>drugged cow harasser gets gored, dies like a bitch
Drugged cow harasser gets gored, dies like a bitch
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is that so
It's always funny seeing these guys get skewered.
Literally: mess with the bull, get the horns.
Alistar 1 : 0 Random n00b
cool numbers
more cool numbers
The normies on facebook are so happy. Fucking millenial pussies lost touch with our inner killer.
I think its cool the bull won the unfair fight for once but i can respect the guy for dying doing his own thing.
You have to have balls to fight a Toro. I bet most of us are smarter than to attempt.
i would if i could deploy my 500 voltage, 10 amp, shoulder/pedestal mounted Plasma Rifle. 500 grain projectile at mach 10. Really made for invading UN personnel carriers. through it like fucking budder.
but, yes, i would fight ole Toro with a Plasma Rifle.
The skin had balls but the Toro got da drop!
pffft you're probably a green party faggot
What a shock, the bull wins sometimes. It's almost like it's a fight. A bullfight, even.
I can't tell if this is parody or satire or what.
Hehe Mother Gaia showed that puny human not to fuck with her!
Green Party:1
Evil Humans:0
Sure showed them!
bull also gets rekt so its basically a tie.
That's what he does. Any matador/forcado/cavaleiro implicitly accepts the possibility of death by virtue of the very job they perform.
By the way, non-Iberians can fuck off with their suggestions as to what should and should not be part of their cultural patrimony. Do you see Spaniards and Portuguese telling Germans that they shouldn't suck refugee cock even though it's part of German culture?
If the bull reigns victorious, does it get let go to live a free life in green pastures and all the free bitches it can fuck til it dies? This should be a thing.
Black bull penetrates the Spaniarda. Other news this evening at eleven.
>Be Spanish
>Get gored
No. They kill it anyways.
Actually, yes.
>The bull is not killed in the ring and, at the end of the corrida, leading oxen are let into the arena and two campinos on foot herd the bull along them back to its pen. The bull can be either killed, away from the audience's sight, by a professional butcher or, after a good performance, restored to health and released to pasture for breeding.
I'm sure at least some Spanish corridas have a similar custom.
It gets that life before the fight, much better treatment than those for beef
>dies like a bitch
getting killed in a battle with a Spanish fighting bull isn't exactly a feminine way to go
Was a fair fight. Rest in peace. Not much more to say.
>drugged cow
Nah, those cows eat anabolics for breakfast everyday. Also they piss the cow off to make it more angry before they release it, its not really drugged.
So "toreros" dying or getting rekt is not unusual. Thats the best part of the show
It depends. They are sperm machines the rest of their life most of the time.
This. The life of the bull is fucking and eating. The only thing he has to suffer is 20 minutes at the end of his life.
I mean, where I have to sign?
That's pretty manly way to go though.
Way better than some limpdicked german with his sleeping pills.
> inner killer
> training for years to fight a bull breeded specially to be as weak as possible
Yeah, no.
They will deserve respect when they will fight something that not the "my little pony" version of a cow.
>die wearing a faggot hot pink clown suit entertaining the unwashed masses
Wow so manly
Trips of shame.
In my Spanish class we read a condensed version of Sangre y Arena and, the entire time, were pushed the rhetoric that bullfighting is fucking savage and stupid, and my Spanish teacher (A blonde liberal American who only visited Mexico two times) said it was despicable and an animal rights issue, they drug these bulls all day just for the amusement of killing them later.
But then I decided to do a little reading, specifically more about the sport and other Ibanez novels. It takes balls to do that shit. It's a fucking art. The toreros may wear fancy outfits but they're ten times manlier than those cucks in American Football or divegrass. I have immense respect for them. I guess there's a lot of Spaniards who will disagree with me, but you should be proud of that heritage, it's a unique sport, the ultimate pinnacle of man's struggle against nature, David and Goliath made entertainment.
Good. Fuck these clowns. Fucking retarded third world shithole "entertainment" like this needs to go away.
>making fuckfaces at a bull
holy shit
>drugged cow harraser
translates to: molestador de vacas endrogado. OP was implying the faggot wearing the faget outfit was drugged not the cow.
t. alberto baboso
>Drugged cow
Way to show your absolute ignorance of the sport.
By the way, let's compare some things regarding ''cow'' treatment.
Spanish bulls
> Are raised free in big farmlands
>Get the best care an animal could have
>Are treated with respect and admiration
>The last 30m of his life are spent painfully to entertain us
>The meat of the animal is eaten
Normal cows
>Raised in tight spaces, sleeping on their own feces
>Eaten garbage, very fast to grow incredibly fast (some can't even move because they grow too fast for their own good)
>Are artificially made pregnant so they can produce milk
>Their calves are taking from them (this causes a lot of trauma to a mother cow)
>They are then either taking to the grinder for burgers, or taken to the grinder for glue
I bet most of you don't have an issue drinking milk or eating beef. So what's your problem?
>bull had his horns cut off
>struck by like 8 spears
>7 vs 1
We might be getting invaded by niggers but at least it's not the Portuguese
Normal cows get treated amazing... depending on the farm that is.
My buddy worked on a dairy farm for awhile so I'd go over and hang out now and again. The cows were allowed to graze free range and would all come up to the parlor because they knew when it was time to be milked. A happy animal produces a better quality product.
