Has milo gone full fucking retard?
Fat shaming people does fucking work to promote them to get healthier, but this fatass is in a fucking gum, hes clearly alreadly making an effort to better himself, being annoying a fucking asshole at that point isn;t going to make him go any fucking faster.
Fat shaming is good when it promotes healthier lifestyle choices, but at this point hes just being an attention starved asshole.
Has milo gone full fucking retard?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's also a gay negro lover
Fully agreed. He went full faggot on that one.
I haven't liked Milo for a really long time. I thought it was neat to have some faggot agree with my views, for the sake of identity politics bullshit. He's an unbridled degenerate.
While the guy shouldn't have gotten as fat as he did, at least he's trying to lose weight. We should be fat shaming kids in school and in restaurants, not in gyms.
Plenty of fat fucks go to the gym, sit on the equipment, move for about 5 minutes then sit on their phones for half hour, take a photo and say hey guys I'm working out!! Then have a Starbucks for a treat because they deserve it for working hard.
A gym isn't some sort of metaphysical liposuction building. You actually have to move to lose weight and bulk up.
Fat people who go to the gym like him do so mostly to continuing binge eating like degenerates and don't feel bad about it.
Exercise is to build and maintain muscle MUCH more than its to loosing wait, people who said otherwise have never done exercise/lifting seriously.
Fat ugly blobs of mass should not be at gyms but instead should out down the fork and eat little and healthy.
It's quite clear that Milo is an attention starved fag who panders to alt-righters.
He's as much of a shame to the gay community as sexual exhibitionists at pride.
it's just a tweet. calm down faggot leaf.
Yeah Milo is a dumb cunt on this. On the Rogan podcast he said he didn't want to see fat people so this guy should be at home. Fucking mong.
lmao a bunch of racist nazis that want to genocide jews got their feelings hurt because a fag made fun of a fat guy
U fat or somethin?
>it's just a tweet.
Yeah, its a tweet where he clearly states he practices this behaviour consistantly.
That fat fuck is staring at his phone taking up the equipment. Fuck em
He's letting his fame get to his head. Can't knock a dude trying to better himself
t. fatty
This. He's just the typical faggot attention whore who realized he could get more attention by pandering to the low level newfag idiots that share our board.
ITT: fat neo nazis that got triggered by some queer jew
>"oldfag" gets triggered by fat jokes
Hello newfag, you body posi? lel
>fat bastards come to the gym
>just to lose the weight
>what is the exactly purpose of going to the gym
>lets make fun of the fatty doing the right thing
>MIlo is faggot in so many aspects
Just fat fucks, who can't handle the bantz.
Anyone who was a fan of Milo at any point in time, was also a fan of literal degenerate interracial cocksucking.
Working out is not an effective way to lose weight. Eating less is the best way to lose weight. If anything fat fucks shouldn't be working out until they learn to deal with their food issues. Exercise increases appetite and you can easily cancel out a workout with a single meal. Also if you are a fat fuck you are more likely to injury yourself while exercising due to the extra weight you are carrying around.
Tl;dr- if you are a fat fuck, lose weight through diet first before even thinking about exercising.
Disregard the faggot. He slurps nigger semen.
G8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
That fat guy really is too fat for the gym. After going to the gym for years you start to see that the fat people almost never get skinny and more, drop out after a few months.
To be specific, that man is that fat because he eats 8000 calories a day. The gym won't save him.
I encourage people to become fat so that they are weaker and die an early death.
The more fat people there are the more a thin person like myself has an advantage.
Oh look the African American shit poster woke up
This saddens me.
He seemed like a lovably narcissistic Stephen Fry, but even fat people hate threads on /fit/ respect those that actually try.
That man has an eating disorder, not a lack of exercise disorder.
I've seen that thread two days in a row now. Fuck off.
>Sup Forums is okay with mocking people they think are inferior, including calling a well-adjusted black man with a family and job a nigger
>Milo makes fun of a fat guy
>Suddenly Sup Forums is super defensive
Hmm I wonder why.
Maybe he's changing his music
Use that peanut sized brain next time you long-neck
A dick move and he likes dick soo.....
