Rise again harder and stronger edition
/got/ general
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Bump for the only war that matters
>Normies think thats a good teaser
Where the fuck is everyone? Are they all pissed?
Since, I am 3rd post, I'd like to say that Ser Jorah is Azor Ahai, he'll kill Daenerys, find a way of destroying the Walkers by sending Sam to the North with the cure against it, and by becoming Lord Commander of the Night's Watch after going into exile for killing Daenerys
I am extremely disappointed with this news of the Dragons being the size of 747's.
I expected dragons to be closer to Airbus A380 in size. #D&DHacks #MakeDragonsGreatAgain
No. Sunshine is Azor Ahai, my friend.
meant for Oh well.
Crayon budget wont stretch that far
>Almost 2018...
>No Oberyn bf...
Why live, /got/?
Oberyn, the sunshine of my life.
oh cmon now you can do your little sperg dance about how they made changes from the books but GoT literally has the highest budget on tv
Just a prediction I wanted to throw out there. Valarian steel is a obsidian/ iron alloy, which is forged with dragon fire. Sam will learn this in Oldtown and meet up with Gendry on his way to Castle Black. Jon's dragon will be the one to forge it.
Yeah and that budget goes to the massively overpaid actors. They're making huge cutbacks everywhere else, e.g. getting rid of as many direwolves as quickly as possible.
They're saving money to bring back the based sunshine.
>Oberyn is love
>Oberyn is life
>Oberyn is sunshine
>Oberyn is eternal
>jon's dragon
Look at him. Look at my liquid sunshine.
>Absorb the awesome sunshine
>Feel his love
*cough* Oberwin's dragon *cough*
Entertainment Weekly says the dragons are the size of 747s now. How long did it take her to get across the sea? Is season seven years later?
They just took one look at this sexy sun licked beast and... BAM! 747!
School is back in session, college is back in session, it's work hours and not everyone has jobs that gives them freetime to post here
>tfw shouldn't be here while working for a jewish org
>tfw not even jewish but can't resist the shekels
Oberyn never even saw a dragon
>Entertainment Weekly says the dragons are the size of 747s now. How long did it take her to get across the sea? Is season seven years later?
and these are the same critics that will say other shows with a fraction of the budget are boring, too white or have pacing issues lmao but noooo got can do anything and get 10/10
Why did he have to die?
because bran is a piece of shit for interfering
I hate Bran now.
Because mad king
Rhaegar told him to be there.
because Rhaegar and Aerys
I fucking love this.
Robert vs Rhaegar battle
if he's from dorne why is he white?
good post
bump :^)
jonfags should hang themselves for this kind of degeneracy
Castings you utterly hate and cannot ever come to accept:
>Sophie Turner
>Kit Harrington
>Maisie Williams
They ruined the Starks for me.
to be fair child actors are hard as fuck to find, especially ones that can actually act at least somewhat decently
sure, it sucks that maisie turned out like a fucking cave troll, but they didn't have many options
>Sophie Turner
>Kit Harrington
>Iwan Rheon
>Smalljon Umber
>Cuck Manderly
>Sand sneks
Maisie was actually perfect in season 1, but then yeah she changed hard.
pretty much all female castings, except for Melisandre and the frey girl
how could they go so wrong on all the rest?
not to mention leaving out some of the best girls like Val or others
Cause she doesn't exist.
>tfw no thicc af Dornish waifu
>fat nigger whore
Daynes are proto-Valyrians that settled on an island in the west of Dorne.
>Dornish people are Summer Islanders
>thicc is fat
Sup Sup Forums
>Kit Harrington
Never read the books, but do people just hate this guy because he's a manlet? Because I'm all down for that.
that and he can't act
he looks like this in the books.
>defending her as not black and not fat
>not defending the fact that your waifu is a whore
don't fight battles you can't win?
I'm not gonna deny she's loose, that'd be asinine
I thought the books had no pictures. Isn't that just fanart?
Why did Rhaegar name both his sons Aegon?
because he's mentally challenged, as is often the case with homosexuals
GTFO Joncon
Euron. Looks like a manletier version of Alfie Allen.
>Sophie Turner, she's a fucking monstrosity and can't act
>Kit Harrington, can't act
>Emilia Clarke, can't act for shit
>Sibel Kekilli, horrible accent, not even hot
>What's his name, the guy playing Euron, he's literally just some guy
>Season 2 Mountain, AKA the flagpole that rides
>male with long, soft, silky hair
>plays the harp
>Season 2 Mountain, AKA the flagpole that rides
better than the teddybear that rides desu.
but of course S1 gregor was way better than both.
