Remember when the left claimed that there was no slippery slope? We're on a slippery slope straight to kiddy fucking.
Slippery slope to pedophilia
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did you even read the actual article you posted? literally the first sentense proves youre wrong
Everything in that article only serves to reinforce the slippery slope.
M8, this is old and the pedo doesn't even act on his urges. There are better examples out there.
They wouldn't be progressives if they ever said you know society is good like this. They have to keep pushing
>I'm attracted to children but unwilling to act on it
>unwilling to act on it
literally the first fucking thing he wrote, i did my part, now do yours and qoute him where he says that pedophilia shouldnt be a crime
Nothing wrong with pedophilla
Pedophilia isn't bad. Little girls are hot, everybody knows it. Sex with little girls is good if it's in a proper relationship. Nothing wrong with a man tickling his young daughter's kitty.
You think he's against pedophilia then?
When will people learn?
You can absolutely commit a crime by thinking bad things or having natural human urges.
If you aren't idea then you should turn yourself in to the authorities.
The sooner our governments learn how to read the minds of our citizens the sooner we can fix humanity. Forcefully.
if hes not doing it and he thinks its wrong to actually do it then he is against it, and again, qoute him where he at least hints at legalization of pedophilia
the thing with these people thou, is that they are great fucking liars. i bet this pedo has 5 terrabites of kiddyporn and vacations in taiwan twice a year.
If this is real, and pedophilia becomes legal, just fucking nuke us, please.
Last I knew the ROC didn't have a big sex tourism problem. I guess things change.
i dunno man your the expert apparently.
I didn't even read the fucking article, I won't look for any quotes just to prove a point.
From what you said I think I sufficiently understand what you're arguing about anyway.
>I'm a pedophile, but I know it's wrong
>let me babysit your kid, I swear I won't fuck him in the ass, even though I'd like to.
id like to kill people i dont like, that doesnt mean im actually going to do it even if i have a knife in my hand and i dont know if you realise, but consequences are still a thing even if you really want to do something (thats why people dont do it)
Reported to the authorties.
I couldn't finish reading the article. This is sick. Completely fucking sick.
What I get from this story is that pedophilia is a contagious disease and must be stopped
Reading takes an attention span and intelligence, Lithuania.
Australians lack this.
>hello FBI?
>someone is saying things I don't like on the Internet
>make them stop
It's not like kids can be persuaded to submit to pedophiles without even realizing wtf happened.
Slippery slope is a logical fallacy.
What crime was committed in that post?
its not like i could hide a body so no one can find it
Would I let you watch someone who you have openly admitted that you have thoughts of murdering?
Exactly. Pleast stfu.
If it makes you feel better, you can call it something else, like cause and effect.
The language they'll use to promote pedophilia will be about "the sexual rights of children". Tons of (((experts))) will claim that "even toddlers can have sexual desires and age of consent laws should be removed so as to not shame children for exploring natural, healthy urges."
If Hillary is elected this will happen, if Trump is elected they'll be too busy protesting deportation of illegals to worry about anything else.
In that case, you have to present evidence of this. Not one anecdotal article from Salon of all places.
>normal people just occasionally want to kill someone they dislike very much
>pedophiles want to fuck every boy in the ass they see out on the street.
Resistance to temptation is inversely proportional to the frequency you face.
The slippery slope is deeper than you think, my friend daughter was found drunk last year, she was only 10 years old.
After investigation it was found that her class friends help a drinking, smoking and sex party at another kid house and it was all filmed.
I never thought that 10 years old would even think about going to a place like this, yet alone getting permission to go, she lied to her parents and when was asked who else was in the so called "child house" she said her class mates and older women and men.
This world is going to hell.
Hurt feelings.
Post more loli, it might drive the beast away!
What sort of shitty parent would give their child an UNLOADED firearm? The gun is fat use if mexican pedophiles burst through that window in a rape-lust.
im not talking about actual threats
ok, what if i was really racist towards everyone except pale blonde thn people? would that be enough temptation?
