Who's the strongest race physically? Let's have an honest discussion.
Who's the strongest race physically? Let's have an honest discussion
It's pretty obviously blacks have the advantage in terms of raw physicality
In Terms of actual strength? Probably Slavs and some Nordics
Fighting ability? Celts and Slavs
Most powerful? Anglos, Jews have power because they made some good moves during the world wars and will probably lose power in a decade or so.
Smartest? Meds and Japs
Most Adaptable? Meds
Most Industrious? Germans
The average black male is more athletic and stronger than the average white male.
PSH! The American race. Obviously.
Then why are all the strongmen white?
Nogs aren't that strong, it's just that most of them are poor and do a lot of physical activities to keep their minds off of the fact that they have a shit life, so on average, because they are more active than us, they end up more fit.
>Doesn't mention blacks.
>Black men are 7% of US population.
>Make up 75% of pro-athlete positions.
It's fucking obvious blacks are the physically strongest race. Kill yourself you anti-rational piece of shit.
Whites actually on average have longer torsos and more upper body strength. Blacks are faster abd have more lower body strength.
We bred them to be stronger as slaves so some are strong.
Why has nobody mentioned the obvious choice, Filipinos?
calm down tyreese
No. Black people can build mass but their muscles consist of twitch fibres and are inefficient as fuck. They're your standard "all looks, no output" body type.
It's the québécois actually
No that doesn't mean anything other than blacks go into sports at higher rates because it doesn't require much academia.
Read this and stop being delusional:
Because only whites are autistic enough to get that extra .05% muscle that puts them at the top.
And because Nogs aren't smart enough to figure out that the real key to being at the top in strongmen competitions is to abuse as many muscle-building drugs as possible.
Slavs and Nordstrom since they dominate powerlifting and strongman competitions
>too stupid to do drugs
oh, come on user, let's not get ridiculous here
Watching Americans trying to dissect and differentiate between European whites is still without a doubt the most cringe-worthy thing on pol.
Not even joking, famalam.
We have had this thread countless times
Strongest by pure measures of strength (bench press, squat, deadlift)
Strongest by measures of athleticism and speed
Strongest by measures of explosive power (power cleans, wrestling)
>Wild Card: Samoans
Just fuckyuuuge people in general
Look up any statistics on the subject. Most professional sports need you to be able to run fast. Strongmen competitions are all white. Blacks never make it very far
That's because most pro-athlete positions would be shit like Soccer and Football where endurance and running are more important than strength.
The Irish are pretty strong we're built for hard work and fighting.
don't make me laugh you stupid burger
if black are so strong why haven't they ever won a strong man competition?
Your blacks were bred to be super strong by slave owners, the blacks here are mostly week manlets.
Strength? Whites.
Speed? Blacks.
Just look at the Olympics. Every competition pans out like that. Blacks win field and track, whites win the weightlifting events, in the 80kg+ categories. Chinks manage to compete bellow 80kg.
But blacks aren't the beste football players.
The north Atlantic Norse race, Faroese and Icelandic.
last i checked only one race ever conquered the world
Are slavs white? Because they win strongmen competitions.
>hard work
oh am i laffin
Nice flag.
>physically best at anything
why so delusional? recognizing the fact that nigs are physically more capable then other races doesn't make you a cuck, it's literally a fact.
Same in my country.
All blacks are skinny as fuck, like skeleton. I dunno if its because they do not have money to buy food or because genetics though
didn't a nig just break the deadlift world record?
It's all about culture. You don't find good black tennismen because tennis is not a sport they play when growing up. If tennis became huge in the black community you would have black champions. Same with all sports.
It's a sub-race of White people.
It's the people from Iceland.
A lot of the "strongest men" come from that tiny little country.
See for yourself:
Irish can kick ass. Work hard though? Kek. Good one potato nigga
What about Serena/Venus Williams or Gael Monfils?
If you're talking about pure "strength" then of course it's white people.
>Sup Forums
Let's not be ridiculous here
Oh, so nordic and celtic mix are the best mix
Pretty obvious that the Nordic race is objectively the strongest.
Most years they finish 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the World's Strongest Man competition, which IMO is a pretty reasonable test for strength.
Doesn't mean they're the most athletic. I imagine you get one of those Nordic strongmen on a basketball court, most high school niggers could make fools of them.
But strongest? Definitely the Nords, not even a legitimate debate.
Black people
This picture proves it.
Samoans are the once race I'd never want to fuck with. Almost all of them are twice the size of me and they'll probably eat me if I piss them off.
in terms of skill and strategy no, but in terms of physicality i'd say they are.
no, pure nords.
Iceland is the only place with pure Nordics.
They are naturally larger people.
>vikings berserkers
But the guys in this competition use drugs as fuck.
I'm not sure they could represent the whole race
Drugs are expensive as fuck. Those white guys got lucky with sponsors
It's called exceptions.
