>homogeneous population
>fertile soil
>warm tropical weather year round
in theory this should be a prosperous country but why isn't it?
>homogeneous population
>fertile soil
>warm tropical weather year round
in theory this should be a prosperous country but why isn't it?
Other urls found in this thread:
someone post the Mugabe pic already
>Voodoo magic
>frog colony
niggers basically
two words:
1. corrupt
2. niggers
literally no trees.
Faggots will just say 'lol niggers'
I actually have an uncle who lives in Cape Town. He lives in an isolated area as he's white so isn't welcome in certain parts.
The reasons why Africa is so shit is the lack of preparation Britain and France had in decolonizing. The United Nations of Fags told them to leave ASAP, and the colonies were left with amateur, impromptu governments. They couldn't handle and manage things properly at all, and services feel into disrepair. Most notably, the Education system.
Children lost education, and with it, their understanding of safe sex, basic economics, useful skills etc. And could only do what their dad did, farming.
Because of this, cities collapsed, and the countries lost all manufacturing.
the United Nations didn't exist when Haiti was formed
It was until white man left
Makes you think
1. Africa isn't a country
2. We're talking about Haiti, which isn't in Africa
3. lol niggers
Places like this generally have deep nigger beliefs and refuse to interact with outsiders. Sticks and rocks aren't enough to provide for themselves. They are so incompetent that they literally eat clay.
For a population to grow in a dense urban region there must be civilization which would require the citizens to be CIVILIZED and as time has showed repeatedly niggers are incapable of being civilized.
Now if only the white man could take that land...
Frogs were driven out of Haiti by force, yknow.
Just go
We have been with shiy authority and education system for the past 100 years and we arent as fucked as them
Hehe, he is not aware of races yet. Oh boy.
It was a beautiful kingdom until disgusting French raped the land
>le haiti
looked like africa so i just assumed, fags.
haiti's shit because of the revolution
>africa isn't a country
Never said that. But all african countries are shit for the same reason.
because you rely on the us
Didn't SEA undergo similar decolonisation?
>the colonies were left with amateur, impromptu governments.
read: nigger governments
>but why isn't it?
They pulled a Rhodesia and went full Zimbabwe
>in theory this should be a prosperous country but why isn't it?
you should already know the answer
niggers... just kidding the white power system keeps them down via sanctions and usury
i assume you mean south east asia
you saw what happened there mate.
pol pot, ho chi minh. they're semi decent now because of the post soviet embrace of capitalism in previously soviet areas in the 90's
dirt cookies
Illegitimacy rates are what?
True, but I was thinking Indonesia, Tailand etc. There aren't as many real success stories in Africa
we'll never have a sober discussion about it
here's the only 2 answered you ever get
>because they're niggers
>the evil white man raped the entire world and is responsible for everything and the mere attempt at colonisation literally destroyed everything forever reeeee
the actual truth would probably be worth writing entire essays on, because it's not a single faceted problem
tl;dr just don't ask on Sup Forums, tumblr or reddit they literally have predetermined answers and don't actually discuss it
>homogeneous population
>not being dog whistle for white/asian
There's an article today in the front page of our news paper website telling us about how we should feel bad for those niggers and how the Dominicans are kicking them out of their country. Half of the comments are redpilled.
it isn't whitey's responsibility. you don't want whitey then whitey will go home. shit happened in Detroit and whitey ran away and the city crashed
what? Haiti has gotten billions in hand outs and it never ends
>looked like africa
because of all the blacks? that's racist! reported to the cyber-BLM
Well you'd expect with all the passed time and billions if not trillions of foreign aid that some sort of functioning society could be established.
I don't see any.
the eternal frog jewed them with reparations.
is this Argentina?
>we will never get rid of haitians.
Is this Haiti or Africa? Because you're wrong for both
>homogeneous population
Absolutely fucking meaningless.
>fertile soil
First off, no for Africa. African soil is pretty shitty for growing crops, but trees will grow well. Problem is trees take a fuckton of water and time to bear, both of which are in short supply in Africa. As for Haiti, their soil is decent but their infrastructure still hasn't recovered from the earthquake or the butt fucking it got from France, so that's starving poor people with no infrastructure and very little seeds, with no protection for their crops that are going to be stolen because starving people are starving.