Just laughing that the most edgy board on Sup Forums is seriously crying about fat jokes, really man? You get triggered just like SJWs?
wtf I hate milo now
that doesn't make any sense. nothing wrong with fat shaming, but this guy is already in the gym and working on it. fat shaming while they're actively trying to change only discourages people from working out.
yeah it's great when the government starts spending cash to enable fat people to continue being fat
>what is the exactly purpose of going to the gym
that's not the purpose of going to the gym. that fat fuck should stop stuffing his face with 10k calories a day.
Fuck off with this anti-shame faggotry, reddit. If you're so fat you don't look like a human you are disgusting even if you roll into a gym. Shamelessness is their problem and cuckolds like you are why the Jews can create a weak faggot culture that produces this.
Milo is degenerate.
fuck off
bigger muscles will yield higher metabolism
building muscles WILL burn more fat
Good, fatty.
I agree that he went to far, and he's clearly trying to be edgy, but you should primarily change your diet to lose weight, with exercise being supplemental.
That guy is probably 350 lbs he should be able to take some bantz.
i generally agree diet is key but the type of exercise is also an important factor. i attribute my weight loss mostly to walking regularly.. though i did it for hours at a time. never got injured and i wasn't near any refrigerators so i ate a lot less.
>fat shaming at the gym
Seriously fuck him.
It really isn't user, at least not to lose weight.
Watch this video.
Just watch.
>Exercise is to build and maintain muscle MUCH more than it is to lose wait
Did you read that well you disgusting lard?
I dont think I want a race war anymore now that I know Sup Forums is a bunch of sensitive fat fucks
first off, it's WEIGHT, not WAIT, you amerindian/nigger/iberian mongrel creature
and my point is, you can lose weight by building muscle, especially a beginner
many fatties think they only need to eat less and do cardio, when in fact they can reach their goal faster by doing resistance training
training big muscles (like legs) will help you lose 'wait'
building muscle, actually increasing body mass, is way harder than it is to lose weight
interesting, thanks.
on a side note, you could just paste the direct youtube link in your post you know
Oh no I made a typo while writing from my phone, second you know the expression"much more"
Third:Regarding losing weight
Any more questions fatty?
>Being surprised that an alt-right freak desperate for attention whose main selling point is OOOOOOOOOH DARRRRRLIIIIING DON'T YOU KNOW I'M GAY? BUT I HATE FEMINISTS? OHHHHH MYYYYY says controversial things for attention
Fuck off, the entire alt-right movement is a joke
He's a provocateur.
His whole schtick is to be as provocative as possible.
A Jew faggot niggerfucker making fun of a fat dude.
This x10
This x1000.
>while writing from my phone
get the fuck out you cancerous sack of dicks
>pol is chock full of fatsos
Just shocking
Weight to wait
>is jus a typo Mistah
You silly coon go take a walk through Juarez
You know why mobile posting is bad?
False: He has several gay negro lovers.
He's right about fat people though.
Because it gives unfettered access to retards and children to come in whenever they want instead of being restricted only to those who own personal PCs
>What is auto correct
I would insult you, but you are in SA already live is shit enough as it is for you.
>is in a fucking gum
No, he looks like fucking gum.
Exactly and encourages posting outside and exposing normies.
I'm just using it now because the gf is doing her homework on my computer, don't see nothing wrong with that
oh shit an animal fight, I thought those were illegal.
You sound like an epic faggot.
Are you also fat?
Fuck off fatty nobody has to applaud you for going to the gym. All you do is get in someone who ACTUALLY works out way.
Yeah you should now all about that wouldnt you seekaffer
milo is a faggot, and the people who like him aren't much better
Exactly. Anyone who would allow themselves to get that fucking fat in the first place is a piece of shit. Slowly peddling on an exercise bike once a year is an empty gesture.
forgot link
What else do you expect from a dick sucking pedophilia defending Zionist mischling?
This, shame is a method of changing weak elements of society.
