Was unit 731 based?
Was unit 731 based?
How is WW2 taught in schools in Japan?
They advanced science to the point that the US pardoned many of it's scientists in return for their notes, at the expense of some Chinese peasants
I'd say so.
they teach everything, especially about how you bombed japan for no reason
t. Nip in the Russian Far East.
What city? What's it like?
Is there a reasonably comprehensive list of the specific advances they made somewhere?
"for no reason"
Khabarovsk. It's more or less clean, green, has some nice areas to spend time in the city, if you drive out of the city for one hour you can see majestic uninhibited wilderness, women are beautiful and open for a Nip, probably being extroverted and traditional rather than skinny nu-Jap helps. People are either friendly and polite or rude and assholy, almost no middle ground people.
>"no reason"
You deserved worse for what you did in Asia, but we mercy-killed some unimportant cities of yours to get you to surrender instead.
"for no reason"
Don't just drop a bare hook you little nip bastard, put a little bit of serious bait on it.
>a bare hook
>they bite anyway
Yeah. They removed Chink.
a large variety of ways to turn living chinese into dead ones
which is a field the USA is very interested in
That was some kind of heretical things they did at expense of human lives.
I'd love to see their science, their relatives and themselves burn.
Same with dr. mengele.
They had to experiment on the A'Jin to see what makes them tick before they learned the power of the black ghost.
Hahahaha too true
Did they actually advance science that much?
The story I always heard was that Mengele's experiments, whilst fucked up and inhumane, actually advanced scientific knowledge so 731 were forgiven for their war crimes hoping for something similar, but it turned out that they didn't do anything useful at all and were just torturing people.
Just the warfare stuff. Especially bio, the anthrax shit. Victor takes the spoils.
no, that shit was way dark and lurid
>states retarded opinion and gets shit on for it
haha it was merely bait fellow Sup Forumstards
>1 post by this ID
i am now a cruz missile
post a picture of your self my japbrother, nothing like a nip face on a warm sunday morning
>tfw Japs know less about their history than westerners
Winners decide victory bruh, back to back winners wrote all this history
History not victory
>winners decide history
Then why hasn't Vietnam written more about the war than the west ;^)
They were just logs user
because they don't know how to read or write
>bomb Pearl Harbor
>allied with """the bad guys"""
>being psychopathic assholes during the war
>the last samurai
OK, if you insist
>for no reason
There was an obvious reason, the idea of fighting an actual land war so terrified American pussies that they chose to slaughter civilians en masse to force enemy surrender. As expected.
Because they dont control the United States, nor do they influence its education system. Also,
because their children are busy making my tennis shoes.
Show me that dick little cheese nip
No, Truman fucking hated Russians and saw you commie fucks gearing to send all your troops to Japan since the nips had yet to surrender.
He nuked them to send you a message.
>saw you commie fucks gearing to send all your troops to Japan
Like i said, Americans being too terrified to send their own troops instead.
We had a reason. We had to show Stalin who was boss. Also quit whining, you guys got off from war crimes because we couldn't very well have a war crimes trial having just committed a giant one.
The whole concept of 'war crimes' is stupid anyway.
Your English is too good for a Japanese desu.
Was it not an estimated 2 million possible lives lost? Some pussy general pushed for the nukes, forgot the one that wanted to deep dick the japs
Didn't the Japs also perform inhuman experiments on Western prisoners?
Doesn't sound all that based.
>Was it not an estimated 2 million possible lives lost?
Yeah, except it was a bullshit number used to justify said war crime.
Given that they literally did nothing wrong because the Chinese are not people, yes. Yes they were.
don't have it anymore, not since the procedure
>they teach everything, especially about how you bombed japan for no reason
Me So Sorrlee
>There was an obvious reason, the idea of fighting an actual land war so terrified American pussies that they chose to slaughter civilians en masse to force enemy surrender. As expected.
You should give that speech to the Ukrainians Boris
The hell is it with you Rooskies and your hard-ons over Zerg rushes? How fucking depressing is your country that the best tactic you people have ever been able to come up with is to throw yourselves at the enemy until they run out of ammo?
Those few hundred thousand nips were a drop in the bucket compared to the carnage we would have brought when we firebombed the whole country. Because we would have gladly done so before a single American boot touched Japanese soil. We may act all fat and happy during peacetime, but Americans will turn into monsters when sufficiently fucked with.
Cry more
Americans were already planning a land invasion of Japan. Operation Downfall.
The atomic bombs just provided a way to end the war at least a year earlier, without giving Russia the opportunity to attack a weakened Japan and snatch whatever it could under the direction of Jughashvili and shit everything up.