POLL: Who do you want to see as Trump's VP?

Spread these:
>Hillary blames White People for the Dallas Terrorist Attack
>Director Comey Ducks Questions On Clinton Foundation Investigation


Memetic Warfare
/cfg/ Clinton Foundation General thread
→ → → → → → # (Cross-thread)

Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates

>Rally in Cincinnati, OH 7/6/16
>Rally Raleigh, NC 7/5/16

>Trump meets with 200 GOP Congress members
>Trump on O'Reilly 7/5/16
>Trump on Hannity 6/30/16
>Trump on Mike Gallagher 6/30/16

>Gavin McInnes RIPS Aziz Ansari for Trump Piece
>NATIONALISM RISING: PJW SLAMS Millennials bitching about Brexit
>Still Report #986: Fake Polls on the Rise
>Stand in the Gap
>NRA Ad: Stop Clinton, Vote Trump



Other urls found in this thread:


First for niggers


Golly, I hope I am first response Amine EMT

meme magic is not a real thing.
its just confirmation bias.

getting repeated digits on a post is just RNG, it means nothing



Because my get getting skills are shit

What is Michael T Flynn background can he win against the Regressive Left ?

>Trump isn't choosing Gowdy for VP

#GetitinwithFlynn's a democrat who's pro-abortion

Literally the fucking opposite of a republican. I'm sick to my stomach


Here is hats so everyone can use paint to make horrible edits!

I feel like the OP links need to be changed.

There are interviews from 6/30/16.

Any of you faggots got any newer interviews I can throw up there?

Flynn is terrible when under a reporters questioning. He brings no state, he brings no charisma and he can't handle simple questions like what his stance on abortion is.

This fucker is Sarah Palin without the folksy charm.

Kek used your blasphemy to bless us all.

Kek works in mysterious ways.

>tfw Hillary will pick a candidate that is polar opposite of Flynn
>tfw at VP debate her VP calls Flynn and all other soldiers "Babby killers"

I thought I was going to be your VP, Donald.


>all that artifacting and aliasing

worst template ever


is there any Sup Forums approved predictions about the conventions?

bonus: How many arrests and deaths will occur since the cities hosting the events are VERY non-white?

just the thought of my wife aborting our unborn black babbie disgusts me

DeRay gets arrested AGAIN at the RNC, and it is blamed on Trump and Republicans being racist.


>How many arrests and deaths will occur since the cities hosting the events are VERY non-white?
Many, but not enough

>baby killers

But he supports abortion something the Left really supports.

What the fuck? An awoo I don't already own!?!?

Guys theres only a 99% chance Trump chooses Flynn for VP. That still leaves 1% chance of it not happening. What can we do to prevent this??

Please provide the hats on a green background per industry standards.


>Abortion is the only issue that matters

Mattis not on the poll.


Please post the one with these cute lil hats

Does anybody have a screenshot of DeRay getting "super hacked"?

stop listening to vox for one





You sound like a full blooded libcuck with that response. Have you already forgotten Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior died for us and this is how you re-pay him?

Enjoy hell, degenerate. May God have Mercy on your soul.

Can someone red pill me on Walt Jr?

i recommend you stop being such a faggot

>Islam is the real threat

maybe flynn isn't such a bad guy after all

Who the fuck can predict anything after what happened this last week, and what may happen this week

Hopefully The Cunt keeps making dumb fucking statements about 'white people' when she does open her mouth

Does anyone have the lil awoo hat, but from underneath, so i can see the brim? Like the red MAGA hat above the lil ones

Does anyone have that video of the black guy laughing at Bernie Sanders campaign?

>mfw when a (((Jew))) started the fire

Jesus, color in that Wojak.

Trump said months ago that he's picking Sarah palin. Unless he's flip-flopping on that, too.

There's way more that need added, like Patton Oswalt/dead wife, Charlie Sheen/Aids, etc.

When all the shills are hating Flynn you know you've made the right decision.

All Hillary has is Bernie, a beaten down socialist dog brought to heel, or Warren, another lying SCREECH feminist who hasn't accomplished shit.

Meanwhile you've got MOTHERFUCKING GENERAL FLYNN. This badass got fired by Obama for calling Jihadists Radical Terrorists and wanting to put his boot on their throats. Motherfucker is so based that he can be the first Rep-Dem ticket since Lincoln while Hillary picks the weakest, most pandering choice across the barrier in an attempt to continue dividing this country while Trump UNITES both parties under the banner of American Nationalism.

Stay increasingly nervous cucks. With Flynn you win.

