>tfw red pilled muslim
>love Trump
>hates BLM and liberals/migrants in Europe
>dont give a shit about Israel
>town is filled with libtards and Bernouts
What do Sup Forums? Inb4 convert. I dont even do half the muslim things Im supposed to.
Tfw red pilled muslim
>I dont even do half the muslim things Im supposed to.
Why bother calling yourself one then?
>red pilled
Pick one
Slowly start redpilling them, starting by administering smaller doses to your friends.
Leave Islam, it's the most reasonable choice
It must be hell to be muslim and have an IQ over 80 sometimes
>Why bother calling yourself one then?
Because he's not. Its a bait thread attempting to expose a logical double standard in Sup Forums's opinion on mudfags.
Who knows. I just fast at ramadan and thats it.
No reason to if Im not a good muslim in practice.
Im trying.
If this was a bait thread I would post a twitter screencap of "Notallmuslims" and REALLY MAKES YOU THINK.
Believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour
Jesus was black.
wrong, because of his location Jesus was very likely middle eastern and tan
Im not allowed to worship blacks user.
>I dont even do half the muslim things Im supposed to.
Your a pathetic apostate and basically an uncle tom appealing to Sup Forums's autism. Repent and respect the values given by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) or stay on a path of hellfire.
explain why you love Trump and don't buy into "He's a bigot" bullshit that every other Muslim seems to push
Red-pilled minorities are like kryptonite to white SJWs.
Just tell them they're a bunch of pussies and that they're self hating cucks who should be voting for Trump instead of taking it up the ass from black people.
Why even identify as a muslim?
>apostasy means death
kill urself muslim
That's is the Islamic preferred method of death.
As long as he doesn't kill others in the process, I'm fine with that.
Because TECHNICALLY I do SOME things that are required like fasting/not eating pig and shit. Basically the stuff thay requires no effort.
Because we need a crash course in reality that Trump can give. Im sick of hearing any criticism deflected into MAH ISLAMOPHOBIA. Islam should be allowed to be criticized. Clinton is walking on eggshells around is while Trump is straight to the point. Its all I want from him.
No can do. Theres no anime tiddies in hell.
Theyre all mexican so Im not even going to try.
>red pilled
Why haven't you killed yourself?
Can you take over just half the world instead of all of it please? Don't you need some kuffar left to laugh at?
>tfw red pilled
If you were truly red pilled then you'd know all religion was rubbish.
>inb4 tips fedora
I own a gas station. I cant take over shit.
But I need a neckbeard. I dont have one.
>doesn't really believe in the Muslim religion or most of its practices
>still fasts during Ramadan
Why? Doesn't that fucking suck? Fasting is retarded
Its easy. The no drinking water is pretty hard but I work long hours so I dont get hungry even though Im surrounded by food.
You being Islam gives you diplomatic immunity in the Left
Use it to constantly shit over everyone (while holding the Quran) and face no negative repercussions.
Convert now or prepare to die on the day of the rope. When we go a hanging, we aren't going to listen to muslims who claim they are only half muslims and don't really practice. Let Jesus into you're heart son.
But Jesus is in my heart!
He wasn't black. Egyptians aren't black and never were. Did you read a book of nigger fairy tales or something?
sure there is, as long as you are a muslim you spread that degeneracy to the western world. Your son or grandson will fall onto the evil path of the warring muslim if you don't cut all ties and have a half-white child to integrate with american Christian culture.
that pic is fucking perfect
Just convert then? Stop worshipping a pedophile war lord.
If you are a middle easterner get the fuck out. Your sub race is disgusting. I can hardly call you Caucasian anymore.
>implying Im getting married.
Sup Forumsturned me away from marriage. With the cuck stories. Even in arranged marriages Im paranoid.
Im gonna buy a dog and move to Maine. No kids for me.
>claims to be redpilled
>jesus was black
bait thread
>I dont even do half the muslim things Im supposed to.
Yeah, but you're doing the other half - therefore you deserve to be killed off with fire.
Well I mean my parents were born in Jerusalem so I dont think Im caucasian m8.
Trust me Id love to leave. Preferably to a state like RI or Maine. Too many mexis here.
It was a joke. Relax leaf.
Too busy killing off the educated whites?
>tfw red pilled muslim
I'm a ex Muslim living in the middle east and I support trump openly, my sister even got a MAGA hat for my birthday.
Man. Thats not fair. If I wore a MAGA hat my business would get trashed by spics.
I'm not stupid enough to walk around in public with it, people would give me funny looks
Bestiality is legal in Canada right?
le cringe
You can't be a red pilled muslim.
If you were red pilled you wouldn't be muslim...
>believing that Quran is word of all-powerful all-knowing God
>not believing that Quran is word of all-powerful all-knowing God
Pick exactly one
My cousins sure love rapeing your women Belgian
I don't see how this is an issue if you reject dawa. What is an issue is your faggot need to talk about identity and personality issues.
What do you mean?
>implying I read the Quran
I dont even speak Arabic man.
>Posting spiderman
>Not knowing that with great power comes great responsibility
Too much of a coincidence. You know subconsciously you have a duty to fight for the truth and use your shield against claims of "Islamophobia", "xenophobia", "racism", etc, in order to reason with liberals.
I cant reason with liberals. Its like when blacks get called Uncle Tom because they disagree.
I wonder what liberals call muslims who disagree.
Uncle Ahmad?
Then why did you describe yourself as Muslim? Why not just say 'Redpilled Arab' or wherever you are from? If you are Muslim, you believe the Quran.
I don't understand why more Muslims aren't like this. Muslims who are already here would benefit from not bringing more in, so I'd think they'd like Trump. But no.