Ayn Rand was right again

>In 2014 the top 1% of earners paid 48% of all income tax in California, up from 36% in 1995.

How long before all the smart creative people go on strike and the 80 IQ shitskins nigger and White trash starve to death?

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Rand was a materialist, christian hating kike.

>christian hating

Nothing wrong with that


Not an argument. The important thing is that she was right

>Nothing wrong with that
Of course you'd think that. You're brainwashed by kikes like her.

>Not an argument
She was a kike thus she doesn't belong in White countries.

>The important thing is that she was right
No, she's not. She's a kike thus she was inherently anti-White.

Objectively wrong
wrong again

Protip: "muh blood" argument is bs

Genetic fallacy.

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judging by how black america was before LBJ's great expansion of welfare, great

niggers looking for support without a government will instead rebuild the family unit and thrive.

It's currently happening. Silicon Valley is losing people to austin, seattle, etc.

Elysium soon brother.

Elon Musk is our John Galt.

Take social security like she did. That should fix everything

Elon Musk is nothing but a eco-con artist and a giant welfare parasite.

unironically this. Take back your money.

this. Peter Thiel is better.

Those top 1% are your local surgeon, not business executives. They pay nothing.

>they pay nothing

No. If you take food out of mouths before you get there by maligning everybody who takes it, you own up to your zionism and admit you are a cream of crop who doesn't need it. But whoops. She was a hated broke ass without a single friend or husband on her death bed. She could have sent it back or left it uncashed. But she's a hypocrite. Like all zionists

Depending on what percentage of the wealth they had, I don't see a problem with that.
If you make 99% of the money, you should pay 99% of the taxes. That's just fair.

Flat tax when?

>inherently anti-white
>worshipped capitalism
>worshipped America
>worshipped meritocracy
>hated socialism
>hated communism
>hated Marxism
>full blown right-wing
>hated the left
>hated affirmative action
>hated welfare

Sorry, Stormfront, but you're an idiot. Besides "muh kike" can you point out a single anti-white thing she promoted? You realize the rest of the kikes hated her and she's absolutely despised by the kike-run media, yes?

Honestly, I bet you're just some leftist shill. Only leftists hate Ayn Rand.

I dont know much about ayn rand, is it worth reading her stuff? Been thinking about it, since i missed out on reading her books when I was younger. Whats her most interesting stuff?

The only reason Ayn Rand was pro-Israel is because she recognized that Arab culture was subhuman and that Israel was the whitest and most Western country in the region.

Pretty funny that you morons absolutely despise Arab Muslims but then cry over "muh Israel" bullying the same Arab Muslims you despise.

You have no ideological consistency because you don't think. You just know that "kikes" are bad and "Mudslimes" are bad, but you don't bother to follow any of these premises to their logical conclusions because that would greatly aggravate your cognitive dissonance.

>No. If you take food out of mouths before you get there by maligning everybody who takes it,
wat, that's not what I'm talking about
>you own up to your zionism and admit you are a cream of crop who doesn't need it.
she wasn't a jew, faggot.
>But whoops. She was a hated broke ass without a single friend or husband on her death bed.
He husband passed away some years ago and she had friends and admirers around her. She only wanted to take back the money that was stolen from her. Plus, she wasn't cold irl.
>She could have sent it back or left it uncashed. But she's a hypocrite. Like all zionists
It's her fucking money, retard.

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about

Poo in loo

Who is Elon Musk?

Her books are extremely overbearing and actually somewhat boring. They're well written and rich with thematic depth but seriously hard to stay interested in.

A much more accessible, shorter book to pick up would be "The Virtue of Selfishness".

A few points to remember. Ayn Rand WAS a cunt. She wasn't a nice person. She was also a narcissist. She was absolutely full of herself and her ideas, and rejected any divergence from her ideas.

It's important to be aware that just because someone is a cunt and even, possibly, a hypocrite, that doesn't make their arguments any less valid.

showing your true colors

>ayn rand was a cunt
>ayn rand was a hypocrite
prove it

A giant faggot who takes government money

A dirty capitalist pig

Like ayn rand

Yes user, she was right. Socialism is taking over the US and europe and all the West will resemble Venezuela if we don't do something about it.

Who is Elon Musk?

Did you even read what I wrote, retard? Or are you going to rephrase the same sentence in every reply?


Ayn Rand supported Israel because Israel brought the West to the Middle East. Because the immigrants to Israel were mostly Europeans, she viewed them as the best chance to bring civilization and capitalism to a region that had been stagnated by archaic Islam for centuries. This is pretty much an undeniable fact. Every other country in the region was a Muslim shithole.

