German kid gets beat up by migrants, doesn't even fight back KEK!
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kill yourself
Watching video's like that, makes me want to take a machete to sand-niggers
He used skates to go home/go to school.He was begging to get beaten
entshuldigung.. bit hoer auf.. aua
the funny thing is: those are the "integrated" ones.
maybe if you didnt vote for CDU fa.m I could have some sympathy for your situation.
ahh yess let's import millions of shitskins to our historic countries for no real reason other than because the invisible hand demands
Autist but I feel a war is coming across the Western World.
Nothing good can come from poking a bear.
White people are so civilized that they don't even know how to fight back
no wonder why niggers get all the ladies
>Beating up autistic white kids
This is how you start a genocide of your people
We will fight back.
It is coming, mark my words.
>roller skate fat cuck gets bullied.
These are germans. There are 0 refugees in the video.
Here is the thing. If he fights back and even beats up of of them,they will come back and bring more shit skins, his brothers cousins, uncles, all the tribe. You might as well give up now, because you can't win.
>this is how Germans think
Holy fuck you guys are lost
This is not how Germans think, this is the truth.
what the fuck is going over there?
lmao you wish. Anything that starts signalling another right-wing reich will be immediately stopped before it even begins. Germany is too integrated with outsiders anyway, there is nobody left to uprise.
>not getting your crew and your senpaitachi to kick their shit in
>"You're German, you're nothing!"
I feel a race war is the one thing in life I would be willing to risk my life for. Maybe it's not my place to say, but i feel horrible for the german and Swedish brothers... I want to help them, yet we can do nothing until something major happens.
>white people
delete your account
And btw it's because theres more muslims and niggers at the scools than germans I AM NOT EVEN KIDDING ive been there
who cares? why is this funny, you underage degenerate poofta
Something tells me you don't have a lot of friends. Change that. You need not fear the sandshitters, the sandshitters instead must re-learn to fear you.
Germans B T F O
me on the left
Whites are not only in Germany.
kids fights thread?
>Americans gloating over mudslims beating up whites
Don't you have some chimp protests to be at, you boons?
There are many niggers here and many whites here, budget Australia.
Doesn't matter how many friends you have, they will come back with ten times the amount of people, (((einstein))). You can't win against stoneage tribalists in the current year unless you also go full medival on their asses. And if THAT ever happens, help us g*d.
I can attest to this.
Sandniggers hunt in pack, if their numbers aren't high enough, they'll call for more. You'd be surprised how a fight 1 vs 3 can become 1 vs 100 in a matter of minutes.
They won't hesitate to bring weapons as well, from knives to guns. If they don't have any on them and don't have the time to go fetch them, they'll use whatever they can find as an improvised weapon : glass shards, stones, pipes, gasoline, etc.
They won't hesitate to kill you if you try to defend yourself. Even if you managed to fend them off the first time, they'll come back again and murder you. And they will get away with it, even if they are arrested.
On the other hand, if you are the one who ends up killing them, you'll never get out of jail. The media will burn you, some feminazi leftist judge and prosecutor will blame you for attacking the poor muslim diversity who dindu nuffin, and tell you you aren't progressive and tolerant enough. You'll end up being raped and killed by sandniggers in jail, with the complicity of prison guards smuggling in weapons inside and turning a blind eye to whatever they are doing.
This is what socialist Europe has become.
There is no way to win with the way things currently are, under the current system.
>mfw they are talking turkish
bullshit, they tried to bully me in high school. it was enough to beat up one of them, they never bothered me again, the only fist fights i was invovled since then was with other german football fans. Your mentality is the mentality of a weakling you deserve to be eliminated by natural selection.
Having your friends nearby discourages them from ganging up on you in the first place. That way the whole mess can be avoided if you know what you are doing.
>kid gets hit
>p-please stop
Sometimes a country is so cucked it's best to bring it out behind and shoot it
Must have French blood in him.
Not sure if I should feel sorry for you, by the fact these animals make you look even worse.
So so so so old... However, he still should've fought back.
you know nothing. it's really like that
germany takes the lowest level of turks, labors, to their country. this is the consequences of cheap workers. i dont care dude, fuck germany and fuck plebs.
My God this creature has such a repulsive, untrustworthy face, I'm clueless why anyone may have chosen her to a position so in need of relatability.
You invited them here.
>Importantly, 93% of all tweets dedicated to Germany contained positive references to German hospitality and its refugee policy:
>• Germany Yes! Leftists spray a graffiti on a train sayin “Welcome, refugees” in Arabic
Forgot pic
>fuck germans
I actually agree with a roach for once
That kid on skates cried like a bitch.
Impotent societies get absorbed by virile socities, it's natural
"takes" more like turks are going to germany because they had a working economy, noone likes you there trust me
Seriously, someone bomb this fucking city. Burn it all to the goddamn ground. Aim the bombs here.
>we were all shitposting about refugees a year ago
>one year on, this is commonplace and no-one is bothered
Fucking hell, lads.
