The /cfg/ research division has been hard at work finding connections, analyzing data and profiving the fuel that has been injected into the memes, provided by our memefags, which have formed the brunt of our assault.

This is the place for the data found in the research divison to really do it's work. We provide suggestions to the meme team and I know most of us are also active in the research division.

Come on in, grab a chair and let's game out scenarios that we might have to deal with ad see if we can't just help save the world from ruin.


Should we game out scenarios as our own Red Team with the updated info within these threads?

If they are concerned their own strategists might not be on their side, that would mean the task would need to be outsourced.

Did FBIanon mention RTP first or was it an user who brought it up?

If FBIanon is the one who mentioned (and emphasized?) it, might that also be a clue?

Should we form our own "Red Team?"


Threadly reminder: do not respond to shills and baits. They will divert your attention.


Good gaming!

Other urls found in this thread:



>/cfg/ General Guide
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>Step 1: Find a task
Simple tasks include making memes, phonebanking, joining the social botnet, and digging for OC dirt on the CF.

>Step 2: Do a thing
Steal a meme from Occupy Democrats or elsewhere and replace the text. Memes should roughly follow this format:
>X: Money donated to the CF
>Y: What did the donater get in return?
>Z: Source.

Join the botnet by making a throwaway twitter, connecting the account with ifttt.com, and using twittermoneybot.com/ to autofollow followers of major figures like Trump. See → → → for more info. Don't use your home computer for this.

Digging for info is trickier, but there's a shitton to get you started in the archive. Read all of the most important discoveries and follow the trail.

Add content to the Reddit or Website
I forgot soz

>Step 3: Post results
>Self explanatory. Just remember to try and get real hard evidence that we can spread and repackage for normie consumption

OK. Stay here.

Let this one go


What's RTP?
Also we probably should get a slack or something to discuss strategy.


Some carryover discussion from oldbread

Looking at this, the nationstates on the eastern Saudi peninsula look like they're practically hemmed in on all sides by instability.

I didn't realize we got slid off the page so I didn't have newbread ready to go

apologies anons...

You can thank the colonial powers from not giving a shit about prior territorial/ethnic borders, the WWI powers from creating a power vacuum in the Islamic sphere by dismantling the Ottoman Empire, and modern US/Russia for fighting a proxy war there over its oil. Israel is just icing on the cake to troll everyone.

some good carryover posts from oldbread

>A RedTeam thought for you consideration.

>We know TheBigBadWolf(Soros/Tavistick) has a successful template for destabilizing and basically overthrowing nations. It varies by natio and region, but the parallels are always there.

>But it can't have been successful EVERY SINGLE TIME, right?? So where, in what attempts, did his tactics fail?? What nations were able to resist these tactics and why? What made the difference?

>There's no such thing as a truly perfect plan. So there have to be exploitable flaws.

>See what I'm driving at?? I'm not batshit, Am I??

This one really stuck out to me:

>I'll bite for a
>1 post by this ID

>I'm educated and have background in military psyop. Take that as you will.

>here's my big problem to solve:
If I were a leader of a global cabal who's plan is hundreds of years in the works, why would I let so many (((coincidences))) out in the open right at the final stages?

>1) I have so little faith in the general pop/so much faith in my side
>2) up against something big so risks must be taken

>in broad strokes, those are the only two categories I see...
>solve motive and you solve need, therefore we gain advantage because we know what they fear (what motivates them)

>think on this one, and I'll be back around


Z, you didn't happen to play Neverwinter Nights and be a DM on a particular server swrod server a while back by any chance, did you?

Yes. The consensus of resource maps of Africa shows the failed state region to be richest in Uranium, diamonds, gold, and oil. Poorest in: water.

Resource wars are the easiest to start. Al Qaeda and affiliates also infest the red region. Obama's feckless foreign policy is footprinted all over that region as well.

Since there are two goals, erode borders, and invade the north with blacks and browns, flushing out central Africa contributes to both. The influx of Somalian refugees to the US is well known. Detroit and Minneapolis, as well as Columbus, OH harbor huge populations.

The failing state progression fits the narrative.


Replying to a comment from two threads back:

>Largest hedge fund ever, just down the street from 9 clifford,
opened to the public 2004


>Something started in '04. but what? all these shell companies started at almost the exact same time.

This was the start of the giant military industrial contractors making shitfucks of cash. During this time period we had just "won" Iraq and were really starting to ramp up operations in both Iraq/Afghanistan. Hundreds of new companies were started to bid on lucrative military contracts in that region.

