Any good documentaries on Big Foot?
>in b4 "b-but Sasquatch can't into REAL!"
Then you have ten seconds to explain the more than 400 sightings of Bigfoot in America alone since its founding.
Any good documentaries on Big Foot?
>in b4 "b-but Sasquatch can't into REAL!"
Then you have ten seconds to explain the more than 400 sightings of Bigfoot in America alone since its founding.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Fat, hairy, neanderthal animal
Americans are seeing their own reflections?
i was going to watch Willow Creek but didn't feel like it was worth it and put it back in queue
anyone confirm if it's worth a watch or not?
>you have ten seconds to explain the more than 400 sightings of Bigfoot in America alone since its founding.
Bigfoot is a ghost
there are no Neanderthals in America. Americans are Europeans that were not tolerated in Europe anymore because they got too fat.
Same reason people claim to have seen UFOs, they want attention and have nothing special besides that crap
Nimoy is always a classic:
>ywn be this mindless
>ten seconds to explain the more than 400 sightings of Bigfoot in America
it's a meme
Doesnt mean that its not a real thing
Gorillas have only been discovered since 1950. There is still an ape living in the jungles of congo which is inbetween a gorilla and a chimp and there is 1 blurry pic of it available yet its a confirmed species. Google bili ape
>318,000,000 uneducated people
>400 sightings
Of course Sasquatch is real. You're blind if you think otherwise.
>Gorilla 1950
You mean 1860
ya nigga but why would a unknown gorilla live in the cold woods of the States? also, there is only one of them? and he lives like 200 years?
the one where he meets with all the bigfoot hunters and its all just one big calamitous affair. at one point a guy "crashes" his car so he can go home
>Then you have ten seconds to explain the more than 400 sightings of Bigfoot
Power of suggestion, the attraction to believe and general dellusion. There doesn't have to be a bigfoot for americans to see it.
There's no reason to believe he's any more real than ancient astronaut aliens. Hell, those guys got more shit than people have on bigfoot being real and not hoaxed all the way through history.
he meana 1930
up until 1930 it was considered a myth just like bigfoot is today still
>being this right
There is no squatch, fuck off to /x/.
I know this is a troll post, and I've seen this pasta before (on at least three different boards), but I'll reply anyway. Like others have said, anecdotal evidence is extremely weak, and lots of scientific literature has been written about why it shouldn't be taken seriously in most cases.
>400 sightings of Bigfoot in America alone since its founding.
You fail to mention that the first sighting of bigfoot, as people today would understand it, was reported in 1957. And most sightings since then have basically been copies of that story (the Roe encounter); even the story behind the Patterson film is an almost word-for-word copy of Roe's story.
>Gorillas have only been discovered since 1950.
It was actually 1860. As soon as white scientists started looking for them (Natives had known about them forever), specimens were found.
>There is still an ape living in the jungles of congo which is inbetween a gorilla and a chimp and there is 1 blurry pic of it available yet its a confirmed species.
Actually, a pretty fair amount of research has been done on these things, including genetics. They're just a fairly normal chimp subspecies with different behavioral traits. Sort of like bonobos, except there's even more of a debate over whether they're different enough from normal chimps to be classified differently. They're not the weird cryptid most psuedodcience websites make them out to be.
>It was actually 1860. As soon as white scientists started looking for them (Natives had known about them forever), specimens were found.
Just like native indians have known about bigfoot for ages?
Not user but I want to seeRetort with that
We would have at least found a corpse by now if such a thing existed.
Not an argument since predator corpses rarely get found ever
>predator corpses rarely get found
Why tho?
it's shit
You're probably better off asking /x/
First post, true post
>Then you have ten seconds to explain the more than 400 sightings of Bigfoot in America alone since its founding.
Dumbasses and liars
The Bigfoot conspiracy has to be one of my favorite. It's one of those completly baffling things that only Americans could be respondible for.
> 25 % of Americans believe in a giant Ape-man
Is this why Americans like King Kong so much?
Stand back, SQUATCHKINO coming through
>Hillbillies running around the words
>trying to find the pieces of a mythical axe
>they are being chased by the Lightning Man and the Thunder Brothers, magical Bigfoots
>The Bigfeet are also after the axe
>With the axe there is no stopping the Lightning Man
Literally this. He is some kind of forest spirit, not of this dimension. He's not exactly a physical creature
>TFW Thunder Brothers are waiting outside your tiny shack so you pee yourself.
Why are you assuming it's a predator?
>Then you have ten seconds to explain the more than 400 sightings of Bigfoot in America alone since its founding.
You have ten seconds to show me a single photo of bigfoot.
If you can't do that, then I don't know why you expect a "documentary" on something that's literally "undocumented"
would smash
>hundreds of people throughout time have spotted and described something that sounds like bigfoot in a given area
>they must all be in on it together, or they're all stupid people
>or they're all stupid people
Is that so hard to believe?
They eat themselves to hide their traces.
The Legend of Boggy Creek
But not Boggy Creek II: The Legend Continues. Has nothing to do with it, and you might as well watch the MST3K version.
I recall a documentary recently that made some really good arguments about bears, but I can't remember the name.
read this thread then come back and tell us if you still believe the "native american myths support bigfoot!" meme.
bonus :
Alaska : 22 sightings
When states such as Ohio, Illinois and Florida have hundreds of "sightings" despite being thoroughly stripmined and plastered with highways and railways over the past 200 years.
You're lieing to yourself.
This is one of the best documentaries I have ever seen about bigfoot.
Misidentified black/brown bears or grolars