What does Sup Forums think of albania?


I love them because they always fuck balkanslavshits.

Atrocious haircuts.

kebab scum, remove

should be nuked off the maps

Same thing we thunk the last time one of you retards asked: its a shithole

they're muslim, what do you think?


*insert accordian music*


Every country with a small number of posters has that one guy who's a retarded shitposter.

Everybody from that country hates that guy and is embarassed by him. You're that guy for Turkey.

Nice flag and Voldemort hides there

t. gypsy slavshit

Stop breathing, subhuman.


literally worse then gypsies

wouldn´t trust them

also rightful italian/serb clay


Can someone redpill me on Kosovo? They are albanians, no? Was their independence just an excuse for Albania to annex serbian clay?

>roaches populate area
>in 10 years they breed like roaches
>harass Christian population (Serbs)
>Christians move out
>roaches breed more
>claim Independence
>they turn the region into shithole and all of them move to ther Christian lands(Western Europe & unfortunately Macedonia)

Are you a turkish shitposter or what? Whole turkey is shit, not just that guy.

>Notice how I didn't capitilize the first letter of "turkey", that was on purpuse, not because I'm lazy.

Something awful

Kebab shit.

They are human garbage.

God-tier girls. Whoever says otherwise is either retarded or has never met any.

Their guys are criminals though, with some exceptions.

Hey are almost impossible to conquer the world with in HOI4 without using exploits

Their flag looks like the bandit faction from a military strategy game.

I toured the Balkans. I would happily go back to any country I visited accept Albania. It's a shithole! :-)


They have a cool flag


Complete shit, but I'd totally marry one of their women.

Its like iraq inside Europe.


thats all i know other then the fact is laughably small


They run human trafficking and prostitution in Europe. They're tribal, violent, and have different facial features than the rest of Europeans. Other than that, don't know much or think about them.

Even more turk and subhuman than us. But kinda enemy of my enemy situation.

Who cares, it's not America. Irrelevant

they have a cool flag

Their level of diaspora nationalism is truly disgusting. They beat every other nation at that. They're so proud of their country they don't want to live in it.


Nice place for giant glass crater.

I honestly don't think of it at all.

Don't you have enough albanians ? Ask them. When I was in Sweden I meet like 6-10 albanians. What the fuck..