>pedophiles want to fuck every boy in the ass they see out on the street.
you seem to be very well informed on how pediphiles think, im pretty sure youre a male and if thats correct im even more sure you dont just stick your dick in everything that resembles a vagina
I doubt anyone will present enough evidence here to make the case.
Sup Forums used to agree with that mindset. I guess it's not controversial enough anymore. What's next, people hate loli?
Why not make one your gf then?
You can't? so can't most africans and arabs, isn't that why they take it by force? (sex).
Regarding your last point;
Grown women can't be deceived to 'go play doctors with uncle Petras'
I have means to get sex with consent
Make the case for what?
I might take on this challenge if I know the question being asked in particular.
I'm very learned in how the human brain works.
Make the case that a society can move toward more sexual ambivalence and then tolerance for pedophilia.
i dont know what your point was with the gf thing, but you said that pedophiles cant be anywhere near children because you think they will instantly rape them even if they think its bad and they dont want to do it, so i asked if i should be banished from society if im racist torwards everybody
>Grown women can't be deceived to 'go play doctors with uncle Petras'
grown men can knock them out or spike their drink
Society was sorta like that before.
There were taboos, but those were mostly used just to keep sexual activity behind closed doors and out of the mainstream.
But again, remember that widespread laws against prostitution, pedophilia, and bestiality are VERY new concepts, and align closely with the rise of feminism.
Society could go either way as it stands, but anti-pedophilia will likely get STRONGER as our culture of victimhood and anti-masculinity expands.
At the same time, subtle pedophilic activity will become more common, as the "liberation" of females(little girls in this case) and the converting of boys into girls carries on.
So what you'll end up having is a feminine-dominated pedophilia, whereas male pedophilia will at the same time be nearly a death sentence.
How can Salon be allowed to exist on the internet when it's posting pro-pedophilia articles?
People who would defend this are like the people who would defend GNU creator Richard Stallman, who is not only a pedo but into beastiality and necrophilia.
Not giving Salon any clicks, someone either screencap or post archive
legitimizing self help groups will lead to organized child fuckery. Drugdealers infiltrate Anonymous Narcotics all the time to sell drugs. If there is a desire, there is a way. If you let them organize, they will build each other up. They will fantasize together, share their material and by that point you're in their ring. If you tell someone, everyone will find your child porn. And then they make you participate in childfucking.
Slippery slope is poor logic, and not only that you're using it as a mantra and seeing bogeyman everywhere. The left is just as against pedophilia as the right. I personally don't see the issue with it based on the data and evidence, but it doesn't appear to be a left/right thing at present, more of reason vs. bias.
Banning sexual contact, drugs, and guns, etc, are all bad, it all leads to more negative consequences than intended and worse than the original problem, like the cobra effect. Pedo moral panic is destroying society. Its better to legalize consensual contact between people and freedom of exchange.
>grown men can knock them out or spike their drink
well that's an immediate felony,
My point was slippery slope, which the article illustrates, now it's politically correct to admit to being a pedophile, what will follow is up to your imagination.
Stop trying to stop capitalism and voluntary contracts between people, and the problems go away.
Your dogooder policing actually enhances the bad shit.
You faggots refuse to understand the idiom: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
Interesting perspective on this is that making kiddie fucking normal might actually fix some of the bigger western social problems. We as humans have been in more Chimp like social structures however over the past few decades we've very rapidly transfered over to a more egaitaritan and open Bonobo like society. The bonobos have open sex between all members of the group while chimps have harems. making sex normalized in society for every member may be the only way of having an egalitarian society. Otherwise for social cohesion between males monogamous patriarchal model may be the only functional social model that is sustainable.
Just a thought.
It does feel like there's a general, subtle push now...
Pedo detected
>even toddlers can have sexual desires
They can. Girls, no matter their age, like getting the D.
>age of consent laws should be removed so as to not shame children for exploring natural, healthy urges
No, they should be removed because the State should not control sex and relationships. A girl should be married when her father says it's time and bureaucrats in Tallahassee and Washington can go bugger themselves.
