Why the H8 M8?

Why are LGBT people and passable traps bad Sup Forums?
>INB4 degeneracy
>INB4 White Genocide
>INB4 Cucks

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LGBT people had a golden opportunity to turn liberals and SJWs against Muslims and they fucked it up.

If you're a faggot Dave Rubin then that's fine, if you're like one of those faggots who goes nude in public infornt if children then you should be gassed

Is that it? Any reason to hate faggots in general?


Fair enough.

I'm bisexual myself, so I deviate from Sup Forums, quite a bit, but in general the LGBT community has allied itself with SJW cancer. If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't have a problem with it, but as it stands, the LGBT community itself is insufferable, and the only reason I am ashamed to be bi.

I should have clarified this but I didn't mean the actual community, I just meant people who identify as part of that spectrum in general.

I would say most of Sup Forums thinks that doing gay things undermines society and the familial unit.

SJWs think that society needs to bend over backwards to make sure that gays and other "marginalized" communities never have their fee fees hurt.

I am in the middle. I think gays should be allowed to do gay things, but that they need to understand that they are a minority and that society does not need to cater to them at the expense of doing shit that matters.

I agree.

I really don't give a shit about most of them. I just hate the loudmouth activist fuckwits who think that everybody should live and think like them.

because you cant stop obsessively trying to spread your mental illness to others.

you know deep down inside youre just a mentally ill piece of shit which is why you wont just fuck yourself in the ass in your bedroom without telling anyone and feel satisfied. you are sick, and you want everyone else to be sick along with you. kill yourself faggot.

But i'm not a faggot, I just asked why you hated them?

They live a lie and force others to give them special treatment, especially the overt ones

You're fucking normalfags and have sex constantly.

But they can't reproduce so why is that a problem?

Technically you don't have to give them special treatment, your just villified and ostracized if you don't. Who cares if they lie to themselves, everyone lies to themselves if some way whether you like it or not.

Because it's annoying. When you haven't even kissed someone, seeing couples makes you sick. Can't relate to anything.

Never had a kiss or sex in my life and you don't see me crying.

The same reason we don't like people who fuck animals or corpses. It's just mental illness, and homosexual propaganda has to end, becouse more and more people become bisexual. Don't try to make any distinction between LGBT and SJW, it is the same leftists platform.

I'd love to launch a cinderblock in the face of a faggot tranny during their, "hmm, gosh, why the hate? hmm I'm so aloof and faux-perplexed about your strong dislike of me, hmm guess you're just stuck in the past" routine.

every fucking day.

Just stay in your own chan faggot/

I'm just making a counter arguement to help you see the benefits of those types.

Gays are a bunch of whiny faggots who only want attention

This is why I have not given you any (you)s and have saged the thread.

SJW amplify the LGBT community, they aren't one giant community. And why is everyone's behavior that strays from the norm a mental illness?

They're biologically defective

Just because you see something in the media doesn't mean you should draw your generalization based upon it.

And once again, why is that a problem?

My own chan?

Net loss for society

Their mental issues waste valuable time and resources.
I could ignore them if they just shut the fuck up once in a while and kept their shit indoors, in private, like everyone else.

Do you find yourself putting the preservation of your identity in front of your desire to improve and actually humanity?

If you answered yes, then that is why you can fuck off.

Turn into a girl or fuck butts all your want - don't make it like its all your represent.

>passable traps
this thread is useless without pics

If gays are not mentally ill, so pedophiles or zoophiles are also not mentally ill.

I know what you mean Ivan. I also got tired of those pro-faggots threads.

How is it a net loss?

If it don't function carve it like a pumpkin.

A lot of things waste valuable time and resources, and not every faggot bring attention to themselves.

I always thought Sup Forums was kidding... Then Trump came in...

>His daughter.
>no srsly wtf 4chin. All this time you were like a kid in a ghost costume waving and screaming: "look at me I'm kkk kek" and It was all fucking funny until you stabbed a nigglet.

Holy shit ppl. You need therapy.
The 40yo 6yo mangirl too.

Personally I see them as a means of population control, more holes with less reproduction and less competition for the men. Plus their high suicide rates make them expendable.


Multiple condoms? Layers of protection?

>le let's go to christian bakeries and bully them into baking cakes for us to overcome le oppression XDD

Bunch of walking bags of AIDs who think they should be heroes because they put dicks in butts

I have no objections to that declaration.

because they spread aids like wildfire and think they are immune to criticism because "muh special snowflake"

Once again, i'm talking about faggots in general, not the LGBT community that shoves their sexuality in everyone's face.

One headline represents the entire community? I'm a gay Trump supporter and I definitely do NOT support Islam.

They don't reproduce though so they would just be spreading it to other faggots.

Wtf? I see straight couples kissing and making out in public all the fucking time. Y'all don't keep shit private, but we have to?!

you can spread aids in other ways than sex

Vast majority of lgbt are still keked.

You are also a Spaniard so your point is kinda m00t.

>Sup Forumsacts like all gays are a hive mind
Ah yes, just like the SJWs do with white men

Last time I checked, they weren't allowed to donate blood.

And you should read this

That comic is... Amazing.


Transgendered people are by medical definition, mentally ill.
They need therapy and professional help.

Trying to create a culture where having a mental illness, getting transition surgery and then parading around as if this is "healthy" does nothing to help these sick people. I shall not sit here entertaining drivel and nonsense.

well shit, ill go gas myself now

Well you don't HAVE to entertain them or even acknowledge them. As for the mental illness thing, just look at the earlier posts.

There is no debating this. They are ill. They need help. If they don't get help they will probably commit suicide.

Getting transition therapy and dressing as the opposite sex is not going to cure them of their gender dysphoria.