Might be a good place to look. I'm sure the Teneo group did a lot for some of these companies to give inside information on where their focus should be before contracts went up for bids.

Dearborn, MI is also one place this 'invasion' has been at work for a while and I've heard things from people that live there which frighten me and I did NOT think would happen in America.

Idk man, I want to believe that those states failed of gross incompetence rather than deliberate malice.

Also lol at Thailand being only at a warning level. They have coups every few years ffs.

>Idk man, I want to believe that those states failed of gross incompetence rather than deliberate malice.

What you want to do is look and see what this map would like like with data from say, the 70's?

Ooooooh, I would love to see a timelapse for this information for the entire data set!

That would tell you quite a bit. Especially if it could somehow include MAJOR new events in some sort of geographically relevant manner.

Think like an earthquake map (pic related) but each dot would be a linked news article and the size of the dot would vary depending on the amount of money involved.

and you know a lot of these contractors employ former military in their upper management.

very similar to the way the nuclear power industry and various governmental oversight bodies operate in japan.

What would you categorize these countries as?
If someone can give me a list of countries I can do a time lapse heat map of google hits for each year going back to about 1980 (google index newspapers/magazines for a lot of stuff that predates the internet, but anything before 1980 is probably going to be less reliable)

It might show us an actual picture of how the dominoes fall.

on the website, is there any way for the meme section to have a frame with a few different memes rotating in, or is that too much?

What happened to the clintonfoundationinvestigation.com site...they already found yall and shutting shit down?

well shit, I'm trying to wrap my head around what you're putting out here.

I'm thinking something the image in this post combined with the image in the earthquake map.

We would want to indicate particular topics that would have direct bearing upon what leads nations into states of ruin.

I'm not even sure something like what I'm thinking of would be possible.

For example, you have a country negotiate a deal with a company to buy x amount of hardware. That would show up as an 'earthquake' and the size of the dot would vary depending on the amount of the contract; the larger the contract the larger the dot.

Next, say you eventually have an armed conflict in that area, that would show up as a different colored icon similar to how the story of the arms deal in my previous example.

Am I making sense?

With a scheme that complex what's the chance that they fuck something up and jew themselves every day?

Nope. It's right there.

For some reason it won't load for me...I'll try a different browser...

>Failing states

There is a consistent study of them which would produce an animated .gif with 11 frames, located at:


Google has an API which does exactly that. I've seen it. Hang on.

I've had problems accessing the site through Tor

something like this


>For example, you have a country negotiate a deal with a company to buy x amount of hardware. That would show up as an 'earthquake' and the size of the dot would vary depending on the amount of the contract; the larger the contract the larger the dot.

I've done a lot of stuff before just using python and the basemap library. It's really simple to plot regions or points on a map in different colors. What I can do is put together a script that takes in a list, so lets say name of countries. Foreach country in the list, do a google query of country_name + company_name. Record number of hits. Plot country on map with a scale based on number of hits. Repeat for each country in list. Repeat for each year.

The information this could give is showing us a presence of a company in each country based on year. It would clarify how a companies presence in regions changed over time.


Skip to 6:00 to see it work. They've had it for about nine years now.

That's a sweet site with preformatted data. I'll get working on this and see if I can generate anything useful in a few hours.

We probably want to think about the differences in what appraoch will be needed depending upon who ends up president.

It is obvious which groups favor Hillary, and which Trump.

I'm not fond of the Donald, but he knows how to get things done and he has shedloads of business experience; he's not a politician, but he has had to deal with them so he has savvy.

We just don't know what kind of president he will be based upon what we know of him and how he's been portrayed up to now.

It's a given that if he wins, the media will be on him constantly.

Hillary and we get nothing but the same that we've had for the past series of presidents since bush I, heck even reagan was involved in some less than savory shit.

that's pretty damned close to what I've got in mind.

and if something like that can be built and incorporate the information we've uncovered in the research thread, that would go a long way in helping to get an idea of how and when certain actions affect other outcomes.

I am suggesting an operating framework for /cfg/ Red Team.

>develop lines of master narrative
>>Increasing failed and failing states is consistent with weakening borders goal
>>"Flushing" failed state zone refugees into developed world is consistent with weakening borders goal
>>Encouraging mass numbers of refugees is consistent with miscegenation goal
>>Leaders advocating these policies are aligned with Soros

>Develop short term extensions of current trends
>>public acts of mass violence trend
>>continuing spread of failed and failing states trend
>>continuing advocacy for abandoning national sovereignty trend
>>increasing pressure for gun control trend

Apply three step formula:
Find a thing to do
Do the thing
Post results.

