Oh shit white people BTFO
Oh shit white people BTFO
Really made me think
>The continent of Africa never existed, the only black people in the world were oppressed slaves in Europe
Incredible insight, I have truly been motivated to change my prejudiced and ignorant ways
But the entry requirements for blacks to colleges and universities is much lower than the entry requirements for whites.
If I was black they'd welcome me into Harvard with open arms, but because I'm white I'm not good enough for them.
Of course the stormweenies are just going to ignore this.
Affirmative action isnt why your lazy ass got rejected.
But how did we manage to do all of that oppressing if women and other races are just as smart, strong, capable etc.?
Why weren't we the oppressed ones? I guess it must just boil down to the fact we are inherently evil and they are all benevolent and shit and would not do such terrible things ever if they had the same power. Shame!
My white ancestors that came to the new world in the 1600 each generation carving out their on place in the US ...
>spoon fed
>high chair
>combatants in EVERY war the US has ever fought
and fuck you prejudice bitch, my ancestors were abolitionists
So only white men have agency? So like a group that's not even half the population can easily dominate everyone else?
>white men build europe
>niggers continue to fuck around being niggers in africa at the same time
wow really makes you think
They prefer not to touch on that subject.
There are threads everyday on Sup Forums refuting these claims. Just lazy.
Not a stormweenie, and I'm going to honestly say this unironically, but.
It's not an argument.
>admits that white men did everything
>can't finish her thought without throwing in unwarranted self important meme insult
>t-they were spoon fed o-on their high chair! baby men!
America please. Just ship these apes back to Africa I'm tired of watching this nonsense.
>Regarding women
Post-modernism has taught these retards that women were the "oppressed" gender throughout history, which is complete and utter nonsense. It's like these people fail to realize that love and compassion are natural feelings that have existed for as long as humans do. Women and men had different roles in society (often out of sheer necessity), it's as simple as that. The notion that all men magically hated women is nothing less than ridiculous. If you account for, let's say, the last 3000 years, then the average person was very clearly some varying form of farmer/peasant/slave - now how did the average male farmer have it any better than the average female farmer? Or peasant? Or slave? Do they actually think that most males throughout history went to school, got educated, had free-time etc.? What a laughable grasp of history.
>Regarding blacks
How is it "the white man's" fault, that sub-saharan Africa is quite possibly the biggest joke of human development? Is it our fault that they didn't realize the value of their earthern minerals until we arrived? Is it our fault that slavetrade was a vibrant phenomenon throughout the continent, long before whites arrived? Oh, and it still continues to this day by the way.
Tell them you identify as african, and tell them they are being trans-phobic for calling you white. two can play at that gasme! or more, i dgaf how many pronouns you pick.
She has no point.
You have no point.
You're nothing but an anti-White racist that should die on the day of the rope.
She looks white to me. Probably a coal burner.
I write stuff on facebook, look at me...
This. Lynch OP, lunch the cunt who made the post too.
WTF I hate my race now
what is "the twelve year olds understanding of history" for five hundred, alex?
>This. Lynch OP, lunch the cunt who made the post too.
Also, non-Whites have no place in White countries.
The only way racial conflict will ever be ended is when non-Whites do not live in White homelands.
So because some cunt posted on Facebook that makes her some sort of authority and everything she said was the truth?
OP is as retarded as she is.
No leftist will ever, ever, give a truthful answer to this question. Just as they all will mock someone who doesn't believe in evolution, but then when you try to explain that evolution also applies to humans and that different strains have very clearly evolved, due to disctinctly different environments etc. worldwide, they will back out and call you a racist.
>whites use le oppression maymay on le womyns and blax
>build everything, invent everything
>they were put on high chairs and spoonfed xDDDD
Literally how? Literally who held white men's hands as she says? If white men are at the top, how could there be yet another group above thm to "put them on a high chair and spoon feed them all their lives"? Aliens? Jews? This dumb cunt can't even be consistent in her own non-argument and it's "le wyte ppl btfo xDDDDD" go fuck yourself retard.
you dont have to be a stormweenie to see that she is just plain fucking stupid
There is literally nothing wrong with Stormfront.
Calling people "stormweenies" is akin to leftists calling people "racist".
It's a buzzword designed to attempt to silence and discredit people.
they cry so hard but sure as hell do not want to leave
lets go be oppressed
If we had real humanities education, she would have learned about how almost all the inventors and scientists who mattered did not enjoy any advantage, and learned early on to grind their way through adversity.
Among other things we must demand the building of a new humanities curriculum free from cultmarx.
I guess were just superior in everyway :} i mean we did rule over woman and blacks at the same time soooo
but germanic didnt build western civilization
>white men build europe
you mean they destroyed what romans and greeks did
fucking germanic pig
>Nazi fanboys in a secret club for closet homos and social failures
>literally nothing wrong
Tell my granddad and great uncle there's nothing wrong with the Nazis you pussy
>>Nazi fanboys
Which is funny considering the fact that the swastika is banned from posting there.
But yeah...they're totally Nazi fanboys, right?
>in a secret club for closet homos and social failures
Because you say so, right?
>Tell my granddad and great uncle there's nothing wrong with the Nazis you pussy
There is literally nothing wrong with National Socialism and Hitler. Your idiot grandparents fought for the wrong side. They fought for the Jewish side.
Go suck on an amurrican flag, you Jew loving faggot.
P.S. The Holocaust literally did not happen and you and your idiot grandparents have zero evidence in favor of it.
