at anyone on their cellphone playing Pokemon Go.
"Gentrification," or rather the hysteria surrounding it, just highlights leftist hypocrisy.
Whites leave an area?
>Wow racist whites don't want to live next to blacks! White flight!
Whites move to an area?
>Wow whites are trying to destroy black culture! Gentrification!
wait.. are you telling me people renovate and improve their buildings? its almost as if this was happening since people first built mud huts
You're welcome!
there's nothing wrong with gentrification of old industrial district, the thing that upsets people is gentrification of low class residential/commercial areas
personally i love gentrification, i'd really like to see gentrification in some parts of the center of my city where muzzies and congo niggers have decided to live, crazy how those places went to shit in just a few decades, they look so dirty now and they're filled with kebab shops, nig hair salons and wig/extension shops, halal butchers and those sort of things but the architecture there is actually pretty plus it's the center of the city so you can't really avoid those places, especially if you're a tourist. thankfully it's already happening
not a real issue
ghettos ruin cities. whites complain about ghettos. blacks complain about not being able to afford to move out of the ghetto.
it raises property values, and it gets blacks into concentrations that they can become indoctrinated in and become civilized
>demolishes shitty neighborhoods
>less crime
>more property taxes
Pls no. It's be being build with Middle East blood money and imposed on us even tho literally no one supports it but the people in power.
>blacks moving out of inner cities into suburbs/rural areas
>whites move into inner cities from suburbs/rural areas
>suburbs/rural areas become hell
>cities become a paradise
trading places
>improving shitholes to better things
I see nothing wrong with it
white flight is what conservative whites do, gentrification is what "hip" leftist faggot whites do.
>be white kid
>grew up in the ghetto around blacks
>parents work hard and move us out to the burbs because of this
>10 years later
>ghetto I grew up in has hipsters everywhere and is nice
>suburbs I live in is slowly being filled with more and more nogs
It's good when it clears out people below my income level/class.
It's bad when it clears out people at my income level.
Fugg I need to get rid of the nametag...
investment scheme
makes me a lot of money, but so too does it all these fucking chinks coming in
Hipsters make great company.
They get loads of shit, but I loved living in a student city. It's safe. It's active. Loads of attractive girls with high IQs. The only downside is that it is politically leftwing, which means many people on Sup Forums will be at odds with the majority of the population on some things.
gentrification is an improvement in black-populous neighborhoods
but in some places, like france, it just ends up fucking impoverished whites
"God damn all these rich white folks, coming into our neighborhoods, throwing money at local businesses!"
you should come to Oslo then
It's a concept invented by sumg liberals to make people think they care about the poor minorities, who then actively participate in the process.
Like literally all that is happening is extremely cheap property is being bought up by smart investors/entrepreneurs who then create a successful housing location/business which then increases property value. This then keeps going until the neighborhood is too wealthy to be affordable to poor families. I don't understand the problem of this.
Would people rather we leave buildings boarded up and bombed out and instead just give gimmedats do blacks?
This. My school is in a ghetto and a girl here always posts on kikebook about how we have to be sensitive to the locals' ways of life etc, and she apologizes for gentrifying the area. For the record, the school hasn't moved in 150+ years, she lives on campus, and all of the local businesses she (and all other students) visits are owned and operated by locals. I don't get where the bitching comes from.
Virtue signalling. She (and Leftists/Liberals in general) want to show off how holy and pious they are. They then try and shout over each other to assert their dominance as the most pious.
It just so happens that currently, being a braindead cuck = virtuous. But trends change. It used to be about who was the most Christian, it used to be about who could be the most pro-eugenics, it used to be about who could be the most FREEDOM, etc. This is a simple facet of humanity. It happens all across the world and has always been happening.
So our job is to make sure when the trend changes, it changes to something good.
the only drawback is when old parts of cities that have old architecture get turned into shitty concrete+glass starbucks parking lots that look identical to the rest of them.
there hasn't been a working class in the USA in decades. those few who do work in manufacturing or at the docks can certainly afford to live in places other than the ghettoes that are being 'gentrified'
>The only downside is that it is politically leftwing
This sort of shit gets really annoying, though. There's no security in it, either, because these people will up and vote away everything that makes the place worth living in in the first place. They will put mosques fucking everywhere, be the first to jump at the chance to house """refugees""" and other undesirables.