Are there shit farms that should be shut down? Yeah of course, but not every farm treats their animals like shit. Hell my chickens eat better than I do sometimes haha
>So what's your problem?
They're cuks and they know it.
They prefer another type of bull.
Do you know what i mean?
At least the Portuguese don't have a tradition of losing World Wars.
It is what I said: 30 minutes of suffering at the end of your life, in Exchange for a life of pleasure.
Sound like more of what most of you will ever have.
Looks like they preped that bull a little too well.
>wake up each morning
>get nice brushy brushy
>get a nice teat massage
>loaf around
>go sleep
>one day get shot in the head without noticing
>bred to be swole but weak
>last hours of your life are endless pain and harassment until you get stabbed by a faggot after a half dozen other faggots bled you out for him
>We might be getting invaded by niggers but at least it's not the Portuguese
>at least it's not the Portuguese
it's sad, because we're the best bulls, cuck!!
Yep, comfy as fuck
That video sucks. Very short and explains nothing. How did he die from getting jabbed in the midsection? Unless it hits your liver you can go on living.
That's not how they live though. They just want to feed them out of the rain.
After eating they go back outside to wander around safely like fat little lords.
More like the best at getting gored by bulls
He got hit in the chest
Our freedoms are literally being impaled right now, two men who both consent to fight to the death should be allowed to do so, with or without blunt or sharp objects of their choosing.
Same with beast fighting.
If I ever get to run my own country gladiator fights are so going to be a thing. And not just the Roman style fake ones, where gladiators use theatrical moves and do not even really die most of the time, I am going to make a real thing.
What a flood of emotions from that video! Very touching.
I hear that bull that killed that dude has possible ties to racism and trump. Thinks all Spanish people are Mexicans
Bull fights are fucking awesome. I went to a ranch where they raised some when I visited Spain. Cool shit.
I literally couldn't give 2 shits about faggots who defend bullfighting.
Nothing of value was lost.
>You will never have bros willing to take a bull charge head on for you
Fuck man
The fighter looked for it
They are inside their barn and they aren't like chained to the bars or anything.
Drive through the USA, our cows are relaxing out in the fields, prancing and dancing.
they wear those suits to slow hemorrhage when cut.
It takes huge balls and technique to stand up against a 500kg bull whose sole purpose in life is to kill but whatever, fuck a 2000+ years old western tradition because 'don't hurt da little animuls that wouldn't exist without you in the first place' you pussy nu male faggit
Muh tradition!
>It takes huge balls and technique to stand up against a worn down bled out bull with ten spears stuck in his back
You out of your mind? Would you get pulled into the arena against your will, then beign slowly bled to death by some guys sticking hooked lances and swords into your body while the crowd cheers? Bulls are animals unable to understand bullfighting. And even in such contest against an exhausted and frightened animal, that faggot managed to get himself skewered.
Good riddance, I say
>muh animal
I bet you kill flies too
fighting a half a ton biological tank takes much more balls than accepting refugees from my point of view
>implying you wouldn't piss yourself at the sight of one of these close to you
Muh guns!
I'm not so full of myself to make a sport out of it.
God bless you hermanos. I'm sick of meeting only animalist faggots.
>a 500kg bull whose sole purpose in life is to kill
that´s not its purpose in life you faggot
average pol users body style
Lol y u mad tho?
Not even the same thing. One is a right with the original intention to protect a nation. The other is a sport to sell beer to a bunch of drunk proto spics.
>bull race
for what purpose, spain?
The bull horn went through his chest and tore his thoracic aorta. He died in the hospital of cardiac arrest, probably caused by blood loss and going into shock.
Bullfighting is not a sport.
>he thinks any living thing has some kind of inherent "purpose"
Except it is. It's bred specifically for bull fighting.
>Germany defending bulls
Why am I not surprised?
SJW detected.
Friendly reminder that nu-male turbovirgins are trying really hard to make Spain forget one of its most traditional forms of entertainment, because "MUH POOR ANIMALS"
The bull dies. They also sent Lorenzo, the bulls mother, to the slaughterhouse to end the bloodline. We should do the same with dindus that take a life.
What is it other than a game?
>SJW detected.
Because caring about animals is being a sjw.
You're a massive faggot, you know that right?
German men love bulls and Jana too!!
>what have i done?
>stabbing a worn down animal
>permanently fucking your country
Yeah, nah.
Your image is so jellyfied, I'm saving it because it's bouncy and hilarious.
We are Europe, we don't have vast amounts of land to let them roam freely. Everything is about driving down the costs
it is nigger to sandnigger tier at best to slowly kill an animal
dogfights, chicken fights all degenerate
killing for sport and or killing for fun is not proper
you only kill an animal to feed on it there should be no pleasure involved
>stabbing a worn down animal
>raping an animal
>Because caring about animals is being a sjw.
No you're a SJW, cuz you're a faggot!!
>They also sent Lorenzo, the bulls mother, to the slaughterhouse to end the bloodline.
SO they're only keeping weak bloodlines for the brave prancy pink and gold faggots, eh?
Jesus Portugal what are you doing?
It's a stupid tradition, why don't you go out and hunt Moors?
That's more of a Spanish tradition, instead you fight bulls instead of Moors.
You lot should be hunting down Germans like Merkel and that and killing them, why don't you do that? Do something useful with your useless lives.
Nice mspaint you faggot.