What is the one true religion?

What is the one true religion?

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>no revisionism
>the qur'an is THE word of god
>kill outsiders, conquer for the name of your religion

every other religion is twisted nonsense, constatntly revised, etc. Christianity isn't even a religion anymore, Judaism is bullshit for le chozen wuns, and I could go further.

I'm not saying Islam is good, but it's the best religion, best system of government as far as religions go.

that being said, atheist master race.

Arian Christianity

Worship of the One True Goddess.

none of the above


>best system of government

So you are in favor of the death penalty for leaving Islam?

>>the qur'an is THE word of god

Just a coincidence that 90% of it is recycled Bible and Torah verses which preceed it by hundreds of years.

Not to mention that depending on what sect of Islam you follow, the largest (Sunni - Wahabbism) is actually inspired mostly by hadiths and non Quranic texts of the like.

Zen Buddhism
>No holy book / ritual teachings
>figure it out on your own
>works for everyone eventually
>requires patience

Eternal recurrence

Taoism is the logical conclusion to philosophy and religion.

Judaism. Both christianity and islam are based on it. They all worship the one true God.

zen buddhism


this one

Kek is number one
Christianity second
Addblock plus third block one block all


>thinks that mary, the Mother of Jesus and miriam, the Sister of Moses is the same person
>true religion
If prophet sandnigger wanted to justify his garbage by rehashing Christianity, he should have at least learned to read.

Do what thou wilt....


I hate the frogs in those threads so much.

All the religions that have the concepts of female and male, solve et coagula, rebirth, circle, truth,honour,bravery,loyalty,love,hierarchy, improvement and NO CONCEPT OF EVIL in them.
Are good religions.

allmost correct!
They just all worship the false god who was a invented by the kikes for their domination plan.


The Egyptian god Thoth was the god of magic - not Kuk.

Please learn some mythology you damned cretins.

TRICK question.

None of them.

Go shitpost somewhere else grown ups are talking.

Yeah, i don't know about "one true" but Zen will help you get out of some sticky situations.

>When you find yourself in some sort of a jam, just go stare at a wall counting breaths for a hour or so

works wonders, lad, not even being ironic here

we are posined with too much hectic, reactive thinking by way of media and intrusive memetics

it coulds judgement and holistic descision making


sounds like a good method, tell me more about it, what are the ideals?

None, they're all made up bullshit. Atheism is the correct philosophical position.

Fug hermeticism we worship the frog God, whose power is clearly manifested through memetics. Our religion is kemeticism.

Atheism is basicly

Nihilism(that means you should kill yourself)

Not Nihilism(that meands you are not able to conclude and are therefor a fedora)

Atheism is what leads to cultural Marxism, we need religion to prevent degeneracy and to control the masses. I myself, whether you believe in a God or not, promoting Christianity is the most logical if you are a white male or Christian raised.

Atheism is literally as far away from actual philosophy as you can get.

Came here to post this.

I agree with that, but once you have spiritual (non.christian)expiriences, you should reject christianity. Because its insane to follow christianity after you know that it is wrong.

>So you are in favor of the death penalty for leaving Islam?
I am, the more dead sand niggers killed by their own is better for me.


The religion of your ancestors. The religion where your creation myth firmly claims your ancestral homelands, where you honor your ancestors that came before you and no one else. The religion that is uniquely yours and can be utilized for nationalism.

IE Jews and Japs got it right.

The most overlooked one.

Just download Phillip Kapleau's book "Three Pillars of Zen" and Roshi Suzuki's "Beginner's Mind" as a companion and you're good to go.

I do not follow Christianity, but I live by many Christian morals and go to Catholic church+holidays, when I was younger I experimented with wiccanism, but Christianity is perfect for controlling sentinel personality people (livestock)

Shinto is pretty great, I agree.

Smoking a fat blunt and popping pills is not spiritual Hans, what is spiritual is MEME MAGIC.

>implying arabs are subhuman

The One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church instituted by Christ which is now fractured, but Apostolic in Rites.

Praise Kek and his many miracles!

There is none. All religions lead to constricted worldviews and serve a ruling class of more setters. They take personal spirituality and try to mass produce it. Adults should let their views change with new information. That's not to say the holy books and traditions of religions are totally valueless. I just would never join one again.

why did you give up wiccanism?
did you meditate?
you must stay strong, as it is the right path.
pic related is my OC.

> Persian
> Arab

oh the edge

Satanism is the only one that makes sense.

>not the orthdox church

Unitarian universalist

Where is your goddess, she is dead. The frog God is alive and well while you follow a bastardized version of a dead goddess. Show me a miracle, convince me that you follow the correct faith.


Get rekt Abraham fags

it's the only redpilled religion created by redpilled people

call me the arab the faggot.

Nature is God's word. Humanity is full of hubris and lies.

This should be on the 'I'm still mad at my parents for getting me circumcised and forcing me to go to church every week as a kid' starter pack.

>man isn't of nature
It's all one and the same, friend. Cast aside distinctions.




good, unless you mean some LaVey(kike) or New age related bullshit.

>Sunni Wahabism
>Largest sect

Why are we all not dead? Wahabism is ISIS we would be fucked if all muzzies adhered to it

The John 3:16 christians. Bible believing Catholics and Christians help people, build hospitals in 3rd world countries, and feed, shelter the homeless. Muslims do not

I just did it cuz I wanted to curse people and altars cost a bit + a lot of spells were just troll and a lot were stupid

talking about predating...
what was the oldest temple found... ah ye a a pagan one!

I have seen miraculous things from the Hebrew God Yahweh and the frog God Kek. Where as your idols are weak or dead, show me a miracle.

The Gods and myths you believe in are just cultural flavour for added fun. The important part of a religion is it's morals and Christianity has the best.

Praise Ahura


>casting spells for the keks
>saying he tried wiccanism

I read like two books and was dedicated for a good two months, so yeah I did try it but what I said was the root cause and that's not a good foundation. I never seeked spirituality

you dont know shit faggot.

oh ok, so you mean you got into it because of hate and not love?
Well that is obviosly not a good foundation. Hate is stronger then love but only temporal. Love is eternal.
Naturereligions are not based on hate though.
Abrahamic leaders make it look like it is though...

ok, good thing you do.
Seriously, I didnt expect the "you are stupid argument" in this thread.

He's a deluded fool, who does magic tricks while intoxicated. That or he's batshit insane.

no faggot, I dont do drugs.

Batshit insane, got it.

The religion i've created.

spirituality can only be 2 things
drugs and insanity
Good thing I am so smart and atheistic


11th Century Crusader Catholicism.
prove me wrong
pro tip: you really can't

I would recommend zyprexa for your psychosis.

Top right.

unironicly uses
as an argument...

Oh fuck the Old Europeans had a frog swastika

I have a theory

It's not that kek was always here, it's that we've awoken him through meme magic

Whatever one is ruling the world right now, so, for the next few years it'll be Christianity, then when Islam outbreeds them it'll be the true religion for about 10 years. Then Buddhism and Hinduism will probably take over.

Roman Catholic.



you just called kikes Arian.

Oh what a surprise, the retard who said that the best religions don't recognize evil is a satanist.

There is no concept of evil in Satanism.
The religion you talk about is called christianity.

>"Nihilism means that you should kill yourself."
Aren't you edgy today?

What did a priest diddle your asshole?

Utilitarianism is the most logical philosophy. Christianity is too deontological to be practical.



Judaism ripped off monotheism from the Zoroastrians..