>beware shills. the latest tactic is to imitate the recent influx of "insider with intimate knowledge" for the purpose of instilling a sense of futility, and urging us to abandon the effort. They are scared.

>develop role-specific evidence, however concrete, or circumstantial
>>The global "black team" cabal is real.
>>Hitllary is the Chief Money Laundering Officer
>>Bill is the Chief Marketing Officer
>>Obama is the Chief Operations Officer
>>Merkel is the Chief of Research and Development
>>State Department and Pentagon are the Production units

this is great, please add this to the next OP if someone other than me makes the next bread.

Very sound and focused. This is exactly the kind of thing we need to keep in awareness at all times.

well goddamned if this isn't starting to resemble an actual movement...

>officer shows up to anons house
What you doin user?

>tryin to save the free world with a bunch of autists

Carry on, then...


lol, yup...

I been watched since forever ago

>wonders what would happen if he FOIAed himself with the alphabet agencies...

probably get a blank file, but I wouldn't be surprised to find Tavistock meddled with me in my youth, and I've got a few years on most you faggots

I already know I have a file with at least seven regulatory and acronym agencies. I voted for George HW.

I've never voted, it always seemed so futile.

i've known about (been generally aware of) the nature of our government and it's relationships with corporations since around the end of the carter administration.

I've been redpilled for decades, have probably been a useful idiot more than once, but I do my best.

I've looked into all kinds of things since the advance of the internet and online research; I've read gigs of white papers on all kinds of stuff and while a lot of the more advanced concepts are beyond my grasp due to lack of formal education, I'm fairly bright and understand much more than the average faggot.

heads up for anyone who might not be in the /cfg/ general thread, this is about to get dropped:

while it's still a WiP, you might want to consider giving this link too.

oops, I'm a tard

>/cfg/ Clinton Foundation General thread
>Clinton Foundation Investigation Summary by WordDocanon (Outdated)
>/cfg/ Official Website (WIP!)


This is what I'm going to add to the OP of /TrumpGeneral/. Any objections?

seems nice. When someone updates the summary make sure you put that up there

>public acts of mass violence trend.

There has been a suggestion that there are two boxes here. Prior decades' attacks, epitomized by Columbine, and trending up to Sandy Hook, are, /for narrative purposes/, organic habbenings which would have happened anyway, and were merely exploited by a hapless and nascent Soros-ian movement not yet in control of the Congress or the Whitehouse.

The second much more sinister box is Islamist terror attacks. Paris, Belgium, Turkey, San Bernadino, Orlando. These represent a much more potent existential threat because of the possibility that the Soros-ian black team controls one or more terror networks originating from the failed state areas of the middle east, like Syria/Iraq/Libya (IrLybSyr? anyone?), where their puppet SOCOM forces and puppet spy-runners have virtually free reign and no motivation, nor little leeway, to ask deep questions about the ultimate outcomes of their detailed missions.

Like the Cube, IrLybSyr is a perpetual public works project so complicated no one person can comprehend the machinations of so many partisan players with so many conflicting loyalties. Ripe ground for black ops fuckery.

The homeland game-out is that the goal of guided or controlled terrorist attacks on the homeland would have multiple, overlapping goals.

>Drive the narrative on gun control
>Spread fear and suspicion
>Drive demand for stronger government police state mechanisms
>Push in the direction of eroding constitutional protections
>Attack the second, fourth, fifth, and sixth amendments at every opportunity
>Use chaos to impose ever weaker border controls, ever loser immigration policies, and invite ever more un-vetted potential terrorists
>Locate legitimate refugees in the whitest areas of the country, and encourage "assimilation" and "integration."

I'm good with this.


>/for narrative purposes/
Another consideration is that organic events can easily be swept up in the larger narrative and be integrated within the pre-existing overlapping goals.

While negligible, this is still a potential avenue for exploitation by black team.

>can the above be neutralized or otherwise made to work against black team?

>>Obama is the Chief Operations Officer

Regarding the high-level narrative potential line that Bongo and Hitllary are captured tools of a Muslim Brotherhood-spearheaded effort to infiltrate the government with sympathetic elements to the Islamist cause:

I would like to re-think this. The meme of Bongo-the-Manchurian-Candidate overlooks some damning facts that argue for something even worse.

