Is Czechia Eastern European like Poland, or Western European like Germany?

Is Czechia Eastern European like Poland, or Western European like Germany?

Nobody wanted to be "Eastern European", fucking Russian tanks rolled over everything. And Italians became best bros with those shitbags a la Berlusconi.


Western European like Germany

Eastern of course

They are Germanized Slavs. Take that how you would. In truth, they are central Europe. Neither East nor West.

Russia is not "eastern european", you retard.

G*rmany is in Eastern Europe.

Just call it Chech
>Eastern European like Poland
Fuck you m8

>Just call it Chech
That doesn't make sense linguistically speaking.

They aren't Slavs at all

>are you left wing or right (puke) wing
>are you wh*Te or BLACK
>are you western European or eastern european
>are you CIS male or proud transsexual
Fucking retards.

Eastern European like Poland. The map is correct, except for Greece.

western european but in cheap. a skiing trip to bavaria costs easily 5 times as much as to chech.

expect they are

t. retard
slavs are a part of one linguistic group, czech included

Most of your people live in eastern europe, you are eastern european.

I really think Czechia is central. Slavic, but the German influence was so huge that it's not eastern like Hungary.

Czechia also kicks ass. My favorite European cunt.

t. retard
we are slavic-speaking mongols

Almost half of the Germany is eastern european and looks like it

t. retard

Eastern European without a doubt

Most of you people live in south america, you are south american.

Why so much AIDS in Russia/Ukraine/Eesti? Fags, drugs, coalburning or a combination of the three?

Central European.
Also according to schools we are western slavic.

> Chech
Are you retarded?
It's called Czech.

Or Chechen.



I'm not a chicken, you're a turkey.

Kek. France smokes less cigarettes than most countries.

They are Austrian.

See? Austrian.

And Austria is Australian.

Isn't that where those Russian beheading videos come from?

But it's not Austrian on your map.

same could be said about Western Poland being like West Europe

Poland is Central Europe

Genetic structure of the Balto-Slavic populations within a European context according to the three genetic systems.
a) PC1vsPC3 plot based on autosomal SNPs (PC1 = 0.53; PC3 = 0.26); b) MDS based on NRY data (stress = 0.13); c) MDS based on mtDNA data (stress = 0.20). We focus on PC1vsPC3 because PC2 (S1 Fig) whilst differentiating the Volga region populations from the rest of Europeans had a low efficiency in detecting differences among the Balto-Slavic populations–the primary focus of this work.