Anyone able to tell me how there's so many Africans here now?
Up until 10 years ago I had never seen a black person walk the streets here and now they are literally EVERYWHERE in huge numbers.
They can't all be illegals. How does it work? How does such a large body of people with no proper education, money or relatives immigrate to a country like Germany?
What the fuck is going on?
Anyone able to tell me how there's so many Africans here now?
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Because under the guys of having "Syrian refugees" you got a fuck ton of random Africans. Congrats, now you know how we Americans feel. Have fun having all your low income jobs going from worked by teens/old people to Blacks who are violent, loud, rude, condescending, insincere, barely literate, and can't openly hate you but you can see it in their eyes.
I was thinking about that today, it's the same here.
Not as much in the countryside where I live, but if you go to the city you ALWAYS see at least 5 niggers and arabs. It was very strange 10 years ago.
Merkel invited everyone. Everyone came. End of story.
I'm so glad to see that the inner cities of Germany are getting the same kind of enriching, culturally inclusive experience that the enlightened American cities have been for decades.
Protip: Compare statistic on crime and violence in large cities from before the refugee crisis to now and after, you will find no surprise.
its residual nazi guilt. all axis countries are now leftist hubs because they are trying to make up for world war 2.
They are not African, they are Syrians. Most of them are kids. If you say otherwise, the tolerance police will deal with you.
>This is what liberals actually believe
At some point we are just going to get a reverse holocaust where the jews (like in Stalin's Russia) throw all smart or rich people who are white into camps or just kill them.
>under the guys
Jesus can't even pretend that's a typo
retards are a diamond dozen round here son
guise. I get sloppy with pol because its more important to create content here quickly than to edit so I do a lot of homophonic errors. My apologies. I promise I got a perfect score on the Verbal IQ test and these are performance errors rather than competency errors in the Chomsykian scheme.
I could care less what you think about me.
>they are Syrians
Funny, because Syrian men who are actually worthy of any respect are in Syria fighting in close combat against ISIS, FSA and other scum.
5:12 here
They almost use hands.
I dunno man, I had some ciders with my dad during the game against france... why was the french team 85% black he asks. not that there shouldn't be blacks on the team, but... where were the frenchmen? are frenchmen somehow bad at football and need to import players from africa?
>are frenchmen somehow bad at football and need to import players from africa
Your people (Germans) are degenerate for the most part. There are so many blacks because the Herrenrasse can't survive without drugs of any kind, and blacks are ready to sell them.
There are also many blacks because your women are self-hating sluts who feel the need to debase themselves with the ugliest specimens from Africa.
Your country is lost. And to be frank, I enjoy that fact.
clever answer.
You're the real danger in EU. Nigger flooding makes you less dangerous
Those stupid cunts voted for them to come and harass them. Watch them die with satisfaction
God that gets me, I've spent hours explaining why people who say it are stupid.
for some reason I thought the thumbnail looked like the girl in yellow had diarrhea.
>They can't all be illegals
Yes they can. Germans, of all people, should understand the concept of invasion.
t. euro abroad
It's the truth tho???
Your government does not give a fuck about the Germans or Germany.
>being this much of a butthurt subhuman
what's the matter, germans didn't give you attention in school?
They are French. France is not a question of land, people, territory. It's a question of Republic.
Article 4. - Tout homme né et domicilié en France, âgé de vingt et un ans accomplis ; - Tout étranger âgé de vingt et un ans accomplis, qui, domicilié en France depuis une année - Y vit de son travail - Ou acquiert une propriété - Ou épouse une Française - Ou adopte un enfant - Ou nourrit un vieillard ; - Tout étranger enfin, qui sera jugé par le Corps législatif avoir bien mérité de l'humanité - Est admis à l'exercice des Droits de citoyen français.
No race here
its a masterscheme to dismantle the germanic races, look at merklers ancestry.
(you shouldn't have fucked with the judeo-polish masterrace).
>you shouldn't have fucked with the judeo-polish masterrace
You're next, friend.
>They are French. France is not a question of land, people, territory. It's a question of Republic.
There the source of this cancer. Your constitution was a mistake.
Ok??? Tone down the racism user. So rude.
This is just a justice after hundreds of years of German colonization and imperialism. You stole the wealth of these people and they just want what you illegaly took.
We are all humans, and you are exactly the kind of person that drags the humanity down.
