Why don't women use Sup Forums?
Why don't women use Sup Forums?
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The answer is that women are used to not being offended because they are women. On an anonymous board they cannot be afforded this protection.
Pic related: Sup Forums.
I am a woman and I used Sup Forums
inb4 tits or gtfo
not gonna happen
How's the bank crisis? Heard the italian dollar is worthless now
inb4 300 replies after one "I'm a gril" poster
probably because every third post here is about how evil and awful they are and how they're the root of all evil
that would wear me down after a while too
They do, kys
They find different or strong opinions offensive. The meme that they used to leave the room when men started talking about serious topics is real.
because they have no sexual power here
>Italian dollar
Anyway the crisis is not really a crisis for now, but it might soon become one
But I'm a wommmyn
Like I said to the french hermit (wo)man a few days ago, everybody on Sup Forums is a man. Even if you're a woman, you're a man. Even if I'm a woman, I'm also a man. But I'm not a woman, or am I? No I'm not. Probably. Up to to you to decide, but remember, everyone here is a man.
this as well, men here don't suck up to them because they don't need to
Women are all normies and whatever they want to talk about can be talked about openly on social media. I think people come here because of the anonymity which can lets us tlak about things we couldn't normally talk about without scorn. Women don't want to anonymous, they want everyone to know they are a woman.
>tfw female
>tfw Sup Forums is my home
kek, being anonymous is amazing.
b-but im a girl te hee
Yup we are all anons here. I don't like bringing up my lack of a dick to attention whore, but it seemed kinda relevant to this thread
>answering your own thread
Then gtfo
Women do use Sup Forums though. /cgl/ is actually mostly women. Anonymity means on the internet no one can tell you're a dog.
cuz Sup Forums is...
correct also
the lack of upboat xD on this board means that SJWs can't rally around a comment and hide right-wing discussion, e.g. on reddit where you have to scroll 700 comments down to find a non-cucked opinion because it has 5,000 downvotes
Girls use Sup Forums, they just don't go to that meanie place Sup Forums
I actually made a /soc/ whore cry and call everyone on discord racist for pointing out the fact blacks kill more white people, and each other than whites have ever done; and how BLM are anti white hate group. Everyone laughed when she left and continued having a civilized discussion about the issue.
I use it.
Please clap
Fucking wont.
No voting/blocking system.
Short of a few (you)'s there's no validation to be found here.
The only thing that will get you validation here is coming up with OC that becomes a fully fledged meme and you're part of the OC itself it's totally anonymised validation.
Women like posting under their real names on the internet because they don't just want to be personally validated they want to be publicly validated for all to see.
It would be hilarious if 80% of Sup Forums were women pretending to be men. The thing is, you can never know.
You can sometimes tell when a girl is trying to avoid "tits or GTFO" by playing the pronoun game, which is fine by me so long as they aren't intentionally drawing attention to their gender.
The whole point of "tits or GTFO" was to stop that kind of vapid behaviour.
There are a lot of girls on /r9k/ though, and /cgl/ is basically the female lead version.
Makeup and clothes attract women, who would of guessed?
29th post best post
But (you)'s are love, (you)'s are life friendo.
No you're not and no you haven't. Prove it.
Don't claim you're a woman without fucking proving it cunts
I like makeup and clothes, and I'm 100% most certainly definitely not lying you can trust me for realzies a CIS male.
So true. What's up with btw
judging by the amount of people hating on us, I'd be surprised to see Sup Forums having more than 20% of female posters desu
>lots of girls on /r9k/
yep, all 16 of them
you can sometimes tell females because they write in a way that they think is cute and they post anime with their shit because they think Sup Forums is an anime forum
How about you go back to face/b/ook instead?
Im a grill btw
>they think Sup Forums is an anime forum
But it is an anime imageboard.
>dont be a woman without proof muh tits
>aghh fucking cunts attention whoring by showing off their gender
>all these neckbeards pretending to be women
Do you men really think that we get offended?
You have an entire board dedicated to that...
Operation McNigger
That's just overcompensation to keep up the charade, senpai! That's why everyone seems so autistic, they're pretending to be something they aren't~
im a transwoman pre-op. i wont post tits though, so dont ask.
