The /cfg/ research division has been hard at work finding connections, analyzing data and profiving the fuel that has been injected into the memes, provided by our memefags, which have formed the brunt of our assault.
This is the place for the data found in the research divison to really do it's work. We provide suggestions to the meme team and I know most of us are also active in the research division.
Come on in, grab a chair and let's game out scenarios that we might have to deal with ad see if we can't just help save the world from ruin.
Should we game out scenarios as our own Red Team with the updated info within these threads?
If they are concerned their own strategists might not be on their side, that would mean the task would need to be outsourced.
Did FBIanon mention RTP first or was it an user who brought it up?
If FBIanon is the one who mentioned (and emphasized?) it, might that also be a clue?
Should we form our own "Red Team?"
Threadly reminder: do not respond to shills and baits. They will divert your attention.
Good gaming!