When it's just posing for pictures time of course it won't be loaded.
What? I'm all for capitalism and I watched all of Friedman's videos. But we wouldn't have mass sexual harassment if the refugees didn't have the culture and the desire to do it. They knew it was acceptable to talk about, just as acceptable as sharing torrents and other illegal downloads is here. So they organized it and it got big.
Letting pedophiles organize will lead to a more accessible childporn market. I don't care much about druggies consenting to fuck their lives, but you need to molest a child to be child molester, you need to fuck children in order to create child porn.
Can you provide citations to back up your claims please?
Why the fuck are you up so early senpai
If you think pedophilia is bad if acted on, you should be glad it is becoming politically correct. The sexual act is not becoming politically correct, the self-abnegation of it is becoming popular. I disagree with that self-hatred shit for everyone but that's besides the point. Pedophiles, if they want to follow that path, will now be able to receive therapy and not have to hide everything they are, that will make them less stressed out and less likely to force themselves on people.
Society just saying pedophilia is bad doesn't do anything, it causes more problems.
non-argument detected
its only going to be ok for little boys you know, its all about emasculation
> bugger themselves
Found the Brit using a proxy
Hey, don't try and lump me in with fags. Liking little girls is nothing like being fags. A man with a little girl will eventually be like a normal couple but better because they've been together since she was little but fags will always just be fags.
The argumentation is that children can't consent. That's why we don't have child labor and child fucking.
You nigger would beat your child and say it consented to some casual BDSM, "oh vey, accept the sexual desire of your child to be beaten.". You animal, i'll rip of your skin.
I hope he puts a bullet tbrough his and his friend's skulls. Pedos should be genocided.
I don't care what you went through. If you can't maintain a healthy relationship with an adult then fucking die already.
Replacing the word child, kid, or baby with buzzwords to evoke sympathy. I hope you get beat to death or castrated.
You can see on the black guys face how his instincts are rebelling.
Which is a poor argument. Your example of beating is funny, since kids can apparently consent to discipline but not pleasurable activities. Interesting.
Why are you?
Nope, kids can generally not consent to abuse. I would never beat my child and if I did someone should do something against that. Why don't you ask all the children that got sexually abused how pleasurable these activities were?
The Trauma Myth is a good book, its a psychologist documenting that sexual activity between adults and children doesn't necessarily cause trauma.
As for the moral panic being negative on society, that should be obvious, but take a look at this
Does your child consent to being reprimanded, and following your commands? The child consents to your culture and mores being applied to him/her. Why is it necessarily bad that a child can consent to pleasurable sexual activity? Your definition of abuse is based on faulty ethics. Abuse causes harm. Sexual contact doesn't inherently do so.
You pedos out there need to be shot and killed.
Well if pedo is allowed zoo will be next
>inb4 "animals can't consent reeee"
"I was born without my right hand."
>Lithuanian intellectuals
Say that to my face not online and see what happens. Any internet tough guys near the panhandle want to start some shit come on.
That's something totally different entirely. That's a matter of property rights. Does a man have the right to do what he wants with his own property? As the law stands, apparently not.
Yep, but it isn't a "slippery slope", the same reasoning can't be applied to harming people. The reasoning is that sexuality is not harmful. That is the same reason applied to other sexual areas. Slippery slope is incredibly bad reasoning.
Talk about your overblown bullshit.
Fucking animals is the epitome of moral panic, since there's no actual reason for it being against the law.
>animals can't consent though!
No shit! That's why we make pets and meals out of them. Animals have no rights.
Alfred C. Kinsey, the first sexologist, paved the way for the study of sexual behavior. His three books: The Kinsey Reports (1948), The Sexual Behavior of the Human Male (1948), and The Sexual Behavior of the Human female (1953) were financed and funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The U.S goverment, at the time of the books release, lumped it together with the Communist Manifesto and Mao's Little Red Book. Although Kinsey himself was not a Jew, he was financed by Jews. In fact, it was Jewish pseudo intellectuals who spread his works and made his books mandatory readings across college campuses worldwide. Before his death, Kinsey was trying to get incest, abortion, and pedophilia legalized and viewed all of these practices as normal and healthy.
