Just 5 days for the most hyped movie of the year.
Who is going to watch it? I surely will not!
>tfw this may be the end of the all female Oceans Eleven, the female Back to the Future, and the new black Terminator movies in the future.
Just 5 days for the most hyped movie of the year.
Who is going to watch it? I surely will not!
>tfw this may be the end of the all female Oceans Eleven, the female Back to the Future, and the new black Terminator movies in the future.
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I am going to watch...
..the stocks of Sony Entertainment go down, and the reviews and opinion pools tear it a new one while feminists and SJW's try to desperatly defend it.
It's going to be great drama. Wow. Im going to see it.
lel cinemas going the way of dvd rentals
Nah, sony is just too big to have a down on its stocks because of one movie.
But the Director of that mess may have his career hurt.
The cast on the other hand will probably do some shitty movies for a while until they bicome big again. The black girl is fucked for life tho.
Their dolls are already being sold with a smaller price because nobody is buying them.
Sony is in a fragile state. Their movie studio can't handle failures like this. I believe they also already signed a sequal so thats two failures in a row just from one franchise.
>black terminator
If it's done in the terminator 1 style, that would genuinely be nightmare-inducing
Who thought this was a good idea? Ignoring the forced SJW angle they're clearly trying for
>You hate it because you're sexist
Literally who thought remaking ghost busters would be good
It's the perfect time to cash in on Millenials and gen x'rs that go and see nastalgic shit because OMG muh childhood! Haven't you heard of pokemon go?
>10 minutes of intense shottout between the two Terminator
>the black terminator (Model H01- UP) get the uperhand and, using an AT-4, explode the other more advanced Terminator , sending him throw the window and down the building
>The black Terminator, knowing that is not enough to stop the more advanced terminator, looks at John O'Connor and without changing the tone of its voice says
>I will be black
True that they will loose money on the sequels and spin-offs, but still, its just one movie.
They will loose 150 millions. But them again, one good blockbuster gets close to a billion. They can cover this with other movies I think.
Filthy Frank just found a phedopile with that thing lol.
Fucking savage.
Terminator was originally supposed to be OJ simpson.
>But them again, one good blockbuster gets close to a billion. They can cover this with other movies I think.
>people unironically assume revenue - budget = profit
>cinemas dont get their share
>advertising costs nothing
nowadays you need 1 bil+ MINIMUM to justify a 200 million dollar budget or else you dont even break even cause of all the kikes trying to take away a share of the cake
The cut the cinemas get is minimal compared to the studio.
And the ads are already on the budget.
Those 150 mil are to make the movie, pay cast and crew and make the adversatising.
>Just 5 days for the most hyped movie of the year.
What? since when?
Hollywood accounting. Technically speaking, no Hollywood movie has ever made a profit.
Not even Titanic. Not even Avatar.
Anyone remember Carolco Pictures? No? That's because one movie tanked that studio. Pic related. Ghostbusters could bankrupt Sony.
I remember them because Balde Runner is my favorite movie.
I think they made that Shwaznerger (how the fuck I write his name?) movie where he is some kind of gruesome TV show where ppl fight to the death.
Still, comparing an average studio with Sony, that got a shitload of money from Spider Man alone is kind of retarded.
>all female Oceans Eleven,
Are there even 11 female actresses that we'd want to see do this? And why even? Why not just reboot Oceans Eleven (still a bad idea) with a few female characters?
>female Back to the Future,
Who the fuck comes up with this shit? Are they getting paid to do it? Is Martina McFly going almost get fucked by her horny ass dad? Is female Biff Tanon going to almost rape Martina's dad before somebody saves him?
>he new black Terminator movies in the future.
Terry Crewes could work as a Terminator if he wasn't so funny.
If an actor/actress does two losers in a row, they're considered done in Hollywood.
So they better choose their next roles well.
>Model H01-UP
Huh how you explain nicolas cage then?
I actually love this movie.
Its okay.
Better than the new Ghostbusters will be, thats for sure.
In the end this movie will be a flob in US but may recover the rest of its budget iverseas.
I hope not.
The Running Man. Also Schwartzenigger.
I'm gonna do the best thing you can do for a movie like this. shut the fuck up about it and act like I've never heard of it if anyone asks me about it. Then when it fucking tanks il laugh about it and bring it up on all social media to get people angry
A female Ocean's 11 could be cool if they picked the right cast. But they picked shitty actresses that no one cares about.
This is how it should be cast, prove me wrong.
>76% 6.6/10 rotten tomatoes
>Critics Consensus: Ghostbusters does an impressive job of standing on its own as a freewheeling, marvelously cast supernatural comedy -- even if it can't help but pale somewhat in comparison with the classic original.
It's over boys lesbians won.
>getting paid to write good reviews for shitty movies
Remember, studios will paid critics to write goo reviews. It's the lay of the land
>prove me wrong
It's an all female remake.
Oh my god...this is a real thing. I had no idea about it.
Early screening reviews are always average.
Except in Batman v Superman which wasn't even that fucking bad and reviewers went apeshit
I didn't like Batman v Superman but fuck me if reviewers weren't on some kind of bender for this movie
They have a lot of money tied into Ghostbusters other than just selling movie tickets. T-shirts, toys, games, licensing, could be gonzo if their SJW feminazi strategy doesn't pan out. The movie business is more fragile than what you think. Why do you think they re-hash the same old crap? Because Hollywood is burning and I hope one day to go pee-pee on its ashes.
A BttF reboot won't happen because Zemeckis has said he will block it until he dies
im taking my entire family to watch it to boost the boxoffice so they make more garbage like this
I already rented the whole cinema so i can set it on fire
>Agressive litigation
God bless him.
critics are already panning it as "an unfunny mess"
personally, i'm gonna save $10 and skip this one
Not the ones from Rotten Potatoes.
>all female Oceans Eleven, the female Back to the Future, and the new black Terminator
who says Hymieweird is all out of ideas?
>new black Terminator
>Big black guy who shoots up a police station and kills people to kill a white woman
>The sequel has him being the faux father to a trouble black kid, they would omit the line about him not abusing John Conner or leaving him like previous fathers
>No source
Just admit you're talking out of your ass.