I abide
>white hipsters clean up rundown hood
>nigs can't afford to live there
>good coffee, good beer, pretty girls
It's a good thing, as long as its allowed to happen naturally
Prices in Copenhagen are soaring atm. Over the last decade the old junkie neighbourhood of Vesterbro has been turned into OP's pic related
The problem is that there's a whole lot of governemnt intervention to keep prices down. E.g. some fraction of all rennovations and new buildings must be "public benefit" housing, which is a series of requirements for affordability etc. The result is that getting to live in the city becomes a lotterty with you and everyone else competing for a very limited amount of charity housing. Those who lose get left outside. If all normal people were driven out by high rent prices, at least we'd create communities elsewhere
And then move when it's a shithole
Urban gentrification is only possible because section 8 vouchers moves the nigger plague to suburban apartments.
Leftists should be forced to live with the problem they created, not dump it on others.
Creates more income and pushes the "undesirable" out
I don't see what the problem here is?
>black people
>hard working white people
>hipster white people
Where do the "undesirable" go?
It doesn't fix the nigger problem, it just moves it.
All people have to do if they don't want their neighborhood gentrified is make it average-nice. There are decent working class neighborhoods which avoid a steep increase in housing values that way - they are less-attractive targets for gentrification because there isn't a huge return on investment on renovating.
Exactly. Because they are the upper class that can afford to switch homes like a pair of clothes. I've seen people do it and even then deny it has anything to do with the policy they constantly supported.
White flight is bad for the same reason companies moving overseas is bad. If you think white flight is okay, you must think offshoring is okay. It's the exact same thing.
Gentrification is bad because it pushes poor people out of their neighborhood. It's basically the same thing as eminent domain. You're not solving poverty, you're just pushing the poverty to a different town.
good one
it improves shitty neighbohoods, displaces neer do wells. does not solve their income problem. this is not a new phenomenon. its been happening in cities since the dawn of urbanity.
As a Bohemian, I dislike the cultural appropriation.
black americans make bad urbanists. their dysfunctional social structure is apparent in their neighborhoods. notice mexican/latino neighborhoods remain cohesive and less fucked? that because their marriage rates are much higher. niggers need to get it together if the want to keep whitey out of their neighborhoods, increase their gdp and make their families stronger....
Taking blame for when you fucking shit up is not OK user!
While keeping the poor away is good, I lament the loss of character of these areas, especially neighboors that, while poor, still visibly have characterics of what it was, instead of what it will become under millenials
either way, its either a ghetto shithole that i cant live in OR its a gentrified area with 5x property prices with $1000 for a 1br that I cant live in or afford
you niggers are the first to gentrify a neighborhood. you do the heavy lifting and all of the lookey loos eventually take notice. hipsters are like the remora of urbanity, just along for the ride.
Gentrification is amazing. The only drawback to it is how outrageously expensive it makes property values, but unfortunately the price is what makes it possible. It's worth the money anyway.
Not the real bohemians, the degenerate hipster trash bohemians
Yes, that is the irony of it.
Different type of bohemian...
cities have always been a nest for diseases and there is no way to practice shooting in. only niggers and richfags should liver there
So lefties should be forced to become racist?
Leftards only exist because they don't deal with the shit they peddle. This effect can be seen in other groups, like gypos and the french.
>Poor white crackheads surrounded my town
>Middle-class Mexicans came and stole all of their property
>No one complains about break-ins anymore
>Nice houses are getting built
>No one cares if you burn garbage in your backyard
>No one tries to control anyone elses life
>The first and last murder we had was perpetrated by 2 white drug addicts that murdered an old couple down the street from me
I'd rather have hard-working Mexicans than drug-addicts any day.
It's a good thing; nobody likes a slum.
We need mexi-cans, not mexi-cunts
This. And the girls can be pretty cute as well.
>gentrifier: hmmm, sure it was a crime-infested shithole before but didn't this neighborhood just have so much more character. Wow, gentrification sure is bad. Oh well back to my latte at my open floor office!