>Warm tropical weather year round
Lots of crops need shade because of this. Who's going to fund that? Who's going to make sure the mesh isn't stolen? Who's buying the mesh in the first place? With what money?
We just have to wait for another earthquake my pana.
Haiti was on its way to being prosperous before the mega chimpout
>haiti was on its way to church when it happened, was gonna go to college
>Haiti has gotten billions in handluts
To line the pockets of others, sure. Most of the aid sent is clothing, which kills their own clothing industry because gibsmedats are free. Half the food gets thrown away due to contamination. A chunk of that is unusable because it has to be cooked, and the ports and airports are so clogged that they can't get all of the stuff out at the same time. Too many bills are earmarked for housing, which means the boats are being used to bring building materials instead of food, and then there just aren't enough builders to fix everything. It's fucked up.
Jamal, please.
One and done.
>so that's starving poor people with no infrastructure and very little seeds
Apparently not starving that badly:
Burger pls
At least find out what you're talking about before not giving an argument
Low IQ r-selected population.
It's full of blacks.
This situation looks hilarious from google maps: google.com
There's at least 50 % too much nigger in the genes of the people on Haitian side. Assuming that Dominicans are half niggers.
White people.
>economy in shambles
>seed production and subsistence farming is literally all you have
>the capital has collapsed
>want to cut a deal with the seed jew
Even if they did, GMOs need more water than regular crops. And more infrastructure.
Because niggers are animals that can't function without a superior race to kennel them.
Thanks Jewish media for your unbiased opinion.
49% of areable land is in Africa. Get BT
It was one of the wealthiest places in the Caribbean.
africa is shit because nobody gives these people a chance
just one single chance is all they need to strive and prosper
for the black man to rise up
nobody wants the black man to rise up
>nobody wants the black man to rise up
everyone who doesn't want to pay for their welfare wants them to become self dependent already
If it is nigger fault then why Barbados and Belize are not like Haitti at all, and actually are doing pretty well?
>the butt fucking it got from France
Nigger, you WHAT? The only infrastructure any nigger infested shithole ever got was during the period it was a colony.
Also, Rhodesia used to be the breadbasket of Africa, with a significant food export business. While there were still Whites around, that is.
The seeds Monsanto sent to Haiti were Hybrid seeds, not GMOs.
From the article: Haitian law does not prohibit the use of GMOs within the country, but the Ministry of Agriculture rejected Monsanto’s offer to donate Roundup Ready seeds. As a result of these actions, a representative from Monsanto responded to the Ministry of Agriculture via email to assure that donated seeds would not be GMO.
>doing pretty well
de que hablas gallego
Yep we just love those ghettos and uneducated black savages.
What will we do whiteout them.
Thats why we keep the brotta down :^)
>doing well
i own land in belize and the place is fucked, no drunk driving laws, rampant niggers, only people with guns are criminals, belize city is a shithole, people are fucking lazy and the only thing propping them up is tourism and the German Mennonites that actually fucking work for a living.
How would you give them a chance? Aren't we already giving them a chance?
>moving the goal posts
Opinion discarded.
Lack of property rights.
Lack of free trade.
Everything Trump wants to turn our country into.
One of my favorite video tobeh
that's what Hillary wants
I lived in Haiti for just under 3 years in the early 2000s. There are "historical" reasons why it's a shithole and then there are the "cultural" reasons why it remains, and will always be, a shithole.
> after the revolution, the govt encouraged smallholders because ex-slaves resented large, plantation-like holdings
> generation after generation of subsistence farming and never growing beyond it
> the crops it's best suited to grow are cane sugar, indigo and tobacco -- none of which are dietary staples and need to be exported to have any real value
> the country was isolated, run brutally, and thus all exporting was done by foreigners that had no desire to stay in such an awful place after making their cash
> massive illiteracy
> practically no resources to export for capital
> destroyed the topsoil with deforestation and massive overuse of fields
> economic power remains concentrated in the hands of 12 families
> millions have spent 3 generations in massive slums and had petty thuggery rewarded by what was probably the first SJW government in history
I had a lot of complicated thoughts about Haiti when I left. It's kind of like if you've ever known a junkie. They just need to "stop" using, it's literally that simple, but they won't, and in the end you're more and more frustrated until you give up.
