The race war is coming in America and it's time to recruit

The race war is coming in America and it's time to recruit.

The mission: find ways to have outlaw biker gangs openly support an anti-Black Lives Matter stance.

The ideal outcome: At BLM protests, biker gangs with chains, spiked bats, and guns protect the police and the streets from roving packs of negroids.

We just need to think of the best ways to get their open, public support.


Are bikers even redpilled for that?

Tell them to hold a BLM protest at Sturgis. That should provided many lulz.


great idea. are monkeys dumb enough to walk into a death trap? blm is full of cowards after all

can it wait a week for my upper to get here?

OK faggots listen up: 90% of "bikers" are fat old dudes who like to get into costume and bar-crawl. Actual badasses like Hells' Angels are the only ones worth contacting. Not your local fatasses.

this is a very important point. We need the automatic weapons toting, white power murdering kind, not the rebelling against their sloppy wife kind.


Bikers love pills. And meth.

nah they are pretty much white niggers

biker gangs are too cucked to do that all they want is dope and nigger bitches

I work with a couple. I dunno why you nor OP think they aren't already redpilled. These are the guys running SS insignia on their leathers. They already right off BLM ass more stupid niggers chimping out.


I have no doubt that the shootings in Dallas were false flags by far-right operatives looking to spark the race war.

I also believe this will come out soon as they realize more and more how well-planned and executed this operation was.

There's no way this was a lone crazy gunman. And there's no way this was BLM.

Iunno, I've always seen bikers as bluepilled edgelord rebels, so I'd be surprised if there are any who are redpilled as fuck, specially in commiefornia

never said they weren't red pilled, I mean they need to be encouraged to make public statements against blm and attend the protests to protect the police and white residents of those neighborhoods, through intimidation or worse if needed

What do think these fucks do for a living? They have a hobby.
Riding obnoxious motorcycles.
That's the glue. Nothing else. Check the numbers on "gangs". Tiny %. HA and Bandito's are mostly decent Caucasians that care about brothers and their senpaitachi. Leave them alone and all's good. If the nogs come inside the walls, you won't have to ask.

The sons of silence were started by former SS enlisted who moved to America in the 1950's

that's not good enough. We need them to militarize and mobilize as an all white force dedicated to stopping negroid violence with greater, more depraved violence.

They're our greatest possible allies at this point.

Find them on social media, anonymously call or flyer their club houses.

Cherry pick tweets and such about black protestors wanting violence on whites, spin in as those tweets specifically meaning their young daughters/sisters.

PROPAGANDA them into being our soldiers.

>public statements

You really don't know how these guys work, do you? A lot of them are dope/contraband runners that like to operate in a less than public view. You're not gonna get any actual riders coming out and making a public statement.

If the nogs get out of control you won't have to worry about trying to convince them to be on your side.

Let them rape the females protesters

This attitude right here is why we (bikers) don't care about y'all.

We'll be just fine. Its you passified house slaves that are gonna get btfo.

>implying they aren't out of control already and need to be put down immediately like dogs en masse

black genocide now, kill literally all of them

Go ahead and make that call, suicide Sam.
Let me know how that works out for you .

And Who is going to get rid of the Bikers after they take control of the streets.....they will be coming back for your females too

i know some bikers they all believe there native american's or Mexican's to cucked to fight a real race war

Many have diverse members.

the media has already reported that the *black* gunman was part of a *black* power group, most likely the New *Black* Panthers.
do you even read?

>Call them

>flyer their clubhouses

Have a friend post the headline here when you end up comatose, missing, or dead. They don't care about your propaganda campaign, they'll see you as a plant/snitch dumbass.

Most bikers i know are lazy fat old fucks, they dont care if this nation becomes mexico.


gunman was a patsy. this was a well-planned operation. no way some so-called "black panthers" pulled this off themselves.

Why approach bikers when KKK already exists? They are probably filling their pick ups with ammo and bibles as we speak



do you even know who the Black Panthers are? they are the most militant black power gang of thugs on the planet.
lone gunman was ex-army and had recent specialized tactical training at a school near the crime scene.

nothing is more cucked then a fat white guy on a bikes believing hes Mexican i say 25% will be full redpill in the race war 75% will be purged

>The race war is coming in America
All the social media posts indicate that people think violence isnt the answer. The race war meme is just another happening which wont happen.

Which is why we should be worried- theyll keep trying to start it, getting bolder and bolder all the time.