>Obama is a true believer in the Borderless World.
>Obama is a true believer in ever bigger, more authoritarian government forms.
>Obama is a clever operator, and completely liberated from anything resembling a conscience.
>All that goes double for Hitllary

It is more likely that figures like Huma Abedin, a far junior and less sophisticated operator than Hitllary, is an invited guest to the inner chambers of Hitllary's power. The direction of recruitment was not Huma-captures-Hitllary, it was the other way around. It is not an infiltration. It is an invitation.

Hitllary's and Bongo's loyalties to the Soros-ian project come before their loyalties to the United States - would be much more consistent with FBIanon's assessment of the current state of the US government. Corrupt, he said. Not captured.

>argue for something even worse

this is an even darker idea I think than has been floated before.

If this is the case, then we have intended destruction and I would imagine that 0bozo would continue to be important to the overall goals of black team.

>Supreme Court spot still vacant
>0bozo is a 'constitutional scholar'
>Hillary gets in, appoints 0bozo to open spot
>any Soros-ian laws that might get struck down are upheld and the continued 'legal' destruction of the U.S. continues apace

That's why I wouldn't past Obongo to do absolutely anything to prevent a Trump presidency. Things that haven't been done before.

There's likely going to be revolution if Hillary cheats her way in. And I don't just mean from the people. Our military and foreign nations (especially Russia) will revolt. Because they know what a horrendous monster she is.

This really is the ultimate tipping point for our country (and the world).

It's incredible how much shilling has been going on since the start of July. It's disgusting how many unimportant topics are being "discussed" on this board. No, I'm not talking about CFG. This is one of the most relevant threads of this year, if not since the existence of Sup Forums itself, if all the implications are proven to be true. I don't understand why these people are WILLINGLY trying to mislead everyone by arguing about pointless shit, such as race, feminism, degeneracy, faggots, Islam, stupid memes, and everything else that accompanies it. Those "issues" are only relevant in the case that Hilary doesn't win and WW3 doesn't start. Yet nobody seems to understand that. In the case of WW3, all of those things are literally non issues. Haven't these people seen how dramatically they've revved up the NATO war machine and anti Russian propaganda? This is not a drill anymore. This isn't on the level of NK's Kim Jong-Un going on a hissy fit. The largest NATO war summit since WW2 is underway in Warsaw, right now. The pentagon has announced that it plans to quadruple the budget & its presence in eastern Europe. And you know what's the scariest part? The elections may not matter if the nigger in chief declares martial law. He doesn't even need to fully enforce it, just as long as the political effect is in place and he remains in office. Because let's face it, as much as everyone here wants to prevent this and see Trump win, it now seems highly unlikely that it's going to happen after everything that's going on. They're not just going to stop because of an election. They'll never allow it. This is going through. We're all fucked. November doesn't matter. And the people shilling this are going along with this madness. Holy shit... how many suicidal maniacs exist in the MSM? This is ridiculous.

I'm far from problem-solving on these prongs of thought. Still trying to work out the baselines of what we know, and whether those things fit the narrative of "Borderless world" and "Race mixing to he average."

So far, the US has proven itself, I assess, more resilient to knee-weakening emotional pleas, like that ridiculous sit-in in the House, than the black team may have thought possible. We know from Hitllary that she holds the intelligence and resolve of the average American below contempt, and while that stands in our favor, it also informs a game-out projection, which the intelligence analysts behind the blue-badge swipers at Bush Center call the "more and more" scenario.

Orlando was, predictably, met with the strongest gun grab call yet issued. Despite being the worst terror attack on the homeland since 9-11. And it failed.

So the two dimensions of "more and more" here would be - more frequent attacks, or bigger attacks. /cfg/ has established links between the US, Bongland, and Qatar in relation to the Paris attack.

So the possibility of black team control of one or more terror networks is not merely a daydream. Given what we have seen thus far, the trend from SanBern to Orlando has been: bigger. The US offers one glaring class of as-yet unexploited soft target. I hesitate to even post it again. But such an attack would easily break Cho's US record, and would exceed Breveik's record, because it would induce a panic in a crowd which would kill hundreds from being trampled to death.

The machinations involved in erasing every last trace of black team involvement would require the sacrifice of a good number of mid- to -high ranking SOCOM and Clandestine Ops types, maybe in advance, which could provide a warning signal /cfg/ could monitor for. Though they are invisible in life, the deaths of Cov/Cland personnel remain well-publicized events in the US press.

