Isn't Trump really just Palin 2016?

Isn't Trump really just Palin 2016?

—Poorly educated, got into politics almost by dumb luck

—The GOP was urging Palin to step down for months before the election, saying they couldn't possbily win with her on the ticket.

—Say dumb things that come to their heads, they don't prepare their speeches nor think before they speak.

I guess this is the elephant in the room nobody on Sup Forums wants to discuss. Sad!


>poorly educated

Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania

shill go away

God I hope Palin is VP. I don't know if she wrote it, but her comments about BLM were very sophisticated and honest and I thought she was hot but policy-wise awful in 2008 and now I really hope she is VP or Secretary of State.

Yeah its funny my sister says she met Trump and he is dumb even though her husband and Trump went to the same college :)

In economics. He knows nothing about law nor government.

No, because Trump is not an ugly female.

>Poorly educated

>Graduate of Ivy League business school

Unlike Palin he's not some hardcore Tea party whackjob without the ability to sell himself.

>In economics. He knows nothing about law nor government.
Neither does obummer.
>Fuck Congress executed orders all day
>Hey states, if your public schools don't meet my administration's guidelines of accommodating transgenders which have gone through no other branches, you won't get any of your funding.

>poorly educated
>literally went to the most prestigious school in the world and got high marks
lol libtards think people arent "educated" until they have a masters degree in gender studies.

education is a code word for marxist indoctrination.

>Poorly Educated
He's got one of the highest IQs of all former presidents, (much higher then Obongos.)

When they said that about Palin in 2012, they meant it. Now they're desperate because none of their tactics are working on The Don and even though they are desperately trying to convince people he doesn't have a shot, Shillary is pretty much throwing away all of her non Black, Muslim and SJW votes.

Trump is playing 4D chess. He may say something that seems dumb at first, but after the media and Clinton attack him for it, he always manages to come out on top.

Now fuck off back to Tumblr you faggot.

Nice names all around..

.... But Track?

Track? .... Really?

Did she name him while envisioning 10 nogs in nikes running ontop of him?

Palin was also extremely popular until the relentless character assassination from the media began.

Obama is a lawyer and was a senator. Try again? He taught Constutional Law.

>none of their tactics are working on The Don

I guess you haven't seen any of the polls in the past 4 months.


Had experience in government.

As a general

>—The GOP was urging Palin to step down for months before the election, saying they couldn't possbily win with her on the ticket.
There is a ton of Trump support. If the Republican party betrays Trump, they betray the will of the American people, and they are knowingly and intentionally giving Hillary Clinton the presidency. He is the only one who can beat Hillary.
>—Say dumb things that come to their heads, they don't prepare their speeches nor think before they speak.
Give examples? Also know that Trump's IQ is estimated at 156, so he's way smarter than you are. Let me guess - You think it's "dumb" for him to cite the illegal Mexican crime wave, which is an undeniable fact?

Are you seriously criticizing Trump because he majored in something he's used for 90% of his life, and didn't go for "law" or "government"?

Piss poor arguments OP. You seem like a really dumb person. Just remember, when you vote for Hillary, you're voting for the most corrupt person to ever run for President of the US.

And Trump doesn't have so much as that. You're not actually arguing in your favor.

>—Poorly educated, got into politics almost by dumb luck
Trump is very well educated and got into politics by choice.

>—Say dumb things that come to their heads, they don't prepare their speeches nor think before they speak.
Sometimes, yes, Trump says dumb things. I can overlook that about him, though, because he's not your typical rehearsed politician who dances on eggshells, saying only what they are *supposed* to say.

What the hell did Eisenhower know about law and government. He was fighting kraut for 30 years. You telling me he had any clue about the intricacies of law and government when he grew up and was educated in a city in bumfuck Kansas that's only worth something because he lived there (I've been to abeline it's shit) until he went to westpoint and fought/told other people how to fight foreigners?

>I guess you haven't seen any of the polls in the past 4 months.

Neither have you apparently because the gap between Trump and Hillary was much larger "4 months ago".

Clinton is only leading by 5, she used to lead by more than 10.

>He knows nothing about law nor government.
And neither do you if this is your point

>Poorly educated
>Says dumb things and thinks before he speaks
That's entirely untrue, you know that right? Trump went to one of the best business colleges in the fucking country. Just because he didn't take a course specifically on politics doesn't mean he's uneducated. That's what makes this system great, or at least would if it wasn't corrupt as hell. Also, he doesn't just go "WALL WALL CHINA CHINA BING BING BONG". He says the shit people think but wouldn't say because they're up to their necks in shitstains. The media and the left have distorted literally everything he's said because they're fucking terrified of him winning. So fuck you, try actually doing research instead of being spoonfed lies and bullshit by the corrupt government. Maybe if you do, you'll realize that with Trump, we'll MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!