But beyond supporting Israel, Ayn Rand is antithetical to what one might describe as the Jewish cabal. The Jewish Cabal pushes Marxism and multiculturalism and feminism. It views "income inequality" as a bad thing. It says shit like, "Capitalism is slavery!" and nonsense like that. Sure, we know it does this to divide and conquer, but Ayn Rand's worldviews do them no favors.

Why do you think it is that the only people who like Ayn Rand are white, pro-capitalism Republicans? Because Ayn Rand has been so utterly maligned by the Leftist Jewish media that to say you like Ayn Rand is tantamount to saying all niggers should hang.

Alright that's enough poo in loo.

You've failed my test twice. You clearly have not read Atlas Shrugged. Pls go as your opinions on movers of this world have now been discarded.

>Ayn rand supported Israel
not quite. She said she preferred Israel over Palestine.


I actually didn't say Ayn Rand was a hypocrite. Others have said that. I'm just saying that EVEN IF SHE WAS, it doesn't detract from her argument.

If I say that capitalism is force for progress in the world and then I create a government based on socialism, it doesn't mean that my initial argument is invalid. It means that I'm a hypocrite, but it doesn't mean that capitalism isn't a force for progress in the world.

As for Ayn Rand being a cunt, this is a matter of my opinion. But for one, I've read a lot about the way she handled her relationships (cheating and manipulating everyone) and the way she described people who admired her without adhering EXACTLY to her worldviews.

In other words, I agree with a lot of what she said but I'd never in my life be in a relationship with her because she was a cunt (and she was ugly as sin).

Ayn Rand died while collecting welfare.

Fair enough. I agree that she wasn't a Zionist. Beyond giving her opinion when asked about it, she never talked about Israel as a concern of hers.

>How long before all the smart creative people go on strike and the 80 IQ shitskins nigger and White trash starve to death?

the thing is, white trash can fend for itself...niggers on the other hand

but i mean its california, who fucking cares

You would've understood the references I was making if you had read Atlas Shrugged.

Do it faggit

>government forces you to pay tons of money into social security and medicare your entire life
>you finally qualify to get your money back, money you never consented to give away in the first place
>but you shouldn't get your money back because you didn't agree with the government taking your money in the first place

You have been so brainwashed by the left, it's fucking sad.

thanks for the reply spainbro, ill listen to your advice and check out The Virtue of Selfishness

Milton Friedman created Basic Guaranteed Incomes. Alan Greenspan said surpluses are bad. Now he wants back the gold standard. Take your right wing bullshit and fuck off. Even if social security were warranted for her, we all take government money. We're using Darpanet right now for fuck's sake.

Don't you dare call yourself a Christian then



Give to Caesar what is his and give to God what is His
>muh taxes
>i will not go in the house of the greasy unclean tax collector
>im not zionist!

"However, it was revealed in the recent “Oral History of Ayn Rand” by Scott McConnell (founder of the media department at the Ayn Rand Institute) that in the end Ayn was a vip-dipper as well. An interview with Evva Pryror, a social worker and consultant to Miss Rand’s law firm of Ernst, Cane, Gitlin and Winick verified that on Miss Rand’s behalf she secured Rand’s Social Security and Medicare payments which Ayn received under the name of Ann O’Connor (husband Frank O’Connor).

As Pryor said, “Doctors cost a lot more money than books earn and she could be totally wiped out” without the aid of these two government programs. Ayn took the bail out even though Ayn “despised government interference and felt that people should and could live independently... She didn’t feel that an individual should take help.”

But alas she did and said it was wrong for everyone else to do so. Apart from the strong implication that those who take the help are morally weak, it is also a philosophic point that such help dulls the will to work, to save and government assistance is said to dull the entrepreneurial spirit.

In the end, Miss Rand was a hypocrite but she could never be faulted for failing to act in her own self-interest."
Muh kikebort!

I agree on the cunt parts and pseudo intellectual pussy must be easy to get.

I got the reference, but honestly what were you expecting as a reply?

slander backed by lies

>cheating and manipulating everyone

>being blood-related to Jews does not make you Jewish in any way

continue shitposting India, as shit is all you'll ever know

So much untruth here its not even funny
Just admit you're a Marxist already

You're making the mistake of assuming the top 1% of earner are the most productive and creative members of society.


>a leaf
stopped reading there

Yeah she didn't like a child serial killer. She wasn't an atheist. She didn't marry a half a fag

How much of this did Fry get right?



Yeah she's a crazy lady at a lawfirm. I am not possessed at all. It's everybody's fault but mine. You are scum. I am walking gold
>golden rule. Stopped reading there
Tell me something I don't know

Keep lying pajeet.


Yea, Ayn Rand was an atheist. We get it. You're butthurt.

But unless you're rejecting the notion that a Christian can't be a libertarian laissez-faire capitalist who rejects socialism and "redistribution of wealth", then your protests are largely meaningless.