It's coming your way, Brexit can't save you
Is there a khokhol out there who doesn't want to sell his mother or his soul for the opportunity to lick the balls or the ass of a German?
come on, man, France is like 3-5% black, yet blacks are over 50% of the team, and somehow they always outnumbered the whites on the screen. you can't tell me that 3-5% of the population can yield a better selection of athletes than 50% of the nation.
right. well, great to know they're french, that isn't in question, not by me at least, but, uhhh, how about some ethnically french people, why are they marginalized and removed from professional sport?
This is why France is also the shittiest and most cucked country in western Europe. You will never get rid of them, your culture and prosperity will die forever! You brought this upon yourself!
Why so hostile, dude?
Come on. Don't say it.
This is probably bait, but Germany had like only 1 colony.
I have never met an Ukrainian who wasn't a white nigger. What a lowly race of people you are. A country whose main export are skinheads, criminals and cheap prostitutes/pornstars.
Netherlands here, 10 years ago there were almost no blacks. Now I feel like I live in a coal burners city.
Well they're about to win the euros so it's obviously working out well for them
well, idk, the portugese team seems oddly dark as well. inb4 t.moor
Yeah I agree.
I'm planning to leave the Randstad and go east.
damn, dude, sorry.
We are a post-commie nation, what would you expect? A beacon of humanity?
Not all of us bad.
Half of the refugees were from Africa. Yes they're illegal. Thank Angela Merkel for white genocide.
i was on my way back from holiday on in the first few days of Oktoberfest.
i went through Munich train station, shit was freaky. there would be lines of beautiful blonde german women and men all in their traditional clothes, then youd turn around and be surrounded by blacks/arabs.
small pockets of maybe 5-10 white blonds then the rest are nigs
>They are French
Get the fuck off this board coalburner. They are niggers - Africans.
Merkel is going on, buddy. Merkel.
its a doggy dog world out there
germans did absolutely NOTHING to stop Merkel so just sit back and enjoy the ride.
>he fell for the """"syrian"""" migrant meme
I admire you Germans for your christlike altruism in accepting all those foreigners!
We Slovenians certainly do not have that kind of grandmotherly kindness within us.
There's almost no blacks here. We can't even compete with your benevolence.
Context of that photo?
The picture shows one of the worst areas in Berlin. It's literally just the train station and the surrounding buildings. This is located in the worst area of Berlin - Kreuz
any safe areas in Berlin?
Because your government has literally been shipping them in by the truckloads.
Kreuzberg. Why the fuck was the word mutilated?
White german girls looking for their daily dose of enrichment
Invest in a dictionary retard.. I recommend Websters
you know, on second thought, it's all engineered, people see what they want to see, the right gets a reason to bitch and moan that the country is being over-run by africans while using the team as a model of demographics. and then you know on the flip-side people can say it's an inclusive and multicultural society or something to that affect.
Because it's there's now. Just like Chicago.
Germany needs cheap workers to keep their manufacturing sector afloat, in a few years someone is going to say, "Immigrants are not gaining employment, we need to lower the minimum wage", and then Ahmed and Tyrone will find themselves going from getting gibs to making the same amount by working 8 hours a day.
again a germanic with a stupid question
thread fucking reported
This shit started long before the refugee crisis.
I mean, it surely exacerbated it but some neighbourhoods here were full of drug dealing niggers even before that when they weren't 7 or 8 years ago.
This makes me chuckle because I can't tell if it's sarcasm or real Hahahaha
Seriously though, Europe needs (needs) ethnic cleansing.
>any safe areas in Berlin?
Most of Berlin is safe. We have a lot of expensive areas. It's safe there. Just avoid the cheap districts. Kreuzberg is one of the worst. Only Turks and the likes living there because of cheap rents when the Berlin Wall was still standing.
What do I read about some Riga street? What is that?
Aren't they filling rural areas with immigrants so nobody can escape from enrichment?
Why did you let in these traitors? Remind me Germany.
Look at all that litter. I thought littering was a highly punished crime in Germany? Unless what I've heard is wrong.
It will only get worse.
That's not Germany, that's Berlin.
>The picture shows one of the worst areas in Berlin.
That's how the US was too, 150-100 years ago...
There wouldn't be any dealers if the degenerates wouldn't buy drugs.
Guarantee it was those niggers.
True, but the blacks wouls still be here doing other illegal shit.
They would also probably still loiter around street corners because that's what they do, even if they don't have any drugs to sell.
