who championship game here
Other urls found in this thread:
Gurley shredding the Tits early
Who /eliminated/ here?
Let's go boys. Fantasy championship.
Who is your mvp lads? For me, it's Buffstream
lol rams
>memecus memeiota
youtube streams are GOAT
Rams are gods
WATCH all nfl games incuding redzone herevoo.memesyndicate.com
>Showing the Titans playoff clinching scenario when the Ravens already won yesterday
REDZONE live youtu.be
>Taking sacks on 4th down
I'll never understand this
Can't wait till cousins is gone desu
Dead thread
Dead game
why the fuck is this so dead
Fuck you todd gurley
is 24 of Dec
morning, afternoon NFL, and a college game later
nothing else really
I'm listen to the Chillhop jazz holiday stoof on the Jewt.ube and talking to family, Mom made lots of food, sister is reminding us while she lives elsewhere =D
>I love them, really
also, smoking something the ladies called Baby Lucy
>alone, the family is relatively sober peeps
based Staffy
sounds fucking awesome, merry christmas user
our christmas is on jan 7th and nobody gives a flyer about it except religious people, the entire country celebrated the new year though and, as you might figure, gets totally shitfaced and recovers until the state holidays end around jan 9th
come on busc, you can do it, hold them off
What do you think of Americans who think Russia interfered with the election?
sounds like central asia to me, lad
ultra orthodox rituals with and the bling and such; and best parties of a life time
>often fatal, only use for intended purposes, offer unreliable and uninsured pretty much everywhere
i think they're sore losers
dude, fuck ewe
>it's the Holy Days
I voted for utter chaos like I do every year, and I won, and I'm still unsatisfied
>life of a nihilist =\
Glad the Lions lost. Now we need the Panthers to lose.
fucking lucky son a bitch $cam
can't wait until this cunt gets bootyblasted in the playoffs again
That's an understatement.
Who wins, panthers or flacons next week
insult to injury
busc gonna busc
c a t s b o i i i i i i i i i i
good let's go cowboys
and to think i said he was miles ahead of memeis two years ago
>lattimore bout to catch dat ball
wow black bottles is traaash
>extra /comfy/ thread