>>>Encouraging mass numbers of refugees is consistent with miscegenation goal

Good reading here on that

>Muslim Migration to Europe
>June 17, 2015

>Many recent immigrants have gained access to European countries through family reunification and marriage. There has also been an increase of asylees and refugees who are fleeing war-torn countries or unstable political regimes, such as Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. The Netherlands in particular has received many refugee and asylum-seekers. Many refugees use undocumented immigration routes, boating across the Mediterranean or trekking across deserts into Middle Eastern countries such as Yemen, to seek work and safety in European countries. The new Muslim immigrants to Europe tend to be families intent on permanent settlement rather than the more mobile labor migrants. However, there has been a gender shift in the demographics of immigrants. Historically, men have been considered the primary labor migrants. Recent scholarship reveals that women were also part of early migrant populations and continue to migrate to Europe. For example, Moroccan women continue to migrate to Southern European countries often looking for work in domestic service, agriculture and small industries.

From talking with relatives in Italy, in the past few months, the big problem with all of the immigrants has been the lack of jobs (at least in the region they are in) rather than violence.

But we all know that idle hands breed mischief and it is only a matter of time before the inability to find gainful employment turns bitter.

Anything on demographics? Young single men versus women and children?

>I hesitate to even post it again
You don't need to, I recall the scenario you mentioned and it's not a pretty imagining.

I agree, and have said the same thing about what the outcome would be if the habbenings did not move things enough for black team.

>could provide a warning signal /cfg/ could monitor for.

Indeed, especially if anyone has associates with former black ops experience. they may not be in the game any more, but they still have their connections and ears.

A few well placed, subtle questions could provide that warning needed to know something was up.

probably in the hand outs, I literally just found it before I posted about it.

This is actually what I was looking for when I found that doc


Three archive searches and google confirm this is not, yet, a pasta. Welcome new friend. We do not ever concede any possibility of defeat.

As a lifetime Cold Warrior, and sworn enemy of all things Russian, the most difficult, and yes, Captain Kirk-like - unresolved - aspect of this last year's developments is that I might have to claim Vladimir Putin among the allies of the remnant United States.

I am not there yet. I understand the arguments, there is no need to post love letters about VP. I cannot believe we are actually living through the plot of Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country, but it is possible we just might be.

Who benefits from war? Who loses? '"Let them die" you said.' "Admiral Cartright." "The Romulan Ambassador." Who else?

But to return to Red Team themes: Trump's initial position on NATO is consistent with an assertion that he is aware of the substance, via independent sources, of FBIanon's warnings about the condition of US government. Rigging a US election is extremely difficult. The days of JFK's dead Chicagoans is past. The people remain the force which can stand between liberty and serfdom. Every post we make takes us in that direction.

>That's why I wouldn't past Obongo to do absolutely anything to prevent a Trump presidency. Things that haven't been done before.

devil's advocate for a moment, but a lot of the same things were said when shrub II was was vacating for 0bozo.

But the problem we have now is we are working on the assumption the Donald is NOT part of back tea whereas bushes are definitely known to be black team

>used to be certain Trump was trolling the country and only meant to ensure destruction of GOP chances

>not so certain any longer...

I have a google news search agent to which I will ad a word cloud substantially similar to: "cia, socom, special operations, killed, casualty(ies), US military," and etc. If we get word of a CIA paramil or SOCOM cluster occurring anywhere in Islamist territory, it could be the sign. The timing will be more important than the geographic distribution.

The signature would be something like

>CIA officer killed in Afghanistan
>Special Forces unit wiped out in helicopter crash in Yemen
>Saudi's execute alleged western spy
>French infantry unit takes heavy casualties in Mali

All within a couple weeks of each other.

>Cold Warrior

You're making references I completely get so I would imagine you and I are fairly close age wise but you might be a tad older than me.

Not that it matters, but it is good to see that I'm not the only greybeard around these parts.

>was beginning to think I had lost the last couple of marbles I have left considering the scope of what's been discussed within these threads.

>But the problem we have now is we are working on the assumption the Donald is NOT part of back tea


Come to think of it, I need to rule out a Rorschach moment:

Was there or was there not a similar signature prior to Orlando?


Well this week a Russian MI-24 was taken out by ISIS idk if that helps

yes, this is exactly the kind of ananlysis tool we need to make sense of what the research team is digging up.

If I understand correctly, that kind of thing will come up automatically once we give the search parameters to the code.

I'm hoping it will also help us identify when certain companies do business in certain areas and if that corresponds to time frames just before major upheaval which requires military responses.

I'm pretty sure that's part of the premise from which we have been working.

Personal feelings aside, I don't think Trump has the same goals in mind as the Sorosians.

>I don't think Trump has the same goals in mind as the Sorosians.

Soros is literally funding everything he can against Trump. Where have you been the last year?