>→ → → → → → # (Cross-thread)

bullshit retard. he was only using her to pander

It's gonna be Newt

>POLL: Who do you want to see as Trump's VP?
>No Webb
I want off this ride

Flynn isn't a neoconservative therefore the GOP won't let Trump pick him

Wait wait, did Trump pick a VP? Is it this Flynn guy?

Never seen one like that

Temp doesn't pander, shill. He says what he's thinking.

look at this quantum mechanics denier, bet he doesnt even know how to make a tetragrammaton

>this dumbass fell for the democrat VP meme

You're not a republican you sheep

I saw after I copypasted, don't know who the fuck put that in there but I'll take it out next thread. Same with the shitty poll at the top.

also see

Let's make /TrumpGeneral/ OP Great Again.

Flynn is my new mancrush

no homo

>GOP won't let Trump

I'm still waiting for BLM to be mad over some nigger who was innocent for once.

Do you just not know what greentexting is?

How can we express the message that we want Flynn to Trump??

They don't have a choice

if you seriously think he would pick an already once failed VP candidate you're even more retarded than you're letting on

where can i find a list of Flynn's views?

Abortion is an issue perfectly designed to cause divisiveness over nothing.

>I don't care if they're filling our country with shitskins and sending all our jobs overseas and taking our guns as long as niggers aren't getting aborted. My daughter wanted one after Abdul al Chicagoni raped her but I put a stop to that


The only person that cops killed recently who wasn't committing a crime was that kid with the toy gun in California(?) a long time ago.

Kill a Muzzie first, then Flynn will come to take care of the rest

>Trump doesn't say shit just to throw off the media/people

wow, really makes you a #cruzmissle

that is not their MO
how can you be divisive when blacks say look at this it is so bad
then whites look at it and go wow that is bad

it has to be blacks say look at this it is so bad
and whites look at it and go wow you are dumb it was justified

This. He was a Dem like many of us were (don't lie) but he saw what the party was turning into. They don't wanna win against radical Islam, just want it to fester so they can push their agendas.

Trump wants a soldier, not a fat fuck do nothing like Christie or a boot licker like Gingrich. They bring nothing to the table besides name recognition. He wants to kick ass & win.

I've been on the Trump vote since the beginning and I'd rather see that neocon Gingrich than a piece of shit that some half assed liberal reporter will tear to shreds with softball questions like whats your stance on abortion.

That's fucking basic and the idiot choked. Palin already taught us not to take people like that. Eat shit.

>not supporting abortion only in cases of rape, defects, or health risks

100% pleb

if you wanna get rid of niggers, get rid of niggers

RADDATZ: Let’s talk about immigration. Let me ask you immigration: should all undocumented immigrants be deported?

FLYNN: So undocumented or illegal?

RADDATZ: Undocumented, illegal…

FLYNN: OK. So if you’re — if it’s illegal, it’s illegal. So…

RADDATZ: Undocumented?

FLYNN: Are they here illegally? I mean, if they’re here illegally, then it’s illegal. I mean, again, back to my very first point, the rule of law in this country is probably the single biggest strategic advantage that we have, above and beyond all other countries in the world. And we cannot allow the rule of law to break down.

No, I'm a Nationalist and I'll do whatever it takes to the benefit of this country.

>I-I only vote down the party line

Dumbasses like you, who only vote according to the party, are no different than the brainless niggers who always vote Democrat.

>Implying the GOP can stop Donald

Hey guys what regional am I?

>some shitheads unironically voted gingrich
it's like you want hillary to sweep

Kek is with us

Also can someone shop flynns face onto Miller in this picture (next to trump)

kid cannot point a toy gun at a cop and not think there is a chance they will get shot the gun had the orange thing out of it also

>He was a Dem like many of us were (don't lie)

speak for yourself


not an issue


nobody cares

>want to appeal to tru-conservatives™
>picks democrat

This guy GETs it.

The greatest thing about this is that the President and the VP do NOT have any say when it comes to these issues.

These issues are DECIDED by the SUPREME COURT! It is the SUPREME COURT that will decide them and as such Trump can still attract the hard-core social conservatives by pledging (as he already has) to elect very conservative Supreme Court Justices.

Stay Ass-Blasted Shill.

I'm waiting for the latter.

Flynn wants to avoid war with Russia and fight against radical Islam and it's (((allies)))


>Michael Flynn is pro-choice

user... the convention will turn to Chernobyl

>ssues are DECIDED by the SUPREME COURT!

the supreme court isn't god you know

they aren't my king