>the guy playing Euron, he's literally just some guy
Euron IS literally 'just some guy' under the outfit and the character...
I don't see why the actor is to blame for that.
People wanted Mads for Euron, well, here what Mads looks like.
Does it look like Euron? Course not. He might have look Euron-like with the blue lips, the eyepatch, and all that shit, but that's not what D&D went with.
Any Euron woudl've looked like 'some guy'.
Now picture Mads (or whichever Euron you wanted) go on about the MUH BIG COCK retardation.
It'd barely be any improvement over what we got.
tl;dr : People blame D&D's shit on actors who don't really deserve it.
That's like saying Stannis being fucking shit on the show (in his last 1-2 seasons anyway) is Dillane's fault.
>implying he didn't do it for the pussy
Musicians get ass by the boatload
mr floppy fish learned the truth of that
>tfw heir to all the riverlands
>tfw still cucked by some random singer
>gets so much pussy he was willing to fight a 6'6 berzerker who destroyed his legacy, just to get a girl
rly makes u think
this is basically the difference I see between Euron casting and Shae casting.
Shae is a shit script/character given to a shit actress.
Euron is a shit script/character given to a whatever actor.
>Book Euron
"Pssh, nothing personell kid. *puts on blue lipstick*, heh there are no gods but me, kid, embrace the darkness"
>Based Show Euron
"Arrr me mateys, tis time for a wee bit of plunder. I'll be gallivanting all the way down ta Meeren to shove me biggun in some silver pubed cunt"
>to get a girl
>not create the savior and keep him/her safe
Top kek
>wants to create a savior
>create a midget
>thought he could beat robert
>get btfo
did rhaegar not fail at anything?
>saviors can't be midgets
Jon lives and he'll save the world alongside Based Bran and Dany, Rhaegar didn't fail in the end.
anyone else ships JorahxPenny?
she needs a strong man and she doesn't care about looks (she wanted Tyrion).
He needs a good girl, not some retarded cunt like Dany (even if he doesn't know it). Penny is kind and a good-hearted.
Jorah is shallow and wants a hot chick.
He's not gonna love a midget
interfering when
Show Euron looks like a greyjoy which IMO is much better then le handsome pirate
mads mikkelson is literally too good for game of thrones anyway, his career has nowhere to go but down by taking such an awful role
le handsome pirate >>> annoying chubby pirate
>He's not gonna love a midget
just more shit to put on D&D
I think he would've liked to play book Euron, he plays a lot of freak characters like that.
Doesn't play many 'MUH GALLIVANTING COCK' characters tho.
is this shopped? can't stopped laughing at it.
if not when was it? ( I mean I can guess it's S1 given the outfit, but what made him do this face? )
>what made him do this face?
being untalented
>attributing LF's plan, that Sansa is just a pawn in, to Sansa herself
Fucking sansafags everyone.
Just like D&D did in season 6.
>George says he holds rights to his characters in Wildcards so the other authors can't have them raped and go on about how powerful the rape will make them
>D&D get Sansa raped to make her more powerful
Holy ironic kek
TY based ramsay for raping some power into sansa
>page 9
Truly best starks
>the best Starks don't look like Starks
>and they're both major jonfags
Every stark except sansa was a major jonfag anyway desu
that's just the show.
In the books only Arya and robb give a fuck about Jon.
Sansa doesn't give a fuck about anyone but herself, Robb is 50-50 between Jon and Theon, Bran is a Robbfag, Rickon doesn't really care about anyone but his father ( too young ).
Bran wanted to have Laurence Snow inherit because he reminded him of Jon, he's a jonfag
that's like saying sansa is a jonfag because she thinks "it'd be nice to see him again" once she think all her family is dead.
There's a difference between "well it'd be sweet to see Jon again" and "this dude reminds me of Jon so he should inherit over the former Lord's nephews despite being a bastard, he's a good boy"
user... uh... Bran is like a really little kid. He doesn't know what he's saying there. It's one of those little things you remind you of how young and ignorant he is. It's hard to write characters that young so you have to throw in little things to keep their age in check. This is one of those things.
I think both of you guys are right, tough. Bran is both a Robbfag and a Jonfag. He loves his big brothers and looks up to them.
why does it matter if they dont look like starks u racist
bran liked all his siblings because hes the nicest stark and everyone liked him because hes charismatic and perfect
And they don't act like Starks either thanks to Ned being an Arrynfag.
You think Brandon would've married Jeyne? Fuck no, would've kept fucking her then dumped her for a Frey. Ned made his kids weak and look like Tully shits, not even enough sense to betroth Robb to Alys to get some Stark looks back in the family