Ok, I misinterpreted you then, I was thinking you were implying that Trump was covertly working for Soros.

I've seen that idea pushed a lot in various places.

>I was thinking you were implying that Trump was covertly working for Soros.

Fuck no.

But anyway. This thread isn't about Trump. Carry on.

>This thread isn't about Trump.
You are indeed correct, though he may be discussed as a topic on occassion, he is not the focus.

>appreciate the bump

I am having trouble imagining a Russian pilot working to recruit IrlybSyr terrorists to attack the US homeland. The idea of the news signature works like this: For the black team to control and execute a "terrorist" attack against the United States, they would have to employ 'legitimate' agents of US- or allied-controlled military or intelligence forces to, conjunctively, arm, train, task, transport, and/or motivate the terrorists. Syria, for example, is sufficiently fucked up that a US SOCOM unit, whose loyalties are sufficiently confused that they were recently chastised for wearing Kurdish militia patches in combat, might believe they are "training Syrian rebels" when in fact they are training a black team homeland attack squad. Any CIA cov/cland officers involved in any way, any SOCOM forces involved in any way, any allied country's same - would have to be killed to cover black team's involvement in what would be the most dramatic "terror" attack yet - more traumatizing than even 9-11 because of the nature of the attack, if not the casualty count.

This is suspicious, but it is alone. "Famous" journalists are among the most well-known non-official cover, and "friends" of the Community. Christiane Amanpour, for example, is filthy with multiple services and has been for decades.


There would need to be three or four of these in less than a motnh's time. It is possible to add the above to:


But it's weak. The mention of an Afghan politician killed with no claim of responsibility, mentioned in passing, looks like something at first, but the Tali's pattern of revenge attacks suggests this was not black team master-minded.

I just realized that it could be misconstrued as derailing so I don't want to distract.

Heading back to /TG/. Keep up the good work.


>suggests this was not black team master-minded.
Those are the types of events which will be the most difficult to categorize. Perhaps we could somehow separate out the possibly connected events from the obviously connected ones?

I'm am not sure how such a distinction could be made, but that's what comes to mind when considering this.

Why would it be pasta? And I'm far from new. I've been on Sup Forums for well over 6 years, now. I thought about starting a new thread about it, but it would've been drowned in the shilling and misinformation that's going on anyway, so I thought of posting it here, instead. I mean, I don't understand one thing. Yes, I get it. These are megalomaniacs, evil people to the core, that want to create a NWO and all that, but at what cost? Does a NWO matter if there is nothing left to rule? But what I find the most difficult to believe is that there are people who get paid to spread misinformation and those that do it without being told to do so, even though a lot of those people may well realize the consequences of their actions. They aren't the elite. They won't get a spot in the bunkers in the worst case scenario, or a chair at the round table of the NWG, in the event that they succeed. Why do this? For some money? For the lulz? But as WW3 seems to be looming ever closer on the horizon, what good would money do you? It's unlikely that you'd need it in a post apocalyptic scenario. I find it hard to accept that they're brainwashed tools that do their master's bidding without any doubts or questions asked. And honestly, as much as you old folk seem to hate Russia and its leadership (not saying that they aren't also corrupt and fucked up in their own way), I don't see how it's a good idea to antagonize them. Russia's trying to preserve its integrity and national identity. It's doing its hardest to swim against the tide (the west), and I don't see anything wrong with that, aside from it being the catalyst for WW3, of course. Everything can be resolved with words. As long as people understand each other there doesn't have to be war. Especially not the world ending kind. Problem is, people have a hard time understanding one another due to all the poison that's being spread by the MSM and online. It's absurd how much influence these people can exert.

Maybe by indicating attacks that are retaliatory in nature?

X attacks Y for whatever reason, Y attacks X 'in retaliation?'

not even sure if this would help the posed problem.

The Tali revenge attacks were part of a pattern of attacks which can be triangulated from among multiple sources, of varying ideological loyalties. Hindu Times versus IBT, for example.

The NPR journo and the photographer story, it has no such anchoring pattern, and was a "surprise" in the sense that it was not part of any expected action in any context of ongoing hostilities. That is the kind of thing I'm looking for.

Other examples of what it would look like, but just examples, again, there has to be a 'cluster' of these:




>Russia's trying to preserve its integrity and national identity.
No argument with you at all, the problem is our leaders here in America do not seem to want to follow the same course of building national pride.

We are trying to avert a potential WW3 which could result from a 2nd Clinton presidency.