It almost feels like the parents of these kids tell them not to fight back or they just grew up their entire lives not fighting so they don't know how to
I grew up in Pooooland if you didn't know how to fight you would eventually learn at a very young age 7-10
Parents always said never start a fight with a person but if they start with you, end them and the fight.
But then again these shitskins fight in packs 1v3 1v4 and whites don't band together so there isn't much you can do other than go into a defensive mode against a pack
It's gonna light a fire under them if they are a man and next time they will be ready. If they aren't a man they will get destroyed like the pussy they are again and again.
Darwin's theory of natural selection put into work
Video is old. Also I would have fucked up those guys if I were there while it happened.
The other day I saw a immigration map in Germany.
Most of the immigrants weren't in Eastern Germany. When Poooland takes Eastern Germany. Berlin will have to be sent back
Everyone is bothered.
This shit has been foisted upon us and there will be repercussions.
>swn eat you alive
( ;_;)
>Most of the immigrants weren't in Eastern Germany
I don't actually know why this is the case, but it's true.
Give it time lad
big talks for a slave
we are at least free mens, not a slave to corporations like you 'murican
eat more fast food and die faster
i personally dont get any hatret from european countries because im not a pleb, im educated person. you cant be racist against a person who is kind. i ll fuck anyone who swear to me, but i dont need to do that because im a big guy and racists are pussies, like the video at the top
It's like watching that old video of sheltered european horses released into Africa and not knowing what to think about a lion until it started mauling them
>no wonder niggers rape all the ladies
Holy shit, man the fuck up, you sound like a suicidal-ideology sucking retard. Use your brain and defend yourself.
>i personally dont get any hatred* from european countries
Well... Noone gets hate personally, would be strange if everyone know each other but turks are getting shit tons of hate trust me
Start doing some backyard boxing you giant vaginas. Middle eastern people are fucking weak and losing to them just sad.
you do know how this works right? they'll take Europe, breed and later when the borders between Europe and Turkey dissolves they will come back to Turkey.
wish for a heart attack in your middle-age or leave the continent, because the future is looking dreadful.
Germany is lost. The EU is lost. It's over, Eurocucks.
wtf such a video exits? I must see this insanity.
>unironically posting that video
Fucking hell you autist. How about you show some footage of a real fight back and some random video on kiketube?
Fucking loser...!
LOL! Your president is literally an authoritarian.. I'm surprised you can still log on to Sup Forums roach.
I have no sympathy for these cuck losers who don't fight back, regardless of age. But notice how the left only harasses and attacks the weakest targets possible, and usually their own people. I just hope eventually they start experimenting with prodding some of the stronger minded people, both verbally (I.E. getting into debates they can't win) and physically.
No one stays where they are not welcome. Learn to fight, teach others to fight and make them unwelcome.
So why the fuck is it that those shit skins fear Eastern Europeans ?
Maybe it's because they aren't afraid of banding together to fight.
If you think like this you are part of the problem.
Beat one up to send a message to the rest of them
president matters right?
i use vpn, i use lots of shit, like i said im not a regular pleb
you have nigger president and niggers going to crazy and shot 8 policeman. Kappa
i dont think so. european not gonna find any solution about this, you can not solve this human traffice problem and its going to be bigger problem with time. its a retaliation of fucking third world countries. its fair at least.
>pokes fun at one old video
>has entire websites dedicated to niggers beating and murdering whitey in America
He only has 6 months left roach.. then Trump is going to bomb the shit out of your country if you don't comply.
how about cutting a bit on foreign aid >:D
Vote for Mama Merkel. You deserve it.
Yes, because it has been so successful.
The new GI government of Athens quickly encountered challenges including the re-emergence of old party loyalties.[39] On January 4, 1947, four of the five leaders of the GI Non-Partisan League declared in an open letter: "We abolished one machine only to replace it with another and more powerful one in the making."[40] The GI government of Athens, Tennessee collapsed. Tennessee's GI political movement quickly faded and politics in the state returned to normal.
we ll see that nigger. i personally want trump win because why the fuck not? it will be fun. but we are still not that weak.
spotted the pussy ass fedora tipping no friend manlet. this boy so scared he can't even spell out God. you're weak and pathetic. next time you get bitched slapped and kick remember you're an embarrassment to your country and your forefathers you little weenie.
This is presently going on in the same city, by the way:
Translation: Antifas set the world on fire, politicians bend over
leaving Europe is an option.
nice one broseph, as if you are going to be a part of anything.
Europe is going to get fucked, and when Europe falls and the borders collaps to Turkey, you are going to get it.
Important counterpoint.
Cant be as alpha as the american transgender youth
It will happen roach.. mark my words. He's already getting the bug sprayed ready. KEK!
Mfw pic related is you
>Yes, because it has been so successful.
The elite do things on a cost benefit basis. The idea is to make their plans too expensive to be worth it. This is'nt about creating a utopia but challenging those in power who are working against us.
these migrants dont just pick on anyone, they only target people who try to bully them and make fun of the migrants. all you cucks deserve it.
god damn youre a fucking pussy. why do you not stand up for yourself?
>says the country where niggers can openly cops niggers and the president will defend it
You think that kid has any friends willing to help in a fight?