This man opend up the pandora's box and single handily changed the West forever.
I highly recommend watching a red pilled documentary about the sexual revolution titled: Alfred Kinsey - The Sexual Revolution.
This. Based burger right here.
I can't help but feel sympathy for lil kids with disabilities. Shit hurts my heart. This guy only got one arm, I remember the wheel chair kids and the kids with messed up legs and shit from school. I wish kids didn't have disabilities :(
Rockefellers aren't jews.
Shitting on the Rockefellers while living in the US makes you a complete faggot.
Can't wait desu
Cuckitty cucky cuck. Here's a cuck, guys!
Do you suck Bush dick as well?
Also, abortion is healthy because of one very simple logic: Anyone that would have an abortion has no business parenting children anyway.
Eugenics is a great thing. We humans engineer our lives with technology, but for some reason, planned engineering of the genome is a bad idea.
Bullshit. Most people are genetically inferior and should NOT be having kids.
I still wonder if there is some type of way of curing pedophiles.
Like, say if most pedos are also attracted to adult women.
Then you'd have to find a way to make that attraction stronger than his attraction for children.
Either by learning social skills to connect with adult women, stop masturbation while increase exposure to adult women.
The best solution would probably be around creating sex robots to keep their urges inside their homes until an actual cure is found.
There is no such thing as a "cure" for sexuality. Its like saying their is a cure for thinking or excretion. It's silly.
Standard Oil basically invented high civilization.
The Rockefellers have done more to preserve our history and civility than any other entity, and yet people shit on them constantly because commie fucks hate, HATE, rich and influential people.
I wish there were more pedos like him. We must fucking figure out what makes a pedo, pedo. What is the thick in his head that does that to a human being and then start treating it.
How this got anything with gays I do not know.
What is even the point of such small bikinis? Little girls should wear one pieces or just go nude. I was at the pool the other day and these really young girls had bikinis on and I thought "why even?".
You're assuming the problem is with the man. The problem is with women. If they were as cute and nice and friendly as little girls maybe men wouldn't like little girls better.
I saw the movie starring Qui Gon Jinn
>I still wonder if there is some type of way of curing pedophiles.
Is there any way of curing other mentally ill people? At best, you can only mask it with drugs.
You dont say?
What's the alternative, son?
It's either high society, or monkeyshines.
Which do you prefer?
But you can change the subject of your sexuality.
You never heard that Standard Oil financed the October revolution?
And you've never heard of the Federal Reserve?
Rockefellers are globalist cucks. There's nothing American about them.
you're literally wrong, retard. Just because you're a self indulging hedonist doesn't mean everyone else is.
It's called a phase because people grow out of it after realizing it's fucking retarded. Grow up already.
0/10 don't bother replying, kiddo
I hope you die
What are you trying to mean with this word? I can't figure it.
Sexy children is the number one cause of pedophilia. Maybe you could stop it with childhood obesity or something.
Having good taste is not an illness.
I mean as a way of re-wiring it.
That's definitely possible. It has to be, somehow.
No man. The problem is definitely with the pedo.
You gotta ask yourself for instance, how low your self esteem is enough that you feel confident only with children.
If you have some attraction to women you gotta find a way to raise yourself up to that attraction, unless you want to live marginilized for the rest of your life.
That, or stick with what you're doing until child robots are a thing, and we can emulate human connection between man and robot such that you wouldnt want to go after real children. One or the other
Fellow non-degenerate, did you tip the FBI?
>Rockefeller's aren't Jews
What is a crypto-Jew?
"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working (((against the best intrests)))of the United States, characterizing me my family and me as (((internationalist's))) and with conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure-one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
David Rockefeller's Memoirs, Chapter 27, pg.405
>make a post on /vp/ telling people to check watchdog so they can avoid walking into sex offender areas when they fuck about with Pokemon Go
>get banned for "doxxing"