If what has been postulated (CF global corruption/information of what SAPs were compromised) is true gets out in to the public domain, then civil war and or WW3 are almost a certainty.

That being the case, we need to everything possible to make sure that Clinton does NOT occupy the White House.

Or this is all just Trumpbaiting and we are being suckered in to work for his campaign.

I think more things point to FBIanon being legit than not at this point, but who am I other than some random internet autist?

Ok, I got you.

You're looking for outliers which might be indicative of movements not otherwise visible.

Or am I way off base?

Wait, let me see if I understood that correctly. Getting the CF files out in the public (posting them on Sup Forums, for instance) could ignite a civil war, and in the worst case scenario, a world war. And obviously getting HRC in the office would do the same thing. How... how is it that you're trying to prevent a civil war or world war by digging into the CF? From what I understood in these past 8 days, is that the only way to prevent disaster seems to be to elect Trump and NOT reveal CF information to the public, because if true, then literally EVERYONE in the government is involved, and that would wreck the system. Trump needs to win, jail HRC, destroy the CF in secret, and fix ties with Ruskis. I don't see another way out of this. To think that I was born in time to potentially experience the end of humanity. Wow... what a sad time to be alive.

The next major multi-theater conflict will not result in the end of our species, and will not involve nuclear weapons. Much smarter people than us have already worked out, to everyone's satisfaction, that the uncontrolled escalation of a first nuclear strike far distresses the balance sheet of gains/losses in the aftermath. Nuclear weapons are geopolitical weapons, not kinetic ones. Their power is in their presence and proximity, not their use. They work as last-resort life-support systems for nation states. There will not be "nothing left" - WWII created an economic bonanza across the globe.

The scenario FBIanon invoked is a conventional war for regional dominance of the former Soviet satellites of Eastern Europe - most notably the Baltics (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia), and the buffer states, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus. Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania not ruled out.

The costs to Russia are not existential to fight such a conflict, given a successful outcome, and a defeat would galvanize an already bellicose population to muster up and try again, as they did with Hungary during the Cold War.

The costs to the NATO members is also not total, nor anything close - the thought, however is far more chilling to them, which is why I am far more afraid of Hitllary than Donald. Hitllary would love to go to war with Russia over Eastern Europe. She would go down in the history books with FDR and Truman. "Victory over Tyranny" "Saviour of the Free World" All that claptrap.

Europe is led by so many ninnies and pillow biters, they can't even field a conventional force, let alone simulate the damage from an all-out Russian tank offensive involving multiple divisions concentrating on multiple objectives.

Putin knows he would be fighting a badly hobbled NATO - a tennis player with one huge arm, and one limp noodle arm. Far different from the alliance of WWII. But why bother?

>EVERYONE in the government is involved
That's the implication made by FBIanon and it certainly seems to fit with what has been discovered/already known.

And yes, it is an extremely frightening prospect.

One of the options was to selectively take down the foundation and a limited number of Clinton and their cronies.

The problem with this is, they have so much dirt on so many people, I doubt they would go down alone and would rather execute a scorched earth policy than EVER be brought to account for their actions.

>history seems to support the idea that they would follow this path.

Yes. Standard intelligence analyst procedure for Open Sources. A global text search game of connect the dots.

Here is another layer down - the Orlando shooters family was from Afghanistan. The NPR journo was killed in - Afghanistan. That would also be a dot to connect, except that the father came to the US too many years ago for the black team scenario to maintain traction. The black team would have to have recruited an Afghan sleeper decades in advance, train him to train his kid as his successor, keep all this secret, and somehow the NPR journo would have to have had footprints in it. That's too far out even for the old KGB.

Hello fellow pollacks.. I am really disgusted by the amount of shilling going on Sup Forums since foundacion of /cfg/. They are in damage control mode because they know we as pol will stumble upon something we should not have, so they are scared. Anyway i just wanted to let you know that i'll try to stop obvious and subversive shill threads and also gather information on how they build their posts.
Anyway wish you luck memeing clinton to prison.

With Trump in office, Putin can relax into four to eight years of creeping green men occupation - maybe get a foothold in Moldova, deepen client ties with Belarus, and bide time. Russia, like China, is playing a long game of geopolitical dominance, from regional, to multi-regional, to global.

Trump is the obvious choice from Putin's perspective, not due to any moral considerations over the casualties - niether he nor Hitllary, nor any of the black team give any fucks about human life - but on the benefit basis. And if I have to choose between black team obliteration of the nation state, and creeping green men occupation of a couple of dilapidated former satellites, pass the vodka, tovarish, and break the black bread. I can't believe I'm saying this.

