EU and the GUN BAN

Gun ownership is a tradition in some country in Europe.
But the decision to ban semi-automatic and automatic multi-round weapons faces a significant backlash in Parliament.

On Monday, an ECR group spokesperson told this website "The Commission proposals were badly drafted. The law needs to protect legitimate users while keeping guns out of the hands of terrorists and criminals."

Elsewhere, the European Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation has called on the Commission to "respect the rights of hunters and sport shooters, who represent the largest group of legal and responsible users of civilian firearms in the European Union and who are among the most intensely controlled and law abiding social groups in the EU."

It is "very much concerned" the Commission presented its proposal without an impact assessment, adding, "this makes it impossible to estimate the consequences of the proposed amendments on criminal activities, as well as on the lawful use of firearms.

"The proposed ban of certain semi-automatic firearms is unjustified and the Commission will have to explain how owners will be compensated in the case of a confiscation of these firearms."

So remember, ' some ' peoples of the EU want to ban guns, so other do their best to defend guns right.

Anyways, we will see near the end of the year, if the EU agree to ban ALL SEMI AUTOMATIC WEAPONS.

How the fuck they thinks they can get away with it?
Laws are already hard and stricts and there is 0,0001% of crime with register guns.

Other urls found in this thread:

Suck it, France. Not my problem any more.

It never was your problem since you banned semis chamberd in rounds bigger then .22 to beigin with

They took ours in 1700s, feels bad man

Meanwhile nogs are shooting each other with illegal assault rifles and no one does a thing about it.

>Gun ownership is a tradition in some country in Europe.
>aka Switzerland

Feels good man

Most people don't have guns to do anything about it in the first place.
We need gun rights like the US. Even Interpol suggests that's the best way to go.

We should reintroduce a form of conscription and make conscripts serve in a national militia separate from the professional army, with their service rifle kept at home. Muslims not allowed of course, that would be a security threat. And we also have gun owners that were taught responsibility and the necessary skills to operate their arms.

The Swiss model, basically.

>you will never be able to own this
Sucks to be you, Europoors.

I propose "free" school for those who do national service.
You go to school while you serve, what you study reflects how long you serve to 'pay your school debt'.
During that time you do work experience and live 'on base'.
Minimum time of 1-2 years, mandatory for all, can be used as your last year/s of school/begin of trade.
Bonus: Only those who complete service are allowed to vote. Leaving service prematurely means you owe full amount from your education (no vote rights).
Extra bonus: Service means social help, from young to elderly, and direct exposure to gibs, nice red pill.

We also have a lot of guns in France and Finland

Knives are legal here user.
Even to carry.

We dont need to overthrow the system, we need to bring the common people on the rifle again.
For the most europeans guns are evil killer mashines that only cause pain.
We need to show that guns aren't evil and can be fun.
The pic related fag is Marc Schieferdecker, a german gun rights activist and he is doing it absolutly right.
He and his team bring "cool" gun stuff on Twitter and Facebook and he runns an Youtube show.
The ammount of gun license and major carry licenses that was issued in the first half of 2016 in germany is already higher than 2015+2014 together.
Going over modern mass media is the answer, not forcing people to serve

The idea of conscription is not just about the guns, it's also about learning discipline and responsibility.

The US-style system is open to both responsible adults, irresponsible manchildren, and to some extent those who have ill will.

It's not just coming out the air either, just last week a major political leader suggested reintroducing conscription for discipline reasons.

Promoting it for fun is easy, you just need whatever popular craze there is.
Zombies are perfect for the role but far from the only thing. But that's a basic thing (plenty of 'zombie killing' channel things to show what weapon for x etc).

Nice AUG A3 here

Luckily our country is literally built around a collective suicide button.



Most based thing I've heard this month for NL.

>Het CDA wil de militaire dienstplicht herinvoeren, te beginnen met jeugdige vandalen. "Dat vinden die raddraaiers die met stenen gooien misschien niet leuk, maar het zou wel goed voor ze zijn", zegt CDA-leider Buma in een interview in het AD.
A shame CDA isn't what it used to be

I find it funny how people fear this might give potential jihadis military training, because they already got it.

You're missing the potential.
If outsiders remain criminals even after training, you remove their citizenship and boot them back to countries that don't allow you to renounce nationality like Turks and Moroccans.

Jihadis are one thing, I can see a lot of people worrying about just the average moroccan/turk youth with military training.

Something tells me they are irredeemable as long as they adhere to moroccan/turk culture.

>A country leaves the EU and two weeks later it disarms all remaining member countries.

>the average moroccan/turk youth with military training.
Wij zijn met meer, toch?

Vergeet niet dat wij GL, PvdA, en D66 binnen onze gelederen hebben.

>implying the UK is in any better shape

>3 minderheidspartijen.
Komt wel goed.

much better shape, don't let the memes deceive you.

Didn't he show his true jihadi colours on day one?

Why is Brussels forming/training an EU army then? Why do NATO forces get to carry automatic weapons? Why does the Queens Guard? The Swiss Guard? Why do only the rich and powerful get protection in Europe?

Didn't Germany already Veto'd this one?

can we kill armenians now?

Well, the repräsentation of Germany at the commission first supported it but Thomas de Maizière later said that germany wont accept this proposal "in this form"