The main reason that Ayn Rand rejected altruism is because it's used as the basis of leftist and socialist ideologies regarding how everyone else is your responsibility. Leftists and Socialists regard statist force as "altruistic" when they confiscate wealth and redistribute it.

Just admit you're a big time socialist statist bootlicker, leaf. It wouldn't be surprising.

Ayn Rand cucked her husband so badly that would make every cuckold jealous.

>mental routines and information can be passed through genes
Oh gee, I wonder why british children can't learn english on their own without any extrnal help?

It's biology 101, retard.

>he didn't answer my question

>Take your right wing bullshit and fuck off.
wow a leftie on Sup Forums, really makes you think...

A fun read by her is the short story 'Anthem', it's about 80 pages long, you can read it in an afternoon

>Republican Party's ideological underpinnings
What the actual fuck.

>Yeah she didn't like a child serial killer.
>She wasn't an atheist.
> She didn't marry a half a fag


Of course I reject that. I read the book sold one notch better than hers, The Bible and resent that she twists the whole thing into a pretzel and takes the number 2 spot. Righties are good for nothing but zionism. Hitler and drumpf too
Fix your needlenose yet? You got your huge shnoz stuck as the needle on a record player repeating yourself like a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome

>this fucking leaf
It's like he doesn't realize we're literally now transitioning to living in Atlas Shrugged

I don't believe you. I think she is your fairy godmother for pure unmitigated Assholery

>he's still in his ayn rand phase

grow up kid


Yeah and what a pile of shit it is


based leaf.

Robit. Say myth again

Not an argument :')

>He's still in his post irony phase

Greenspan is a complete faggot who took on the government job as soon as Ayn Rand died. He was a fucking idiot.

Also, the man was a logical positivist in the forties, which should tell you something...

>muh zionism
>everyone on the right is a jew

massive butthurt detected
Go ask your mommy for some maple syrup, he'll give it to you.


It's the only argument there ever can be
This guy gets it. For you see he has non-Pharisee civil law whereas you me and the americuck have your shitty common law. So my post could serve as evidence in his justice system and not our coddled one. Done ruining Britain yet?

Did you just call Social Security that you pay into for your entire life welfare?

Its forced retirement saving not welfare

We don't volunteer to pay into social security and medicare. Even if we disagree and refuse consent, we're coerced to pay into it.

Taking money that was taken from us is nothing more than restitution. What would be hypocritical is if we had a choice to pay into these programs, refused to pay into them, and then later wanted to be paid out of them.

Break it down into a simple analogy. Someone comes up to me and says, "Give me 10% of your money. I'll give it back to you later." I reply, "No, you can't have it. It's mine." He pulls out a gun, so I give it to him. Then later, at the date he specified, I go to him to get my money. Now I'm a hypocrite because I was against him taking it in the first place.

>It's the only argument there ever can be
Another non-argument

Examples of Ayn Rand twisting the bible, please?

>Don't worry goy the "market" will fix it.

It's a ponzi scheme but when 800,000 old ladies feel bad during death because of you. Or die hungrier than they could have been. Because of you. You cannot go and make your doing the very same for the same reasons, justifiable in any way. Atheist bitch

Already did it. That is like the sole moral or take away of the bible. Got money? You're pretty much 99.99999% fucked
Golden rule
>that is not an argument
The bar calls you

>Pretty funny that you morons absolutely despise Arab Muslims but then cry over "muh Israel" bullying the same Arab Muslims you despise.
Nobody does that here on Sup Forums or in Europe,everyone hates inbred mudslimes with a passion

>inb4 muh leftshit academia and polisci students
worthless dregs of society

>Golden rule
>>that is not an argument
>The bar calls you

>pay x dollars into social security
>get 10 times as much back as welfare and medicaid

Could you be any less clear?

Yeah she was such a jew that she married a goy painter for love and struggled for monet because the Marxists boycotted her work
I hate this meme
I bet you also say sikhs are "bro tier"

Kincaid Reading Level Score:
>Still in the womb
Average characters per word: 3
Average syllables: 2
Characters: maybe 10

Your replies make no sense

are you high, leaf? Trudeau encourages it, anyway.

Someone has been watching too much Adam Curtis.

California's problem is that the middle class is leaving.
>since 1990 almost 3.4 million Californians have moved to other states

The upper class thinks they can replace the middle class by importing Chinese, Indians, Filipinos, and Mexicans. They'll eventually be overwhelmed by their mestizo underclass. The statistics are already pretty eye-opening.

Liberals think they can compensate the poor for free trade and lax immigration by offering welfare. As California shows, that's a fucking disaster, since it only invites low human capital mestizos.