That's cuz you're a brainwashed eurocuck
irish are more educated than americans. lack of opportunity isn't from not working hard
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Aryans and Anglos, really. They seem to always win the weight lifting competitions etc.
What makes you think we don't work hard? It was the Irish who built your country.
Blacks are superior in every way, most of all physically
>Eddie Hall
All strongmen are white.
>but guise remember that's just becus blacks aren't interested
There are plenty of black body builders. There's a reason none of them become strongmen or power lifters. They simply do not have an advantage. Black tan makes the muscles look better though.
Lol no.
Their are basically nordics that raped irish/celt slaves. The I1 is more commom in Scandinavia
Guys from all races use roids (its probably even easier to get roids in shithole countries than in nordic countries).
Life isn't a fucking RPG. What are you even basing this on? Memes? History? Scientific studies?
You're retarded m8.
>Gorilla gorilla
Strongest race.
>homo sapiens
Weak as fuck.
>Pan troglodytes
Strong and fast.
>Mandrillus sphinx
Savagly strong.
All in all humans are the weakest race.
It's because the black community in the USA and Africa is not into strongman contest which is more of a white thing. Asians are dominating at starcraft not because they are smarter than the rest of the world but because culturally, starcraft is huge over there.
Blacks are faster. Whites and Eastern Asians tend to have greater muscle control and potential strength. Also, African American Blacks were literally bred by Whites and Jews like Europeans did with dogs to be bigger so they could do more work. Blacks have one thing going for them and that's only the American ones and it's because we bred it into them. Fucking Nigerians aren't the greatest athletes in the world are they? Definitely not.
Was waiting for someone to mention Polynesians.
I work with alot of Hawaiians and Samoans and find the vast majority of them to just be fat fucks. We work physical labor and I outlift most of them pretty easily. There are some massive built ones, but not as common as people think. Im also 6'2" and a natural, baseline 220 lbs, Im pretty sure I could whoop most of their asses.
With this fallacious cultural argument you can easily just say that Blacks make up more runners because the rest of the world isn't isn't interested in running. Fucking Swiss you're supposed to be smart.
How are the French the strongest?
Even their fucking bones are denser than normal humans.
They are not strong, they cannot compete in powerlifting.
They are great runners however
Japanese aren't the most industrious?
Icelandics and slavs in general (mostly north slavs, but south slavs too) are the clear winners in terms of raw strenght.
Niggers usually have more stamina, but southern europeans are almost at pair (a spaniard just won the gold in the european 200 meters competition)
So do niggers have any REAL physicall advantage? Not really.
It's a myth that comes from where are the boxers where niggers (because they had no money and they were the only ones willing to box)
OP was asking about humans, not distant ancestors
Eddie Hall just deadlifted 500kg
Look at him, look at Magnusson, look at Konstantinovs, Dan Green, Pudzianowski
You have your answer
I disagree. I think plenty of nignogs have found themselves unusually strong in life and pursued strongest man competitions, doing all the training and all the drugs the Nords do.
What most people don't take into account is the difference in fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle. I would certainly agree that as a race, blacks tend to be the quickest, and the fastest - these qualities come from fast-twitch muscles, but that in no way lends itself to the kind of strength required for a strongman competition.
It explains why nigs are so well-defined - fast-twitch muscles are taut and striated.
The ideal athlete has an optimized combination of fast-twitch muscles for strength and speed, slow-twitch muscles for strength and endurance.
Niggers are like sports cars - they might win the sprint but they don't excel at distance-running.
Nords are like monster trucks. They can haul tons and roll right over you without even slowing down, but they're not going to finish first in any race.
Somewhere in the middle is the classic Caucasian athlete with an optimized muscle balance, and these are the athletes who tend to win the truly comprehensive athletic tests like the decathlon.
Wow, your such a loser.
well strength isn't limited to race, it can be defined by genetic mutation, how well the mitchondria breaks down proteins and lipids vs. carbohydrates, etc.
so, it's an impossible question, but it's likely that cold-adapted hunter societies probably have some of the minerals, inuit, siberians, scandies where the body needs to convert meat into heat quick, but again this is raw speculation, im not citing any studies here.
>It's a myth that comes from where are the boxers where niggers
Also, Slavs and Hispanics dominate boxing nowadays. Niggers only have basketball left.
> ITT: all the whites are pissed that the apes are stronger than them
Quitns of truth !
Because it's stupid.
Life isn't goddamn elder scrolls
Samoans and other Polynesians are the most overrated meme ever. Just a bunch of fat fucks. The big, strong, massive stereotypes you see on TV are not as common as youd think. The only thing theyd advance at is their probability of having a heart attack or coming down with a case of the gout.
>Not divergent cousin
>North slavs
Yeah, whatever bro...
I was meant to say: It's a myth that comes from when all the boxers were niggers.