The Sun used to never set on your empire Brittania

The Sun used to never set on your empire Brittania.

What the fuck happened?

Dear Lord

niggers happened

David Haye is pro-Brexit, so he's Sup Forums approved


They were in for a surprise when he wanted them to pound his femine ladpussay

>female cops
Explain to me the purpose

And it dosent set on the commonwealth

surprised he can get away with saying that.

she looks uncomfortable


>implying the "this one wanted to take us back to her place" story isn't a fake story he just made up to perpetuate the BBC meme
Just look at that woman's face. She is filled with terror. Frightened that the nogs will beat the shit out of her until she's an inch away from death if she doesn't pose for their faggy picture.

Jewish control of the shaming machine—the media—happened.

The sun never set so it's people burned.


The world settled in Britain.

Disgrace of a police officer desu

The Gypsy King would box both those niggers' nappy heads off on the same night

she looks extremely uncomfortable


>What the fuck happened?

Sun set on British empire.

>british "literature"
>not just cuck fantasy

The dog knows.

I bet 20 bong-money that shortly after that picture was taken she was forced to partake in a three way, or be deemed a racist

Thats a genuine expression of nervousness. The eyes give away what you want to conceal.

we should unleash (((feminists))) upon this tweet. there's definitely some sexism going on here

She really does not look happy at all. That is a face of concern

>His country is 13x more black than ours
>American literature
>A thing
t. shitskin country

That's the face of FEAR.

The irony being that Othello thinks he's being cucked.

> American literature isn't a thing

Wew lad


nah, women are hard-wired to mix-n-match genetics and have no biological incentive towards tribal loyalty, unlike men. She frantically wanted to blanda up, perhaps in a feeble attempt to secure mixed offspring for the future of all-brown mongrels.

Hmmmmmm isn't that tweet sexist slutshaming and patriarchal? And look how they grind on her, looks like rape to me.

Apart from Melville American lit is a joke

>American literature
>A thing

on the top of my head
Frederick Douglass
F.Scott Fitzgerald
John Steinbeck
Walt Whitman
William Faulkner
Mark Twain
Edgar Allan Poe
Ernest Hemingway

You know this is set in like Venice or some Mediterranean island right?
This too

exactly my point, can someone link this tweet to some feminist mother of the swarm?

She'll probably never hear the end of it and it will probably seriously hamper her advancement opportunities in the police department.

I wonder how her fiance feels about it.

>no jack london

Are you even american?

You have to go back

Is there anyway to increase the likelihood of having a son?

Having a daughter is my worst nightmare

Hmm its almost like... all the niggers should move out of the us

American literature has been objectively better than Europe's for at least 100 years now.

>I believe everything I read on the internet

This. It sounds like the UK is the perfect fit according to the brown gentleman in OP's post.

I'm currently gassing my self, how could i of forgotten that well endowed god .. sheit

Yeah, it's an excellent meme and trollin opportunity. Go for it burgers and britfags. I would love to see feminists try to explain this.
And you can counter with 'what if it was white men and a black woman'.

Say that in Aleppo once, Where a malignant and a turbaned Turk, Beat a Venetian and traduced the state, I took by the throat the circumcised dog And smote him — thus! - Shakespeare, Othello, Act V, Scene II

The parasitical kikes have moved to a better host and the UK corpse has collapsed into dust.

Yeah, that smile looks reeeeaaaal sincere. She totally wants to fuck those two.

its the BBC, we can't compete

>that facial expression

Surprised nobodies posted that webm of the female cop yet


Jesus Christ you could fit an entire watermelon in that fucking mouth.

It's a BDSM thing. We started selling sexy police costumes for raunchy bedroom fun, but then some of the less intelligent women started thinking they actually were police officers. You can tell they're not real police officers because they have those stupid little bonnets instead of proper police helmets like pic related.

She probably took those two bbc men back home and then had them split her white pussy open with their massive bbcs, and when the bbcs were ready to jizz, she had them both cum back to back in her white pussy in hope that she gets pregnant so she could walk around outside with her half breed son to trigger whites males.

Another cuck/nigger empowerment fantasy. She probably never said that.

t. Jelly white bois

I'm so glad I was born with mongol eyes like the pic related guy has and a Shaun King nose. Now every time I go to places like the US I can act like a victim of racism and persecution.

Britbong """"""""Men""""""""