Link to previous thread for the record:

>Getting the CF files out in the public (posting them on Sup Forums, for instance) could ignite a civil war,

The implication of FBIanon's assessment was that /government/ disclosure would be a disaster, but if some outlet of dubious reputation could take the FBI off the hook by getting media attention on the CF only sufficient to damage Hitllary, then everybody can have the happy ending we seek - President Trump, exiled Hitllary, and the start of a global realignment which prefers nationhood, and acts accordingly.

Charles Ortel, for example, is doing the kind of work that was spawned by the collapse of MF Global during the EU aftershock of the financial crisis. Everybody involved in that fiasco said, "Corzine is bulletproof" "You'll never find the money" "The investors and traders will never get their money back" "Its too big" "Its too dangerous" "Its too complicated."

A little grass-roots organization operating under the twitter handle re:TheAuditors did the grunt work for years, and eventually got every penny depositor-partitioned funds back. Corzine never went to jail, but he remains banned from Wall St. It is not a trivial example of the internet leaking some justice into the real world.

Eloquently stated. I cannot offer a valid counter argument to that. Am I simply naive to believe that a nuclear war is not off the table, that the orchestrators themselves have potentially misjudged the situation? We've seen a powerful surge of speed to complete their agenda after Brexit. A war with Russia strengthens the US, while weakening the EU and Russia itself. Why would they not reach for the nukes if the end result would be an even weaker, potentially fragmented Russia? For them, or to Putin at least, that kind of scenario would equate to a global thermonuclear war. He wouldn't allow it. The missile shields are being put in place not only as a provocation, but as a potential safeguard in the event that conventional warfare fails. At least that's my humble opinion. Well, I cannot see the future. I hope that things don't go well for the globalists and that their agendas fail. Trump is far from the best candidate, true, but Hilary simply must NOT win the election, nor must Obama declare martial law, and everything should be fine... at least for a while longer.


>I am suggesting an operating framework for /cfg/ Red Team.
>>develop lines of master narrative
>>>Increasing failed and failing states is consistent with weakening borders goal
>>>"Flushing" failed state zone refugees into developed world is consistent with weakening borders goal
>>>Encouraging mass numbers of refugees is consistent with miscegenation goal
>>>Leaders advocating these policies are aligned with Soros
>>Develop short term extensions of current trends
>>>public acts of mass violence trend
>>>continuing spread of failed and failing states trend
>>>continuing advocacy for abandoning national sovereignty trend
>>>increasing pressure for gun control trend
>Apply three step formula:
>Find a thing to do
>Do the thing
>Post results.
>>beware shills. the latest tactic is to imitate the recent influx of "insider with intimate knowledge" for the purpose of instilling a sense of futility, and urging us to abandon the effort. They are scared.

I have to sign off soon. As before, if the thread slides off with no bumpers, I will re-start tomorrow with choice fllow-ons.

I should be around long enough for at least the next thread. I have included this into the OP pasta I have and will use that as the basis for the next thread moving forward.

I will also make sure to archive this thread and post links in the general /cfg/ thread.

If I happen to miss out after the next thread, then I do hope other anons will carry on the tradition begun here.

Regarding things to do, can someone post some kind of a .jpg tutorial on setting up a twitter botnet? I'd love to help on the social media front.

Here are some new and old bait threads. Interesting is that they became more frequent now in july right when /cfg/ just started discovering things...
Reminder that this is just one of many ways shill make baits and sadly polack take it easily.

AWACS deployed to syria
>Warsaw (AFP) - NATO leaders on Saturday agreed to deploy sophisticated surveillance aircraft to support the US-led fight against the Islamic State group in Syria, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said.

Stoltenberg said a summit of the 28 NATO leaders in Warsaw had formally approved a plan for the alliance's AWACS planes to fly over international airspace and help the US-led coalition.

"We will provide AWACS support and the plan is to have them to flying over international airspace and Turkey and that will allow us to look into airspace in Iraq and Syria," Stoltenberg told a news conference.

As my last act for Red Team this Sunday - expect a Russian response within 24 hours, and it will not be happy.


>As my last act for Red Team this Sunday - expect a Russian response within 24 hours, and it will not be happy.
Hory shet!

Mark this one down fagoots, this could be major.



So how many /cfg/ brach off threads do we have? Is this like the third official general?


Just a question: how do you guys know all this? Or rather, how did you come to understand all of this and what it means?

Where can I go to learn this/what can I read? I feel so ignorant.