It's not Jewish magick, what he's really trying to say is that his brother is a piece of shit.
It's not Jewish magick, what he's really trying to say is that his brother is a piece of shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
What is this?
Comey's cry for help
Guys i searched 2322 on Google and I got a hit for an address in NYC for Jack Resnicks and sons. He is major donor to Democrats including Shillary. Could be a coincidence but found it interesting.
Ok, enough with whether the message is real or not. Given the circumstances, and given it's hillary, it's likely legit.
Now how do we proceed? Do we have any knowledge on ex military hired by Clinton Foundation? Any knowledge on obscure buildings they own where they could stash the hostages? Is this something we even want to try to bring to MSM attention or will that make it blow the fuck up?
Keep it noted.
They had a pretty big role in the 2008 housing Crash and profited big time.
The odds of this being random are astronomical.
Comey's family was kidnapped by Clintons goons so he decided to make his public statement have a specific word count on one wordcounting site, and that word count is the number you get with a certain assembly of letters ran through a jewish cipher, one of these combinations being help, Hillary kidnapped my family.
Basically another bullshit conspiracy to laugh at that will fade out in a few days.
And yes I got 4 cents on my PayPal for writing this
>"help me" message not in the archive on april 16th
>Comey pledges 'no outside influence' on Clinton email case
Just linking my last comment.
Honestly the following should be done.
>Inform Mr. Trump
>Inform Reddit groups
>Inform Milo
>Inform anyone that is not mainstream media
So, is there a non-tinfoil explanation for this?
Yes, people are idiots who will waste time on this and let themselves be distracted from acual and real important issues.
Could that potentially end up killing the hostages? Is there anyway we could contact Comey? Perhaps using a similar cryptic gematria message?
help me appears now
I want to shoot people too guys
can someone provide evidence against this whole thing? It seems way too convenient to just brush this off.
She's likely letting his family roam free range, not literally holding a select few members in captivity. They're probably walking around being tailed by hired psychos 24/7.
1.) Political relationships often turn sour.
2.) We have no idea if their former relationship was symbiotic or parasitic.
3) We have no idea how long she's had his kids in crosshairs.
Nothing is tin foil when it comes to hillary. Guy just died via barbell to the neck not even two weeks ago when he was going to testify. The bodies have been following her for 20 years
Go balance a spoon on your nose you fucking kike.
Holy shit blatant shilling is so disgusting, if you genuinely are not shilling and want to get mad at people wasting their time go talk to people on runscape faggot.
True. A more likely scenario. More Hillarys style to leave a vague threat while being able to back it up
Coincidence and really bored people.
Or a really elaborate troll that gave us entertainment for the next week until people stop caring because nobody will take this seriously anyway. Only on Sup Forums, and maybe flat earthers.
We /Snake/ now
if they are near me I am ready to fuck up some zionist globalist shits. just point me at them and i will reign chaos on those who have sown it. hillary and her (friends) will not get away.
Okay how do we "help" him? How do we message him back? Should we tweet directly at FBI twitter?
Let's write a message. I typed "how can pol help" into the calculator and got 1225. Should we do something with that?
>user wants to stir shit up
>he knows about this obscure algorithm
>tries to make a message that fits
>cannot come up with one, unless its one less word
>edits the document to make his message fit
And you're also forgetting that every word counter gives different results.
This is all a simple ruse.
Yeah sure kid
How do messages get added to the site?
I typed in "Comey, are you in danger?" and got 1410
That means we would have to construct a message that long or allude to the code in some other way
Seems like something Alex Jones might pick up on
>And you're also forgetting that every word counter gives different results.
Their whole argument is that even using the preferred word counter it's "only" off by one from 2322. Which is "close enough".
>an """intern""" must have changed it before publishing it
>"""they""" know
If we know about this code, then the Clintons assuredly do as well. I'm worried for his safety.
He has a nice family ;_;
Are we following through with a hashtag? Is that smart?
I don't know, it seems like if anything happens, the best we can do is expose it, not prevent it :(
You want to protect his family? Make some memes suggesting Hillary will make them have an accident shortly after he goes against her.
Car crash, home invasion, suspect suicide.
Put the crosshairs on the wrinkled old cunt as the prime suspect, and let the "Hillary had them killed" memes spam everywhere just to tie her name to the murders.
You really think the family of The FBI director is unprotected?? You really think that The family of The FBI director could just die in an accident and no one would find it strange??
Hold the hype gals.
I have no seen this mentioned even once. Remember Captain america the winter soldier. This is panning out like that kind of crazy shit.
Sorry posted wrong one.
Sadly the average normies attention span won't allot for this much info. Dumb it down
it's Comey
Any other Anons have suggestions?
I think it's best to directly implicate shillary. Make the formal accusation on social media. This is how normies work they care not for facts. If we can get the accusation front of them before they can diffuse the situation, we may have a chance.
Well Edmond Safra just happened to burn in it's own house (((accidently))), after the whole Russia mess was about to get exposed. And his villa was highly guarded.
We must be the first to establish the bias. Then even when hill campaign moves to dismiss and disprove it will be too late the bias or perceived truth will already be established
Dumbed down
>puts tinfoil hat on
>contracts autism
Okay! IM READY GUYS. teach me your ways
There is no such thing as "Jewish magic"
And there never was!
I think you should probably mention how he said to really look into the press release and how he said he cared about his family. Might be a good idea to spin him as a family man trying to save his children from the evil clintons.
Like this?
very good. also bonus points for the highlighting, it ties it all together pretty nice
This might be true shit.. listen to Comies last words... "I could not be more prouder to be a part of this organisation"
Removed an empty text box and a reference number. Only spread this one. I'll be working on a pepe/wojak comic next. Gotta meme it up.
Great now add some images of the lying cunt
just had an idea: Add that picture of Comey with his family & make it like a burning photograph with hillary laughing evilly in the background. It'll make it more memeable than just words.
The killed ex CIA director Colby as an example for speaking out about Pedo Ring Franklin Coverup You Tube Video Conspiracy of Silence stil available as a threat to those who would talk.
Sorry, my graphic design skills are non-existent
not bad. although it seems that the whole comey thing might be bs in which case damn because that would have made for some dope memes
Is there another thread that I'm missing out on? It's been a fun ride regardless.
There is another thread I found on main page
well if you haven't already, head to the /cfg/ Memetic & Psychological Warfare thread
Is this a YLYL thread? Seems more like it.
The general
Red team
This is a waste of time because we can't verify it.
Focus on real stuff.
Thank you for your time
American Bridge.
Problem is I don't know if the family was actually taken or they are just being "watched" in case comey slips and suddenly his family drops and comey gets found with 3 bullets in his head and it's ruled as suicide
>Nothing is tin foil when it comes to hillary
We need a fresh new buzzword for the opposite of tinfoil.
>mfw captcha keeps having me identify store fronts so it's drones know which windows to shoot out to stage a chimpout
This is it. Put the carriage before the horse
We use our memes as a shield this round.
Comey can then act as he needs to without fear of retaliation.