Gym's etc are sacred grounds, people who go there are already trying to better themselves so the argument for why fat shaming is a good thing go right out the window when people like Milo just do it for the sport of it
someone post the picture of the woman doing the exact same thing
this nigger has gone beyond typical feminine toxicity found in gays, what a faggot
Nigga plz. Just going to the gym means jack shit. Plenty of fatsos yapping on their cell phones while walking 2mph on the treadmill.
"Fat people should be ashamed of themselves and lose weight"
"Hah! You are fat, don't even try losing weight!"
Pick one
That almost sounds like twisted fat acceptance logic.
How about not eating your way into morbid obesity in the first place?
Okay Captain Hindsight!
If someone is fat they should stay that way, maybe join fat acceptance, right?
Fatty detected
Once Milo goes to Sweden I will invite him to Finland with me and get the America out of him
Yeah, no. That nigga is 300+lbs. He's not coming back. All he's doing is shitting up the gym with his passive/aggressive delusions. Every fucking January the gym fills up with these assholes, and they're all gone by March.
I'm sick of this faggot already
Lurk for at least two years before posting.
So fat.
That fat guy is on his phone. Do a superset or something that actually burns calories. He's also barely sweating.
He's not "actively trying to better himself," he's just wasting his time at the gym. If you want to lose weight, calorie deficits will do the trick. Eat less. Fat people usually just give up after a few trips anyway.
The people here who hate Milo because of this are just fatsos who sympathize with some other fatso who had the willpower to go to the gym a few times.
His views really aren't that nuanced. Remember that tour Christina Hoff Summers did with him? She tried to make it actually mean something, and he was just out to troll. He's just a sadistic hedonist who likes to run his mouth without consequence, it just so happens that being right wing is more effective
Yep. At that dude's weight he is more likely to injure himself than get fit. Dude needs to diet first.
But shouldn't the effort be made atleast?
Or at the very least avoid driving off someone who might change their living habits?
Because if people think that fat people have no place in gyms and shouldn't bother trying to live a more healthier lifestyle, it means those people might as well then join the fat acceptance movement.
That of course will push it's agenda more, and affect more and more people making them think that it's ok to be fat even before they gain all the weight.
I just see more to be gained by nudging people to live more healthier than to drive them away, because when enough people join the opposing side you might find yourself outnumbered. And the public opinion swaying towards the acceptance movement when more and more SJW landwhales push their agenda.
He's a fucking loser. Milo threads should be banned.
I'm 5'11 150lbs but I hate milo for being gay and Jewish
Dude belongs at Weight Watchers. One he gets down to a somewhat human size he can begin an exercise program designed, and under the supervision of, a professional.
Fat shaming in a gym is like shaming car accident victims in rehab.
He's a faggot who sucks nigger dick why are you even listening to him? He just parrots whats already said here anyway and the annoying part is normies listen to him and go 'wow he's so insightful' when he's just regurgitating pol talking points to the unwashed masses.
Make fun of lazy fat fucks who don't do anything to get better, sure.
But this guy is at least trying. What he should be doing is telling the guy good job, upping his confidence, and offering to help.
Maybe if the "alt right" weren't such self righteous faggots they'd get more respect.
>What are noob gains
You're retarded, if you're fat you definitely need to capitalize on noob gainz
It's ridiculous to make someone that's working out at the gym for whatever reason. They are ACTIVELY trying to better themselves so there is no reason to harass them.
and how would (((milo))) "feel" if I shamed him for being a college dropout with no degree. I have three university degrees at all three levels and can easily point to his academic deficiencies. But i would not because it's bad form so to do, particularly when or upon someone making an effort to improve the deficiencies and resolve the problem. You see everyone gets a second or third or more try at whatever it is if they wish to do so. I would offer hope and encouragement to someone like him, a dropout, who serious wished to return to university to make another go at it. Instead, he's angry at university because he didn't do well so goes on a tour of them to get even in a manner of speaking. Now, don't get me wrong, I like milo. But fat shaming people in a gym or elsewhere is not artR nor Nrx nor antiglobalism nor antifeminist nor antiwhig-historiography nor antimulticulturalism. It's just high-school-sounding stuff and pseudo-comedic at best.
protip: nice suits, milo, but bad bleached hair is passe.