It is really funny that you got rid of the Swazi because you are too cowardly to proclaim what you represent. And really my grandparents are the dumb ones and not the NAZIs who lost the war? Hitler was a fag. I am an American I believe in freedom and tolerance not dick riding a fuhrer
Why so scared of freedom? Also
>I don't fight because it would just help the Jews
What an excuse for cowarice
Why take the opinion of a young millennial woman seriously?
really got me brain cells goin lad
>It is really funny that you got rid of the Swazi because you are too cowardly to proclaim what you represent.
Actually, they got rid of the swastika because
a) Stormfront is a White Nationalist board not a National Socialist board
b) they didn't want to scare off bluepills.
>And really my grandparents are the dumb ones
Yes. They sided with their Jewish masters to kill their own race.
>and not the NAZIs who lost the war?
Just because the NSDAP lost doesn't mean they were wrong.
>Hitler was a fag.
Of course he wasn't. More Jewish lies about him. Hitler is the second most lied about person in human history.
>I am an American
No, you're an amurrican.
>I believe in freedom and tolerance
You believe in White genocide and doing your Jewish master's will.
>not dick riding a fuhrer
So you ride a circumcised cock instead...
>Why so scared of freedom?
What freedom would that be?
anti-White beliefs shoved on you every second of every day?
>>I don't fight because it would just help the Jews
Yes, if you side with the amurrican government you're siding with the Jews.
>What an excuse for cowarice
Said the faggot who'd kill innocent people for his Jewish masters.
spoonfed by whom? God? Aliens?
This whole "privilege" thing doesnt make any sense, people taking care of their kids is NOT privilege its fucking human behaviour.
Blacks should try it sometime.
Came in to post this
yeah we really held back the chinese and japanese.
we were so spoonfed alright. not like we slaughtered ourselves for centuries, drove our society into a dark age, survived the harsh northern european weather, broke free from roman rule, executed anyone that wanted to partake in science and actually believed the world wasn't the center of the universe, and caused two world wars just to slaughter ourselves.
nono, we were spoonfed and lived a care free life getting everything we wanted. not like we endured anything.
Why do we have these threads twice a day?
Why do white women get immunity? They are the mothers of white men. If they can't fix those devils then they should stop breeding.
You moron shitposters ruined BTFO
> high chair
> bitch doesn't even know the idiom "put on a pedestal"
I feel guilty for existing while being white now
Shit like this is why i side with Islam in some regards. White women are destroying the West with their bullshit
>Why do white women get immunity?
they honestly believe women died to get the vote
therefore they gave their lives to fight the oppression of the white man
(the fact 600k Americans died abolishing slavery doesn't matter because it was tha wyte man"
You have to respect the way muslims keep their women in check. There are parts of islam that I strongly agree with.
>White skin
>Have IQ of 100
>Identify as Khosian
>Communicate only with clicks
>Smartest nigger of all time
>Checkmate leftists
>Romans and Greeks aren't European
Go to bed Van Halen.
>being this ignorant of history, and butt mad about shit that never actually happened to you personally
Ironic considering how these SJWs act like literal babies wanting safe spaces and stuff
Affirmative Action isn't why he got rejected, but it's why a nigger with worse grades would get accepted.
>Put on a chair and spoonfed
Motherfucker they built the chair. And the spoon.
And as Africa has discovered, grew all the fucking food.
holy shit what's up with her pic?
Did the flash fucked up or she edited the pic to make herself more white?
Ok I need to have a word with you Sup Forums
Apes are noble creatures of the jungle. They do not drink or do drugs android not abandon their young. They are also able to take care of themselves without outside help
It is wrong and completely unfair that you compare apes to niggers. Apes are far more intelligent far more useful creatures.
This is unfair and it needs to stop.
Stop comparing Apes to niggers.
How can a single person be this retarded, she lacks ANY kind of knowledge about history, societal developement, Western civilization hell any civilization for that matter, or really about ANYTHING at all.
Yet there she is, harping on about some shit she wouldn't be able to give more than 1-2 cherry picked examples for which were SPOON FED to her.
Here's the thing, Europeans never actually brought black slaves to Europe. Arabs brought in about 100+ million slaves to the Middle East, African ones, they however tended to just castrate them all.
>put in a high chair and spoon fed
who put them in the high chair? who kept them in he high chair? who spoon fed them?
>white men only built civilization because they were put on a high chair in the civilization that they built
>You aren't rebutting anything substantially just asserting your opinion;but i will hazard a response.
>White nationalism or nationalism of any racialist varietyblacks any sustained success in modern history. In premodern times successful cultures were typically Cosmopolitan (i.e. Rome & Greece) The classical germanics had no concept of "race" as the Nazis held; they were defined by their loyalties to warlords and landholders, obviously this usually meant allegiance to other Germanics but it was not necessarily so.
US is civically nationalistic but an aspect of our culture is racial tolerance and universal human rights. Why would we take the lead of the Teutons who are generally followers and lack the drive and courage to be truly great (the nordics have always been a marginal people)
Oh I see, you're an anti-White that actually thinks that we need non-White in White countries. You support multiculturalism, diversity globalism and the rest of that anti-White drivel.
You don't want White people being proud of our race, in fact, you support the policies that would cause the extinction of the White race.
You hate Whites that are proud of their race and want their race to exist.
You hate ideologies that put the White race first and unite the White people with each other.
You're an anti-White race traitor.
How did they get the power to oppress others if they weren't smarter to begin with?