Thankfully we have a moat.
Anyway calm the defensive tits hans. I love germany and dont want to see you guys get fucked over in all of this.
niggers everywhere
we call it progress
I think almost all of them are living on welfare or crime, which is why they come here.
Migration and the larger families they have
Praise sweet kek today
This is really fucking terrible. Berlin has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. By that tempo we don't need 100 years.
Angela Merkel "Its not rape if the men are Muslim."
> how about some ethnically french people,
No such thing
> why are they marginalized and removed from professional sport?
Professional sport is never representative of a countries society, but always representative of the number on the cheque.
Schengen and immigration in the last decade(s).
fortunately there's the gentrification process going on.
So former no-go areas like 10-20 years ago especially in the center are kinda safe today, since criminals can't afford living there anymore.
You kinda feel when it's an unsafe area anyways, so far I only know 3 small zones, well if there are a lot of blacks and there's not much street light.
The black/arab drug dealers are rather annoying than dangerous.
Just the poor people living in poor areas where flats are paid by social aid will have a way worse neighbourhood.
Nigger, there is a french ethnicity look at the fucking definition
This is exactly the reason why alsatians, normans, bretons, ... can live under one flag, because they insert themselves in the french ethnie and culture which comprise the french language, our philosophical tradition, a common engagement in past wars, ... and a crapton of things.
>germ cuck
>doesn't read news
>somehow knows about Sup Forums
You had/have an insane woman running your country.
Her name is Angela Merkel. You should kill her.
Do you even know about all the child rapes by migrants on germans all over germnay in parks and baden hausen?
>What the fuck is going on?
German are nation of autistics. You simply cannot do something moderately - always have to push for the most extreme of cases.
It is either
>hurr durr much aryan race lets genocide everyone
>hurr durr muh 6 gorillion we should let everyone genocide us
How about you try to be a normal country for a change huh?
>Just the poor people living in poor areas where flats are paid by social aid will have a way worse neighbourhood.
This is wrong. The raising rents are forcing normal working people into this areas. Families, blue collar workers and so on. They have to deal with the situation there. Also the kids will have a childhood right next to drugs and violence. This is fucking pathetic.
You are the new turk roach race.
Memes soon
Literally this. Wake the fuck up Germany.
They can leave under one flag because Republic, nothing else. It's not a question of ethnicity. There is no such thing as ethnic French, and beside France has constantly received migrants all over the ages.
Italians, Portuguese, Spanish, Asian, Arabic, Africans, ....
German defines themselves as a people, an ethnicity, but we don't. Straight, simple !
I was literally talking about this the other day
2-3 years ago I would maybe spot 1 Africa a day max and now there's huge groups everywhere
Even my bluepilled brainwashed coworker agreed
Poland literally deconstructed Germany to the core.
10/10 Underrated.
The women you voted in power has imported them.. also kill her.
I was thinking the same thing while traveling through Budapest, Hungary today. Until like a year ago there were only a few black. Now I see them everywhere. Orban, you lying prick.
Don't worry. The fact that there are blacks, even just 100 of them, makes me thing you have a bright multicultural future ahead.
There is a french ethnicity despite the fact that some joined it more recently.
For example normans (e.g. vikings), joined france over a millenium ago and brought a lot to the french (sailing, a lot of words, some traditions, cookings, ...) but despite that they are pretty much indifferent from a Parisian.
The same thing can be seen for Burgundy, Aquitaine, ... The latest official addition alsace and brittany to me are part of the french ethnicity because they still share a lot of things (notably brittany with their norman neighbour), but they still have enough specificity to say they also have an identity/ethnicity beyond that.
The latest italians for one sometimes directly insert themselves in existing french culture such as Savoy's and often do not have ties to italy (they assimilated into the french ethnicity/a sub french ethnicity if you'd like). For the spaniards I would say it is similar (they shared a lot of similarities with the catalans and occitania in general). For the portuguese it is less evident and obviously even less for asians, arabians and africans which simply have little in common with us to begin with.
The republic doesn't recognize an ethnicity but it doesn't mean that there isn't one. There's been one living here for over a millennium and whether you recognize it or not it will last, even if there's only 1000 dudes hiding in the mountains in one century perpetuating this ethnicity. The republic has no say in the matter, France existed before it even if it wants that past France to die.
If by normal you mean like the US they are doing the same thing, just slower.