Watch a documentary called "The Ghosts of Cite Soleil," it was made around the time I was living there and it's 100% accurate (I knew the French mudshark aid worker in it too. She's in Russia, still getting stamps on her humanitarian passport and thinking she can save colored people with her pussy.)
oh really?
I guess they both want to defeat capitalism, desu senpai
you don't know what capitalism is
here again. If you guys want to find corruption, dig into the Clinton Foundation in Haiti. There have been a few stories about it but they tend to skew toward the side of "Wow Haiti's so fucked up, even using Clinton Foundation resources to build a luxury hotel and literal sweatshops failed!" In reality, if you wanted to make some money change hands or magically disappear, I can't think of a better place to do it.
There was a story on Politico a couple of years back that probed this a bit, settled on the above conclusion but definitely made them look terrible.
whoops, meant to reply to
this is b8
1. low iq
2. development, science suppressed by 1)
3. enviousness deeply rooted in society, leading to mistrust of successful people, these are corrupt then
4. too many niglets because of 1)
5. low literacy leads to absurd religions/cults lowering output of 2)
6. corruption
7. foreign aid leads to relying on gibsmedat
There are many factors, in the end niggers gonna nig.
>And could only do what their dad did, farming.
how's that working out for them
Facts trigger Sup Forums
How accurate is the US version of Mad Dogs?
I dont know what that is.
>49% of land in Africa is arable
For how long? Shallow root crops don't meet the water table and don't absorb all the water, of which you barely have, from them. The salts in the soil will be washed down to groundwater level, and kill the crops when the water table rises. So you just fucked the land and the crops.
>France shit
Until 1990 I think it was, Haiti was still paying France for their freedom. France cut that shit out as soon as it was exposed though, but Haiti was well on its way to being marginally successful until the earthquake hit.
Hybrid seeds that belong to Monsanto, and kill the local seed industry. GMOs are okay, but Monsanto is a shitty company to he affiliated with for any reason. >doesn't understand what moving the goalposts is
Burger education everyone
Black government is always corrupt.
Anytime a charity tries to help an African country, most of the money ends up in the hands of the leader and his family. Mugabe took land from successful white farmers and gave it to his friends and family, who mismanaged it so badly, they produced a famine.
Just look at black politicians in the US. Jesse Jackson Jr. was convicted of fraud and conspiracy. Corrine Brown was just indicted for fraud.
Corruption is a major cause of poor economic development. When the government is corrupt, there's no incentive to build anything, since the government will simply take anything you build.
It is actually just niggers, they have no ambition to make something greater or work towards something. After watching that Empire of Dust documentary, the ending sums it up perfectly, with the nigs just working to get money then when they get paid they'd just blow it all on booze and be broke again and that cycle would just continue, they would never think about doing something greater. I can't believe they even let the Chinese into to build the roads as the Chinese have a much better deal getting access to minerals and whatever they find etc.
Top Gear summed it up well too, saying the whole African exploration thing was really just a long gap year as the country was so pleasant to be in.
Is this also South Africa's future?
Low mean IQ, inability to think beyond instant gratification, heightened tendency to violence in gen pop.
Whites average 100
Sub-Saharan Africans average 70 (iirc)
Afro-Americans average 85 thanks to white admixture.
Pity that we've got socialism, we'd probably fully understand the implications and what to do about it if we didn't.
and i wouldn't be so haughty about my education if i was you, UWI is shit and for a country with so many engineers we sure as shit can't do anything right in civil works.
That was almost nothing.
And we have apologized, officially.
Didn't they make a deal with the devil? They're being punished for rebelling.
It's because of white farmers, i'm at 100% sure
>The independence of Saint-Domingue was proclaimed by Dessalines on 1 January 1804.[60]
>Dessalines was proclaimed "Emperor for Life" by his troops.[61] Dessalines at first offered protection to the white planters and others.[62] Once in power, he ordered the massacre of most whites. Without regard to age or gender, those who did not swear allegiance to him were slain.[63]
That's what happened
Literally Zimbabwe