BLM is race baiting and pol always right... HOWEVER

Watch this:

Would you stand up?
Well, poll? Would you?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, I would
Because I won't treat black people like they treat one another.
Gov't gibs and gibs

There's a difference between systemic racism and people being racist towards you.

I wouldn't stand because I wouldn't want to be seen as a nigger by my peers. Not because I think there's some kind of systemic racism that goes after my race specifically.

In fact, getting a job would be easier as a black because of my minority status and affirmative action laws.

The real end goal of all these BLM protests isn't actually to get rid of this imaginary "systemic racism". The real goal is to stop other people from being racist to them because they hate getting called nigger. It's either that, or get rid of the other races.

They don't realize that society can tolerate and give equal opportunities to blacks, but they are not obligated to stop thinking of them as niggers.


really makes you think hmm

> The real goal is to stop other people from being racist to them because they hate getting called nigger

Certainly not helping their cause with nigger lives matter and chimping out over the littlest things.

That's so fucking manipulative. Anyone who stood up would get singled out and treated like human garbage.

No their real goal is more gibmedats. They are literally protesting over criminals being treated like criminals. There is no validity to any of their bitching and they are only making things worse for themselves. You're average white person never gave two shits if you were black 8-10 years ago. Now your average white person is sick of niggers getting away with blatant racism towards whites and acting like complete degenerates.
>muh police brutality
>proceed to murder cops and generally put them on edge
It's hold plan niggers, let's see if it pays off

I would have stood

But I think it's only something you'd do if you had a formed opinion on it
You don't want to risk standing up and then called out or made fun of
Or maybe you'd feel bad for the speaker ruling her point of you stood up

Could be the same psychological thing that makes people go along with hypnosis

Of course I would! If I were a nigger I could receive a green card for diversity, but unfortunately I'm only a white European with a computer science degree... Of course I would prefer to be treated like niggers.

What I wouldn't prefer of course is actually being a nigger. I value intelligence too much for that...

Fuck BLM.

At the base root of it all, they just don't like the fact that all the other races don't like them. That's it.

Gibsmedat, anti-police brutality, and all the other bullshit is just covering up THAT single fact. They are just insecure shitbirds.

>60k upvotes or whatever the fuck twitter uses

This always pisses me off. Are there any tweets like this standing up for whites or is it always anti-white tweets that get attention?


god damnit i wouldve stood up so hard and been like "where's ma damn welfare? my kids is hungry and i need me some new rims! i dind do anything!! uh? uh?" and then soft shoed on out the door


how old is this fucking video?

>stand up
>get job instantly for minority quota

there is literally no racism in the American Judicial System.

Black people got a lot of things since the time when this recording was made.

>They don't realize that society can tolerate and give equal opportunities to blacks, but they are not obligated to stop thinking of them as niggers.

I disagree.

I think its more subtle because generally they dont know what they want.
They problem is that racism is in fact a fact. And blacks have an mean IQ of 85.

So the promise that equality and the pursuit of happniess bring the same results as with white just isnt true. They go to unis through affirmative action and still fail. And there is no solution to it.

This situation has to explode at some point. And the more help they get the more infuriating will it be when they fail.

Hell yes I'd stand up.

Easy access to higher tiers of university?

Entry into my career of choice because of muh diversity?

Easy choice.


Free government money, no one can talk shit to me because I can get them jailed for "racism" even though that had nothing to do with it, I can loot stores while rioting and Obama will give me a pat on the back for it.

Sounds pretty tempting, I'd fucking stand up alright.

We all have our problems
But in the end we're all bros

kek which one of you just did this?

You're agreeing with my premise, you're just offering a different reasoning for it which I also agree with.

>le appeal to emotion

Black are treated the way they are because they commit an absurd amount of crime and then burn their cities down in the defense of criminals. If they acted in any way civil, they wouldn't be in their predicament.

> Even though blacks had it tough during Jim Crow, black families were intact and crime was relatively low, because blacks then, for the most part, were a moral people.

> Today the overall American illegitimacy rate is about 33 percent (26 percent for whites). For blacks, it’s over 70 percent – approximately three times the level of black out of wedlock births that existed when the War on Poverty began in 1964!

> Since Lyndon B. Johnson’s “War on Poverty” began there has been a massive wealth transfer to black Americans in the form of welfare and other handouts. And affirmative action, designed to grant special consideration to minorities and women in employment and education, has given blacks unprecedented advantages. Today it’s safe to say that if “white privilege” (which supposedly flows from “white supremacy”) were weighed against “black privilege,” there’s really no comparison. And the above advantages don’t even scratch the surface of the social advantages of being black today.

Turn on Fox News. Black mother and her kids are on, the mother was shot by the Dallas nigger terrorist. She's crying and saying how helpful the white police officers were for her and her family. Literally covered her while she laid on the ground with a bullet in her leg. But ya remind me again how cops do nothing for niggers

> Whites are not allowed to make fun of or criticize black people, no matter how crazy blacks act. If a white person dares to speak the truth about blacks, he or she will be labeled “racist” and immediately shut down. Separate but not equal – sounds a lot like Jim Crow.

> Let’s face it: “White supremacy” and “white privilege” are NOT what is killing and holding blacks back today – blacks are killing each other and whites due to the rage and anger that exists as a result of the meltdown of the black family.

The numbers prove that.

> The 2013 FBI Uniform Crime Report, a compilation of annual crime statistics, shows that black offenders killed 90 percent of black victims; 14 percent of white victims were killed by black offenders; yet only 7.6 percent of black victims were killed by white offenders. Blacks also made up 42 percent of all cop killers whose race was known.

Germany is on point. Niggers are dumb enough that no matter how much affirmative action takes place, they will always be the least successful race. But unfortunately they are smart enough to observe other races thriving, and they get furious about it.
Literally the only solution is to deport them back to Africa where they can be KANGZ akong themselves once again.

If she were talking about the way blacks are treated by the system, then absolutely I would stand up. I can't think of a single way those in authority treat black people worse than whites (my race).

But she was talking about general treatment. Black people are treated with suspicion because of the high crime rate, extreme racism ,lack of intelligence, lack of morals, or really lack of anything that would be expected of a civilized race. Sure, some individual blacks are good people, and have no problem with fitting into society, getting good jobs, and living productive lives. But most people don't want to take the chance, and how can you blame them? The risk is too great and the consequences are too night if misjudge and end up with a typical chimp.

Yep. This is hardly an objective video, but ofc the niggers will think it's perfect proof.
>monkey logic

It's funny because most niggers don't even know what affirmative action is, they're all misinformed retards. Legitimately two nigs I work with asked me what affirmative action was when I brought it up after they said I have white privilege

> Though the white liberal “System” under Lyndon B. Johnson certainly helped devastate the black family by providing welfare programs to single women and discouraging them from having a man in the house, blacks cannot continue to blame “The System” or whites in general 50 years later! Racists like Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., blamed the CIA for putting crack into the black community. Did the CIA waterboard blacks into taking the drugs? Does the CIA force blacks to kill other blacks?

> Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson ( Pic related )



That's a no-brainer. Of course I do.

>get into good colleges without having to get good grades
>get picked for the basketball team
>get to say nigger in public
>nobody would suspect me being drunk when I walk funny
>people getting out of the way when I walk on the sidewalk
>blow peoples minds when they expect me to be dumb and I outscience them all
>girlfriend wouldn't leave me for having a sidebitch
>bitches already expect me to be hung without having to whip it out

What's not to love?