>Person being gentrified: Oh no, I have to go farther than the 3 stores that still exist in my neighborhood and charge bodega markups for goods and services or leave this third world-tier shithole and find another third world shithole/public housing. I'm being displaced and my life is being disrupted. I've been unemployed for 5 years btw.
Gentrification is white people pretending to feel bad and working class people pretending their neighborhood was a good place to live or that they actually work.
>fixed-gear bikes
is this a thing? wtf
I think the real problem people have with gentrification is just who's doing the gentrifying. Gentrification done by wealthy Americans is good. It brings money to otherwise very poor areas. Unfortunately, the sort of gentrifying you see in cities like San Francisco and Seattle aren't done by Americans. It's foreign nationals buying property for the sole purpose of getting their money out of America. They don't use these home, nor rent them out. They just sit unused, seen as nothing more than an excuse to get most likely illegally acquired funds out of reach of their governments. It becomes a race to the bottom with home owners, who crank up prices because they know Joe Ching Chong will buy it anyway. Hell, it make it more convenient to buy a single high priced home than multiple properties, to boot.
There needs to be extreme regulations on foreigners buying property in the United States.
Denver here: you'd think having affluent whites flood your town would be a good thing, but it's not. Better than nogville, that's for sure; it's an abstract kind of hell.
It ruins the point of the ghettos: containment.
If the filth isn't allowed to be purged at least keep them segregated.
I wish my country would finally start geographically segregating. Instead the gov is spreading the gypsies all over the place.
Cheaper, more reliable. If you're constantly doing stop-and-go because of street lights and stuff, it doesn't matter too much.
It seems Ben isn't a fan of shitposting.
It's destroying London, there are streets and streets in central London lying empty
Yeah, we share a border with that sinkhole.
How about Oakland?
maybe like 5 years ago. Hipsters wouldn't be seen dead on one now
It's also abusive of parts that aren't designed for those kind of forces and inefficient braking. It can be good for training purposes as it makes your muscle groups apply forces differently, but overall there's no major reason to do it. Cable pull brakes and derailleurs aren't hard.
t. /n/
pedro stop lying
He forgot the downsides
>No silence at all
>You MUST go to every party, it's a rule (you fucking weird)
>All non-mexican food is banned
>English outlawed
I'm not overfond of them myself, but they're pretty common in Montreal and Toronto, I can say that much.
I like having the option of just coasting without my pedals spinning around for no reason. Having at least a couple different gear ratios is nice, too, since I've always lived in areas with lots of hills.
I'm not lying. It's just the way things turned out.
English isn't outlawed, but my neighbors don't invite me to any of their parties.
There's constant silence almost every night except for the occasional party. (Which occur once or twice a month)
>but my neighbors don't invite me to any of their parties
They hate you.
Good, it forces gangs and scum to regroup and that makes them manageable. They are not organised in the sense that they can just 'move' their business. Keep moving them around, don't let them settle or come at ease. Let them know their neighbourhoods are a target for forced improvement so they cannot get too cocky or they have to leave again. Make sure to replace it middle-class apartments and not just high end accommodations.
i live in portland. i "hear" about all cash offers on home all over the city but i dont have proof they are foreign nationals buying up homes as an investment. i think that shit is all over vancouver at this point though so it wouldn't suprise me that we would see this happening in desireable markets. tell me more.
It's great- revitalizes urban areas that have fallen into disrepair and are abandoned. If that means crackheads have to go somewhere else, not my problem. They belong in rehab anyway.
WTF is cereal cafe?
Oh, wait. Forgot that in english cafe is the name of the place where you drink coffee and not...well coffee itself.
Fucking english and their idiot use of foreign words.
breakfast cereal, £5 per bowl incl milk
cafe in portugese is café
That's because Denver is now a dudeweed mecca. Not really the case for most other cities.
I enjoy renting out the two apartments in my building to these hipsters, they fucking almost anything. 500 sq ft for just under 2800 a month.
another ten years or so and i will sell the building and move to upstate NY.
>either way, its either a ghetto shithole that i cant live in OR its a gentrified area with 5x property prices with $1000 for a 1br that I cant live in
It's like there's no middle ground or, if there is, people come in and ruin it.