Because women (like shitskins) are led by their fee fees and Sup Forums hurts them on a daily basis.
Sure, we might have some women or shitskins that will post in these threads that say "I'm a woman" or "I'm a shitskin" to try to prove this wrong but everyone can obviously tell the ratio of men to women on this site is heavily in the favour of men (same with ratio of whites to shitskins).
PS: Japs are honorary whites and Irish don't count as whites.
This thread is bad and you should feel bad.
They don't spend a lot of time one the computer
timestamp next
maybe it was once, but now it's a white supremacist forum and anime fags can fuck off
I'm a FtF post op woman when I was a little girl I knew I wanted to grow up and be a woman.
So I had the surgery to make it happen, desu.
that's just plain fucking retarded
t. man with a penis
There are girls on there
not pretty ones granted
(you)s for everyone.
Women prefer face-to-face interaction. Even when they're online they can't post anything without seeing a selfie looking back at them.
Wrong thread?
Mag papa-unli ba si Du30 sa TM?
No, you fuck off and stop trying to change our website. You're a filthy internet refugee trying to install sharia law in our internet Europe.
I can't tell if this is a joke or real life
We do.
Todas putas
A white supremacist anime board isn't too far off either
Can I have one of thoses beautiful fats tasting (you)s?
You're pretty good at convincing people you're a man desu, but I know your secret~
get fucked, greasy dick manchild. manga is for japanese kids not you, now put your samurai sword and fleshlight away
Woman want to feel loved/special/important whatever you want to call it. It's impossible to gratify that desire in an environment where everyone is completely anonymous.
Indeed. That's just dumb.
t. Hairy, bearded man with hairy penis.
Did I say hairy and penis?
Because Sup Forums is anonymous. That means on Sup Forums the only thing that counts are arguments. Women cannot engage in this mode of interaction. Their entire life revolves around their body. The only thing they can do is grab attention by being sluts. So the only "femanons" you'll see here are attention whores who have to point out their holes and to post pictures to collect (you)s.
/cgl/ taught me that when women are constipated, they push they fingers up their cunts and push the shit out manually.
and that they like to pick and smell the dried period blood.
I wish I had never learned those things
It's not really- it's a place where cunts come to argue.
There are no women on the interneet, newfag.
Modern women are a detriment to society
kek it would be amazing to discover that we really are mostly women
femanons won't tell you they are a woman because you guys are desperate neets that need trannies in your life to feel like a man...
It's real life to me dammit.
y'all fucking gay...
That's not a very nice thing to say, senpai!
cuz it's full of white betas
Is that Cersei Lannister back in her prime?
because they use Facebook and buzzfeed
Any normal woman would be grossed out by Sup Forums within 2 minutes
Any woman that actually posts on Sup Forums is messed up in the head
>I am an angry beta autist: the post
You're a tranny
>Anyone that uses Sup Forums is messed up in the head
FTFY, or rather that;s how it should be if the plebbitors left us alone.
They do
Most of them enjoy lurking r9k too
For some reason they find their betaness "cute"
t. Had a relationship with an annonette for a bit and she shared with me how they normally act so that they can be spotted and what their board habits are
She was pretty damn cool, even if she was a jew
>ma va fanculo
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
pic related it's mfw I'm thinking of you hurting
Not Sharia law, just the law of peace.
I'm not gay, unless I'm a woman (which I'm definitely not), then I'm lesbian!
They do. It's full of internet shills here.
Use addblock to block them and fuck them. Just block one image.
Women make up literally 40% of the site
Luggage lad showed us the demographics several times in the years since chanology and all of them have said as such
>no girls allowed rule
> surprised there are no girls
>There are a lot of girls on /r9k/ though
Women can't be robots, we've discussed this lots of times.
Women are just here for attention, the cunts
But that's the beauty of it, it's not possible. The only person you can be sure about is yourself. Everyone else here could be a tranny Jew for all you know.
I am a woman and I used Sup Forums
inb4 tits or gtfo
not gonna happen
Nice observation there m8
Found the woman!
Women do use Sup Forums. Most won't tell you they are here because your gender doesn't matter when you are anonymous