And as for entertaining drivel. Yeah well when retards like you come out and start telling people that transgendered people are normal healthy people then I will do my best to make sure that your nonsense isn't left unchecked.

I honestly' don't care if they get help or not. It's their choice. But stop pretending you are something you aren't. Which is being a healthy adjusted human being.

Alright, so their ill, but if they commit suicide, is it really a bad thing? Who's to say that they can even be cured? And why do you casually imply that there is singular type of healthy adjusted human beings?


Yes it is a bad thing because unlike you I value human life and so do 99% of non-edgelords.

>who's to say that they can be cured?
Scarecrow. Doesn't matter if they can be cured. Can cancer be cured? How about AIDs? What about smallpox? Fucking retard medicine is about trying to save lives.

>Why do you casually imply
>xdd what is normal
>iknowrightxddd!!! normal ppl scukz

Having a mental illness is not healthy or trait of adjusted humans.

We need to fund research to find better treatment, but unfortunately a scientist who says that there needs to be better ways will be nailed to a cross. It's sad

Anyone got pics?

Gays can be okay. Bisexual people are attention seekers, Lesbians are mostly dykes, but some are okay.
Passable "traps" and transexuals deserve to be gassed.

>INB4 degeneracy
No, go fuck yourself. It's degeneracy.

This entire acceptance movement is doing nothing but harm, studies have shown that the stigma of having this disorder IS NOT the cause of suicide, even after adjusted for drug and alcohol abuse. It's the disorder itself...

>gays okay
they're all degenerate

Precisely. Even if gender reassignment surgery, hormone therapy is used to treat someone with gender dysphoria, it has not stopped them from wanting to kill themselves. There is nothing in medicine or science that can change them into the opposite sex. Hormone therapy and surgery is superficial and practically a cosmetic treatment. The disorder itself is haunting them not the stigma of trannies.

>reapond to debate with violence because you know they can't hurt you back
This is exactly the mentality that you use to say black people are savages. How can you say we're bad for society when you're the ones who turn to violence if someones appearance offends you.

>inb4ing actual criticisms because you don't have responses to them
Why are people allowed to do this?

So would you prefer to hasten over population? Would you prefer we save everyone and reach a point where do not have enough resources to sustain the current lives? Would you prefer to watch the people you love struggling to survive another day while everyone else around them perishes? Is that what you want?

So using the same excuse commonly heard on a self-righteous message board without any valid evidence is a critisim now?

Tell me this, is wrong to humor someone's delusions when they desire to kill themselves at every turn? What if trying to change them ends up pushing them over the edge?

someone posted about a drug earlier that cures trans people

anyone got the image? the drug began with a D 2mg's a year and they stop cross dressing

Does it permanently solve the problem, or does it merely impede it?

Is this some sort of argument against medicine?
If you want me to give you a serious answer, I will say this. Our problem is not over population. Our problem is that were have constructed a way of living that is grossly inefficient. If you want proof think of how much time you waste in traffic. Assuming you live in big city. If you don't, then I hope it won't take too much brain power for you to imagine that quite a lot of time, energy, resources and space is wasted on extremely simple day to day things like being struck in traffic.

If you want me to defend medicine on the grounds that saving people is a bad thing because of overpopulation, then I won't humor you on that.

>Is it wrong to humor...
This may be surprising to you but Doctors are sworn by oath to honor human life and to protect it - not to hasten their deaths.

You also clearly have no idea how therapy works. Your hypothetical situations of pushing them over the edge have no factual basis.

it impedes, when they reduced down to 1mg it came back

was an image on here earlier today i was trying to re-find it so i could look into the study in more detail but that drug name is escaping me and so is the thread

Every few months theres a new meme drug pol says is a magic trans curing pill citing some study that has dubious at best conclusions. The truth is that there is no magic cure for dysphoria, people have been trying for thousands of years. The only way to reduce it is for trans people to transition and become more comfortable with their bodies. Fighting that because it makes you uncomfortable and you want to wait for a miracle cure only hurts trans people.

Personally I figured the whole gay problem was increasing due to overpopulation and that was nature's way of curtailing reproduction.

So because these criticisms are common, they're wrong?
Also, the fact that you view this place as self-righteous has no bearing on whether they're valid.
You are literally not an argument tier.

What -ism is this? Where do I sign? I never understood why simply letting 2-4% of the population be faggots if that what gets them off is somehow the same as niggers moving in to live off your taxes and raping your daughter and the kikes telling you to enjoy it. Perverts have always existed, if they don't go out their way to bother anyone or ask privileges and catering, I don't give a shit.

I'll admit that self-righteous was the wrong word, but can you deny that there is a major bias toward anything pertaining to Christianity? And when was the last time you actually saw factual evidence supporting those claims?

There is a general anti-degeneracy tone on this board, yes.
As for factual evidence, you either believe homosexuality and cultural Marxism are degenerate or you don't.
Quite frankly, their deleterious effects on modern society make it clear to me that they're utterly terrible.

It is that most rare of -isms. Common sense.

Name one example that is truely deleterious.

All that it should be about is being yourself without bothering anyone else with it. That you don't have to lead a life of suffering and discrimination.

Modern liberals don't want that. They don't want to be treated equally. Instead they flag themselves as victims and then demand special victim privileges that come with it. You don't end discrimination that way. You enforce it.

And they don't understand that you can't simply be tolerant towards everything. If you are tolerant towards other people who are intolerant you help intolerance exist.

And the sheer amount of naivite, the ignorance and inexperience isn't helping. People need discussion and nuance, not childishly flagging anyone who disagrees with them as devil incarnate. Who wants to argue with someone who does that?

In short: modern gay and transgender rights activism suffers from a lot of problems including stuff seeping in from politics.