Is Filthy Frank redpilled?
>nazi and jew jokes
>le happy merchant
pretty much, though i think a lot of it is satire
>Screaming lolsorandom retard
Nobody gives a shit, fuck off.
Frank's a self-hating hapa that's sniffed too much glue.
Wouldn't think too much of it.
He jokes a lot but hidden redpill
I like his content, but it's sometimes a bit too niggerish for me (his musical stuff).
if frank is redpilled, is Sup Forums redpilled?
Sup Forums hasn't been redpilled in years
Which one?
Original Frank, fake Frank or Joji the aspiring hipster musician?
thus answers OP's question. frank largely takes inspiration from Sup Forums
he is an underage Sup Forumstard cancer
I want Sup Forums kiddoes TO FUCKING LEAVE
Frank leeches from the meme factory that is Sup Forums, it has without a doubt had its effect on him, but dont forget hes just as degenerate as the rest of us.
You mean, does Filthy Frank have a good sense of humour?
Other than that, there's nothing to decipher here.
XD so funny dude
Eat shit, britcuck
Go brush your teeth or something
Filthy Frank is insane. Just plain insane that such insanity can't be described by pills
Careful now. You're quickly catching up.
Dunkey has had some shitty videos lately but that channel by no means is shitty.
he's a huge leftist
he's satire
Didn't Mexico overcome you a few years back?
Yeah, that list outdated.
They edged us out and now are fatter than us. But because of the possible percent error it's all very close. We have around the same rate with them only slightly ahead.
see, the thing is, that's way too detailed to be from a different viewpoint. Something tells me you liked all of those until going on /pol for the first time yesterday and realizing that you wouldn't fit in
He started off not being too bad but once jontron and h3h3's audience became his main audience as well he's tailored his content to calling them autistic faggots but they eat it up anyways
his fanbase is the weirdest shit, because they're exactly the people he makes fun of but they're wstill his band of loyal autists
he's a depressed man at the end of his rope because no matter how much he wants his fans to fuck off and die, they won't
he'll never be "joji" again
he's just "frank"
frank forever
frank until he dies
no he's not redpilled he's just trying to be edgy on purpose to get his fans to leave him alone but it doesn't work
Yeah, he's red pilled, he's making money out of edgy kids who watch him.
I fucking hate how this autistic version of a raspy voice is popular on YouTube. It's unironically cringe.
See, the problem is the biggest insult you can find is a cockroach, which is a highly developed and smart creature. The closest animal comparison to an american would be a nigger
Speaking of which, go back to your BLACKED threads, cucks :-DDDD
It's from Sup Forums. I don't recognize lots of those.
Oh boy, hasn't anyone told you?
Apparently Sup Forums is also all satire.
He's a funny guy that's all.
>dunkey and jerma with all these other fags
>Filthy Frank is the embodiment of everything a person should not be. He is anti-PC, anti-social, and anti-couth. He behaves and reacts excessively to everything expressly to highlight the ridiculousness of racism, misogyny, legalism, injustice, ignorance and other social blights. He also sets an example to show how easy it is in the social media for any zany material to gain traction/followings by simply sharing unsavoury opinions and joking about topics many find offensive.Yes, there is no denying that the show is terribly offensive, but this terrible offensiveness is a deliberate and unapologetic parody of the whole social media machine and a reflection of the human microcosm that that social media is.
straight from the hapas mouth
>pretending dunkey is any different
dunno who jerma is
>Youtube culture
>Youtube "celebrities"
Of course, he's australian.
>implying redlettermedia is rightfully listed with those other scum
Dunkey has a terrible fanbase though
are you calling me a muslim midget?
I am 6'4 and I am an atheist
he is depressed
>dunkey after 2014
he belongs up there
ever since le ultimate le skyrim got him ten million views and front page on reddit his content has been unmitigated fucking garbage
t. a man who watched every dunkey video dozens of times and genuinely thought he was the funniest person on youtube
no. read his description. he's a massive cuck.
>le people only care when white children die meme
this isnt what you say if you are redpilled
I admit, I loved Dunkey too. It's just not the same anymore.
H3, Leafy, Frank and Grade could be argued to be edgy memers, but not Pepe. Pepe is the light of Sup Forums, the one that makes the board go round, as is CIA.
Shrek and John Cena are crap though.
He makes the vids to poke fun at stormfags and the like. He's actually an sjw leftist cuck
Sure thing, Köksal.
>giving a shit when niglets die
typical americuck
>a lot of it is satire
Sup Forums is a satire board
This. Praise be upon Him.
You are now aware that Papa Franku is not real.
He's a liberal. Watch the interview with theneedledrop and you'll understand
what the fuck is jerma doing there?
Jerma is fine, so is pepe/cia in some cases, I agree with all the rest though. Especially dunkey.
You don't truly believe that, do you?
Still makes pretty decent videos
>Grade A
Don't watch him
>John Tron
I like him
>Filthy Frank
I like some of his videos but most of them are pretty annoying
Hothead spotted
>How to basic
Don't watch him
>Funhaus and MDE
>Two Best Friends Play, those two guys sitting and Cr1tikal
What's wrong with him?
Their content went downhill very fast at the start of this year
>Bald guy
>John Cena and Pepe
Why are they on here?
Annoying little faggot
Dunkey is okay for a nigger.
He's white but I thought he was black for ages, he has a very nigger sounding voice.
you do realise hes laughing at retards like you right?